Gun Control - What's the Problem?

Addiction is the result of long term repeated use so yes he chose to smoke even though he knew a drug test could end his employment

And I've known people who have smoked pot for 20 years and have never once said that they were addicted to weed

All drug use is a choice

And if he really wanted to quit he could have

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Who doesn't want to keep their job and record clean? I would think anybody if they could. Hell, you can't even collect unemployment if you lose your job over dope.

Of course nobody will admit they are addicted to pot. Trust me, I smoked pot and so did most of my friends growing up and into early adulthood.

I remember many years ago there was a huge pot bust somewhere, and that left a lot of places dry. That one friend of mine I mentioned was going nuts. He was calling kids from school he hadn't talked to in 15 years. He was getting phone numbers of strangers he never met just to see if anybody had a joint or two for sale. He was shaking like a guy that went cold turkey on heroin.

Opioid products stay in your system for months unlike opioid drugs. When we get into income discussions, I bring up the fact that most anybody can get a better job than minimum wage, but they can't pass the drug test that better jobs require, so they opt to live paycheck to paycheck making crap money doing crap work.

I had a couple I was renting an apartment to a few years back. She and her boyfriend lived here for seven years. Both worked fast food places because they wouldn't or couldn't give up the pot. Yes, they made rent albeit late most times, but they always paid. They had one car between them, and the thing was fifteen years old and beat to all hell. They had to buy used tires every two weeks just to keep it on the road.
Yes they opt to

In other words they choose to

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.
Addiction is the result of long term repeated use so yes he chose to smoke even though he knew a drug test could end his employment

And I've known people who have smoked pot for 20 years and have never once said that they were addicted to weed

All drug use is a choice

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Initially, drug use is a choice, but if you think it is a matter of will power for those with an addiction, you seriously misunderstand the topic.

It takes commitment to become addicted so yes addiction is a choice

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You are misinformed. Look at what the experts say about it. Go see what Bush said about addiction. He is a recovering alcoholic. You are acting like addicts have a choice, once the addiction is formed. You are acting like resistance to that addiction is solely a matter of will power. That is FALSE.

They have the choice to get addicted or not

Addiction takes repeated use over a long period of time

Do you have any idea how much you have to drink over the course of a year or longer to become addicted to alcohol?

It takes commitment

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That is irrelevant and not true.

Either way, once addicted, it is NOT a choice.

Cut the bullshit.

How Long Does It Take for an Addiction to Develop?.

Getting to the point of an addiction is a choice and that's what I have been saying all along.

The idea that a person can become addicted to anything in one day is ludicrous as it takes a long time to become physically dependent.
Who doesn't want to keep their job and record clean? I would think anybody if they could. Hell, you can't even collect unemployment if you lose your job over dope.

Of course nobody will admit they are addicted to pot. Trust me, I smoked pot and so did most of my friends growing up and into early adulthood.

I remember many years ago there was a huge pot bust somewhere, and that left a lot of places dry. That one friend of mine I mentioned was going nuts. He was calling kids from school he hadn't talked to in 15 years. He was getting phone numbers of strangers he never met just to see if anybody had a joint or two for sale. He was shaking like a guy that went cold turkey on heroin.

Opioid products stay in your system for months unlike opioid drugs. When we get into income discussions, I bring up the fact that most anybody can get a better job than minimum wage, but they can't pass the drug test that better jobs require, so they opt to live paycheck to paycheck making crap money doing crap work.

I had a couple I was renting an apartment to a few years back. She and her boyfriend lived here for seven years. Both worked fast food places because they wouldn't or couldn't give up the pot. Yes, they made rent albeit late most times, but they always paid. They had one car between them, and the thing was fifteen years old and beat to all hell. They had to buy used tires every two weeks just to keep it on the road.
Yes they opt to

In other words they choose to

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

So your stance is that it's wrong if somebody comes to work totally straight, but uses drugs on weekends or after hours. But it's okay to come to work straight, as long as you don't use while not on duty.

To me, I don't see the difference really, just as long as you are not intoxicated while on the job.
In states where pot is legal, they still have a problem with illegal pot. The sellers simply undercut the prices of the state. Pot usage is not down in those states either, it's up particularly among high school kids. Plus the police have a bigger problem with OVI.

However pot is different in that addiction is a fraction of opioid products. We don't need kids getting this stuff and being hooked until they kill themselves.

If you want to diminish drug use, you have to reduce the profits so there are fewer people selling it. And that means legalization, so you can under cut the black market prices.

That would never happen because no state will go that route unless they get a huge cut like in pot states. You are not going to diminish drug usage by making it legal. You will only increase the usage.

States that legalize, like CO, get huge profits from sales tax.
You are going to decrease usage when you make it legal, because then there no longer will be any anger or rebellion motivation. Government will gain back some credibility. People extremely resent drug prohibitions.

People don't use drugs out of anger or rebellion. They use drugs because they got hooked after taking prescription drugs, peer pressure where they didn't think much of it at the time, or recreational use to feel good, but not anger or rebellion.

Drugs have been around my entire life, and in fact, they considered my generation as the drug generation. Yet in spite of the laws that are no different today than back then, we have a huge problem with OD deaths and addiction. It's the ready availableness of the drugs that is the problem. You can't get hooked on something you have no access to.

Sure they do.
The government, your job, the news, etc., get you all upset, so you want pot to help you forget.
One does not smoke pot to get anger or rebellion, but to forget about anger, rebellion, frustration, etc.
But other drugs are entirely different, and far more dangerous.

You will stand an easier time getting people off of drugs than you will getting people to never have anger. But the anger you specified is that people can't get the drugs legally, and again, that's not why people use drugs. You don't use something because you are mad and angry that you can't legally use it.
Something like 3% of the population own HALF the fucking guns in the country.

And to keep those gun nuts happy we have to live with mass shootings every week or two?
That is totally inaccurate.

Just 3 percent of American adults own half of the nation's firearms, according to the results of a Harvard-Northeastern survey of 4,000 gun owners.

must be hard work being this gullible.

The Washington Post was bought by the Moonies a decade ago, and it no source of anything.
You should know it is nearly impossible to get gun stats.
Foolish post.
You're as wrong about that as everything else.

The Moonies own the right wing Washington Times...not the Post stupid
Gun culture in this country has gotten pretty far out there... its got me shaking my head and i'm a gun owner,. #embarrassing

1min 40sec
Guns for sale - inside an American gun show - BBC News
You're not a damn gun owner and you know it.
I got 6 riffles in one closet and 5 handguns in the other. Why does that matter at all? Address the subject and stop with the personal insults that are based on stuff you know nothing about
damn - you savage. you got more than i do.
10000 people own 17 guns or more. Everybody else has 1 or 2. That's all the study suggests, but that is total bullshit. There are way more than 250 million guns.

Wrong again. "Everybody"...actually ends up being only 22% of the population who own ANY guns
Gun culture in this country has gotten pretty far out there... its got me shaking my head and i'm a gun owner,. #embarrassing

1min 40sec
Guns for sale - inside an American gun show - BBC News
You're not a damn gun owner and you know it.
I got 6 riffles in one closet and 5 handguns in the other. Why does that matter at all? Address the subject and stop with the personal insults that are based on stuff you know nothing about
"The new measures would include tighter background checks, and tackling a current loophole which allows firearms to bought without checks at gun shows."

this is 100% intentional distortion of the truth and people who write it are either lying or not doing their homework and suck as a journalist. at least back when journalism had some pride and ethics.

it has nothing to do with buying them at a gunshow. any FFL dealer at a gun show can and will and must do a background check. if you show up and are NOT a dealer you can sell a gun w/o it but you can sell that gun w/o it anywhere. it's purpose was to allow people to do a likely 1 time sale of a firearm they inherited, decide they don't want, or simply want to sell it to family / friends they already know. i've never been to a gun show where i saw someone outside hawking guns w/o doing checks and again, every FFL dealer MUST do it by law.

so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

i invite those people to go try it sometime. go to anyone in a booth and buy a gun and tell them you don't want to do a check. you won't get the gun.
Gun culture in this country has gotten pretty far out there... its got me shaking my head and i'm a gun owner,. #embarrassing

1min 40sec
Guns for sale - inside an American gun show - BBC News
You're not a damn gun owner and you know it.
I got 6 riffles in one closet and 5 handguns in the other. Why does that matter at all? Address the subject and stop with the personal insults that are based on stuff you know nothing about
damn - you savage. you got more than i do.
He is one if the "3%" of Americans owning 1/2 the guns.

10000 people own 17 guns or more. Everybody else has 1 or 2. That's all the study suggests, but that is total bullshit. There are way more than 250 million guns.

Wrong again. "Everybody"...actually ends up being only 22% of the population who own ANY guns
That is disturbing. Way too low.

Everyone needs a gun to be readily available so, when they make the right choice and decide to off themselves, they are successful.

The world population is out of control, which is causing climate change, and we need volunteers to be ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

so while yes it's a "true" statement it's presented in a manner to make people think you can buy guns galore at a show and never have a check run on you.

It is a TRUE statement. Many gun show sales are done without background checks. Full stop.

Also...400,000 gun are stolen every year and 80% of guns used in crimes are either stolen (because there are so many unsecured in our society) or purchased through straw purchases or without background checks
Ya, they don't seem to have ANY hillbillies, despite all the hills. What should we be doing? :biggrin:
Yes they opt to

In other words they choose to

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Nobody chooses dope over a job and career unless they can't stop using the stuff. That is unless you want to say they chose dope because they couldn't quit.

And that is the way it should be. The last thing I want to see is a druggie wheeling around in an 80,000 lb 70 foot death machine.

Yes and no. I mean........I certainly don't want to drive around anybody who is intoxicated, especially in an 18 wheeler. However there is a distinct difference between being intoxicated and having residual drugs or alcohol in your system from what you were doing in your off duty hours.

A friend of mine works for ConWay express which was recently sold to another company. He told me that every driver gets pulled for a drug test after vacation. Why? Because vacation is when people let loose a bit, and residual THC can stay in your system from three to four weeks.

So they were not testing to see if you came back loaded, they tested to see what you did while on vacation, and to me, that's an invasion of privacy.

You want the job, stay clean. If you are using during your vacation then chances are you are also using when you aren't on vacation. Don't lie about it. It means a lot of lives are on the line for certain jobs. It's like when I was an Aircraft Specialist. Do you really want to fly on an Aircraft that a druggie worked on? Or when I worked High Scale. Certain jobs MUST be completely clean for the safety of everyone. I don't find ConWays drug policy wrong at all. If you do then maybe you should go work at something less dangerous.

So your stance is that it's wrong if somebody comes to work totally straight, but uses drugs on weekends or after hours. But it's okay to come to work straight, as long as you don't use while not on duty.

To me, I don't see the difference really, just as long as you are not intoxicated while on the job.

I didn't say even close to what you "Think" is said. Once again, you are telling me what I think. If you have a dangerous job you shouldn't be using drugs at all. And your drinking should be held to an extreme minimum. I don't know about you but when I was a driver, I was on call most of the time. Not on call officially but I was available on call when needed. When I did High Scale, ANY amount of booze or drugs even a day or two was probably dangerous. Yah, I know, High Scalers don't pay much attention to that but they should for booze. But when you are operating without a "Net" 400 to 1000 feet in the air in high winds anything can happen. The Company had a zero tolerance. Even so, I would have never taken the chance. The money was just too damned good. You made the money and then got the hell away from it as soon as you could.
Ya, they don't seem to have ANY hillbillies, despite all the hills. What should we be doing? :biggrin:
Buy more guns and ammo...

The problem with your Meme is it's a lie. And riding your bike wearing your FLN will get you landed in a jail cell. MOST Swiss have passed on taking their guns when they leave the military even though most have that right. And once you pass on it, it's a real bear to get the right back again. And a Swiss NEVER EVER take shis weapon out into public just to show it off.
10000 people own 17 guns or more. Everybody else has 1 or 2. That's all the study suggests, but that is total bullshit. There are way more than 250 million guns.

Wrong again. "Everybody"...actually ends up being only 22% of the population who own ANY guns
That is disturbing. Way too low.

Everyone needs a gun to be readily available so, when they make the right choice and decide to off themselves, they are successful.

The world population is out of control, which is causing climate change, and we need volunteers to be ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

I bet you're a fucking prepper doucher. amirite or AMIRITE?? :biggrin:

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