CDZ Gun Control vs. Mental Health Care

You can't ever trust Liberals to do the right thing and mental health and gun control is not an exception.

Those idiots in New York passed that filthy SAFE Act, which had mental health provisions.

A few months ago a guy who has no record of violence suffers from insomnia and goes and sees his doctor. The doctor prescribes sleeping pills but under the SAFE Act he reports it to the state.

Then the police comes and confiscates the guy's firearms.

Then of course you have the Obama administration claiming that veterans are potential terrorists and veterans having their firearms confiscated after seeking treatment. Like I said, you can't trust Liberals to ever do anything reasonable.

January 2, 2015
Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

Read more: Blog Guns Confiscated after Man Seeks Insomnia Treatment

Yes... you're correct.

Because the Left rejects the objectivity that makes the service of Justice possible.

ANY LAW which can on ANY LEVEL... be used to confiscate guns from law abiding and otherwise sound individuals WILL BE USED TO CONFISCATE GUNS FROM SANE PEOPLE... because thats what INSANITY DOES!
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?

Regardless of whether or not we have better mental health care or not, I just wish the media and the government would stop blaming these tragedies that happen because of the mentally ill on guns!

There are some indications that this last incident might have occurred because Dylann Roof acquired powerful psychotropic drugs on the black market. That was the cause. However, it is a better story for the media, the government, and the political elites to sell the gun story or the race story.

When has anyone blamed tragedies on an inanimate object?
Skip to minute three.

He blames it on the gun, not the drugs. Clearly, it was the drugs, not the gun. If he didn't have a gun, judging from his state of mind, he would have run the object of his hatred down with his car.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
I've said the same thing for years. It's difficult to get people to understand that it's not guns, it's the crazy people that use guns. A gun is not going to kill anyone all by itself. A loaded gun can stand in the corner of a room for years and never harm a living soul. It's only when a crazy person picks it up, aims, and shoots someone, that it becomes a deadly weapon. I have guns, and have had guns since I was a very young boy. My guns have never harmed a soul.

And what is Crazier than the product of the Ideological Left?
They reject God, the origins of rights and the responsibilities that sustain those rights.

All of which was demonstrated in the murder of 9 people ho were in their house of God, worshipping and fellowshipping with each other and God.

The origin of "THE PROBLEM", doesn't GET more obvious than THAT!
The problem is obvious. The problem is "PEOPLE", and NOT "GUNS".
I'd also add the word , DEFECTIVE to your post #24 if you don't mind Sonny !!
Everyone knows it's the people not the gun, so what is the issue here??

Why do people go on these "anti-gun" or "gun control" rants?
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
We need both

We can't lock every person with mental problems in an institution
We can keep them away from guns
This gun control issue is a sticky one for. me as it causes many to carry them to protect their families.
the solution would be to face the fact if parents raised their kids properly, there would be no need for kids to take drugs.
Everyone knows it's the people not the gun, so what is the issue here??

Why do people go on these "anti-gun" or "gun control" rants?

Lack of imagination. Not unlike banning the Confederate flag (if that's happening). It treats the symptom, ignores the underlying disease.

Bob Costas had it right.
You know how hard it is to get people committed or help? And even if you do, they can talk their way out of a facility, they are only there short term.

The same is true if someone is threatening your life. They have to actually try to take your life before the police can do anything, and then, many times it's too late.

We are so worried about individual rights, people are dying because of it....

I've said the same thing for years. It's difficult to get people to understand that it's not guns, it's the crazy people that use guns
We need nutbag control. Mental health is surely part of that.
Cultural change is a bigger part.

Thank the ACLU for that. Mental institutions = bad. Mentally ill individuals? Just "misunderstood" people who should be left alone to do as they please.
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
We need both

We can't lock every person with mental problems in an institution
We can keep them away from guns
How would you keep guns out of their hands? Do you know of some magic that would keep guns out of people's hands? If so, please tell all of us the secret. Thanks.
You know how hard it is to get people committed or help? And even if you do, they can talk their way out of a facility, they are only there short term.

The same is true if someone is threatening your life. They have to actually try to take your life before the police can do anything, and then, many times it's too late.

We are so worried about individual rights, people are dying because of it....

I've said the same thing for years. It's difficult to get people to understand that it's not guns, it's the crazy people that use guns
We need nutbag control. Mental health is surely part of that.
Cultural change is a bigger part.
People are NOT dying because of protecting rights, that's pathetic and silly. People are dying because we have crazy people living amongst us. We have people that believe they have nothing to lose by killing others. We have the depressed, the drug users, the lonely, the ones going through family issues, gang members, cults, those that have no hope for the future, and those that carry hatred in their hearts 24/7.

We're NOT mind readers. We never know when someone may go postal and take out a dozen innocent lives. We don't have the technology to know what people are thinking and feeling. We can NOT blame guns for mental disorders, depression, lost hope, excessive drug use, domestic issues that result in murder or violence, gangs, cults, and other anti-social and uncivil behavior and acts. Taking away guns will NOT solve the problem.

The only problem I have with your post is your statement that "we have crazy people living among us". Change the word "crazy" with "monsters" and I will be in complete agreement.
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
We need both

We can't lock every person with mental problems in an institution
We can keep them away from guns
How would you keep guns out of their hands? Do you know of some magic that would keep guns out of people's hands? If so, please tell all of us the secret. Thanks.

We have in this country laws (not unlike the immigration laws) that are designed to disallow the monsters access to guns. Apparently, just like the Immigration laws, they don't seem to work.

I suppose, that just like the immigration laws that we refuse to enforce, the left uses the excuse that "gun laws are broken" and we need drastic "action" to stop this.

Notice any correlation here?
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
We need both

We can't lock every person with mental problems in an institution
We can keep them away from guns
How would you keep guns out of their hands? Do you know of some magic that would keep guns out of people's hands? If so, please tell all of us the secret. Thanks.

We have in this country laws (not unlike the immigration laws) that are designed to disallow the monsters access to guns. Apparently, just like the Immigration laws, they don't seem to work.

I suppose, that just like the immigration laws that we refuse to enforce, the left uses the excuse that "gun laws are broken" and we need drastic "action" to stop this.

Notice any correlation here?
We can't stop anything, period. We can't stop illegal drugs, gangs, terrorists, illegal immigrants, guns, prostitution, illegal gambling, moonshine, etc. etc. etc. etc.. We just make laws to pacify the masses when the noise gets loud enough. In other words, grease the wheel that squeaks the loudest, and at the right time. It's all about votes, special interests, favoritism, and in some cases, greed. The government does what it thinks is best in order to keep people from rioting and conducting violence in the streets. They just want to make it appear that they have everyone's best interest at heart. It's all for show.
This gun control issue is a sticky one for. me as it causes many to carry them to protect their families.
the solution would be to face the fact if parents raised their kids properly, there would be no need for kids to take drugs.
Raising him properly like buying him a .44 cal revolver for his birthday

Now son, don't want ta see you shoot'n any negroes
This gun control issue is a sticky one for. me as it causes many to carry them to protect their families.
the solution would be to face the fact if parents raised their kids properly, there would be no need for kids to take drugs.
Raising him properly like buying him a .44 cal revolver for his birthday

Now son, don't want ta see you shoot'n any negroes

The mass-murderin' 'kid' was 21 years old.

When I was 17, I was given an M-16... that's a fully automatic rifle and all the Ammo I could shoot.

When I was 18 I was given an M-16 which also had a 40mm grenade launcher and a M1911 .45ACP.

What's more I was exquisitely trained in the effective use of these firearms... instructed and trained to kill a human being with iron sites at 500 yards.

Everyone I knew had the same rifles, the same training and without exception, not one of us has murdered anyone.

But, then again we were also trained in the origins of human rights, the purpose of human rights and the responsibilities that sustain those rights.

And without exception... each and everyone of the idiots that inevitably come to murder innocent people, are those who were raised up and trained on the unprincipled tenets of Left-think... rejecting God, Rejecting Responsibility and demanding "Rights" without regard to any sense of responsibility.

Now, go figure...
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You know how hard it is to get people committed or help? And even if you do, they can talk their way out of a facility, they are only there short term.

The same is true if someone is threatening your life. They have to actually try to take your life before the police can do anything, and then, many times it's too late.

We are so worried about individual rights, people are dying because of it....

I've said the same thing for years. It's difficult to get people to understand that it's not guns, it's the crazy people that use guns
We need nutbag control. Mental health is surely part of that.
Cultural change is a bigger part.
People are NOT dying because of protecting rights, that's pathetic and silly. People are dying because we have crazy people living amongst us. We have people that believe they have nothing to lose by killing others. We have the depressed, the drug users, the lonely, the ones going through family issues, gang members, cults, those that have no hope for the future, and those that carry hatred in their hearts 24/7.

We're NOT mind readers. We never know when someone may go postal and take out a dozen innocent lives. We don't have the technology to know what people are thinking and feeling. We can NOT blame guns for mental disorders, depression, lost hope, excessive drug use, domestic issues that result in murder or violence, gangs, cults, and other anti-social and uncivil behavior and acts. Taking away guns will NOT solve the problem.

True, that's not even realistic. If God Herself came down ten minutes from now and declared "that's it, no more guns can be made, ever", we'd still have more than enough for every man, woman and child, literally. You can't control that.

Throwing legislation at this is just political posturing worded to look like "we're doing something". It's not. The issue is not legislative; it's cultural. What we need is value shift. Away from the mindless worship of death machines.
Speaking of death machines, I'm guessing you would also like to see all motor vehicles banned and never again produced.
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?

Regardless of whether or not we have better mental health care or not, I just wish the media and the government would stop blaming these tragedies that happen because of the mentally ill on guns!

There are some indications that this last incident might have occurred because Dylann Roof acquired powerful psychotropic drugs on the black market. That was the cause. However, it is a better story for the media, the government, and the political elites to sell the gun story or the race story.

When has anyone blamed tragedies on an inanimate object?
Skip to minute three.

He blames it on the gun, not the drugs. Clearly, it was the drugs, not the gun. If he didn't have a gun, judging from his state of mind, he would have run the object of his hatred down with his car.

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Take it from the source, Obozo is as competent to understand what's going on in this situation as he has been on so many other issues he's weighed in on. Just as competent as he is to hold the job he's got.
We don't need gun control in the US.

We need better mental health care.

Agree or not?
We need both

We can't lock every person with mental problems in an institution
We can keep them away from guns
How would you keep guns out of their hands? Do you know of some magic that would keep guns out of people's hands? If so, please tell all of us the secret. Thanks.
He's often enough revealed his idea to keep guns out of people's hands; if you confiscate all firearms, no one will have them. Problem solved. Of course, those inclined to kill their fellow man will still contrive a way to do so. RW has never really grasped the concept that an inanimate object requires an operator to make them evil.

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