Gun control works in Britain? Gun Crime up....

Just to put this into some sort of perspective. In 2020, there were 8029 murders using handguns in the USA, over the same period in the UK there were 14 (including suicides). Tell me again, that gun control isn't working.

At the same time....

330 million Americans who are in a country that shares a border with the narco state of Mexico....

600 million guns in the U.S...

Over 21.5 million Americans can carry guns in public for self defense...that would be hand guns...

Over 21.5 million people....Do you understand how big that number is....

70-80% of the murder victims were criminals...not normal people.....of the rest, the majority are the friends, family and associates of the criminals shot by mistake.....or with the criminal......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings, mass public shootings.......according to the Centers for Disease Control...1.5 million times a year according to the Dept. of Justice, or 1.67 million times a year according to the Firearms survey of 2021......

And since you are here...please answer the following questions...

A woman is grabbed by a violent serial rapist at a bus stop, a train platform or in her apartment...he plans on beating, raping and murdering her. She has a gun, and can stop the rape with the gun......

Do you want her to use that gun to stop the rape?

A woman stops an attack with a gun, a brutal rape, torture and a public space....if you had the ability to go back in time, and prevent her from having that gun...would you?

The British government will not allow a woman to own and carry a gun to prevent being gang raped in a London park.....saying she does not have "good reason," to own the gun.

A member of the House of Lords wants to quail hunt with his rich friends on his private country estate, and the British government gives him the gun....because he has "good reason."

Does this make sense to you?
Just to put this into some sort of perspective. In 2020, there were 8029 murders using handguns in the USA, over the same period in the UK there were 14 (including suicides). Tell me again, that gun control isn't working.

Your criminals, at this point in not shoot each other with the illegal guns they already have.......that is changing. Your drug gangs are now dominated by foreigners...who do not care for British law or customs, and who do not fear British police....

The British police have stated they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal their not shooting each other has nothing to do with your gun control laws......they have guns, they shoot to wound, not to kill.....that too is changing...

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.

“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.

Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.



Powerful automatic guns are being smuggled into Britain for use by organised crime gangs.
The National Crime Agency and police seized weapons in raids on the homes of previously untouchable “Mr Big”s after receiving intelligence from European detectives who broke an encrypted phone network used by drug dealers and gun traffickers.
Gangs bring rapid‑fire guns to Britain’s streets

Matt Perfect, the crime agency’s firearms threat lead, said that new Skorpion and G9A automatic pistols, which fire at a speed comparable to an AK47 assault rifle, were found.


cotland Yard today said police are seizing more deadly automatic weapons from criminals in London as detectives revealed that an innocent bystander was gunned down with a suspected Skorpion sub-machine gun last month .
Rise in sub-machine guns on London streets
Revealed - The deadly cache of guns taken off West Midlands streets
A former undercover cop who snared members of the Burger Bar Boys has warned violent gangs are in an “arms race” to control the West Midlands’ illegal drugs trade.
Neil Woods, now a campaigner to legalise recreational drugs for rehabilitation benefits, said criminals are willing to use “extreme violence” to gain an upper hand on their competitors.
That includes “importing” illegal firearms from places like the “Balkans” region of south eastern Europe onto the streets of the West Midlands, ready for combat.
UK Gangs In "Arms Race" Despite Gun Control Laws

Illegal weapons in the city have been increasing over the last few years, figures show.
Diana Fawcett, the charity's chief executive, told Sky News: "At a time when the number of homicides has been falling, deaths related to gun crime are showing significant increases which is incredibly concerning.More than 600 children in the UK were arrested for suspected firearm offences last year amid the coronavirus pandemic, new figures reveal.
A Sky News investigation has found children as young as 11 were among more than 2,000 youths detained for alleged crimes involving guns, imitation firearms and air weapons between 2018 and January 2021.
Simeon Moore, who carried a gun aged 15 when he was a member of a notorious Birmingham gang, said young people arming themselves often believe they are doing "the right thing".
"From knives, we started to carry guns. For me, at the time it was a means of protection.
"I was walking around and at any point I could get beat up, stabbed or have my head blown off.
Just to put this into some sort of perspective. In 2020, there were 8029 murders using handguns in the USA, over the same period in the UK there were 14 (including suicides). Tell me again, that gun control isn't working.
This is where I ask you to demonstrate the necessary relationship between the gun laws in the UK and the lower rate of gun-related violence in the UK -- and you then run away.
Just to put this into some sort of perspective. In 2020, there were 8029 murders using handguns in the USA, over the same period in the UK there were 14 (including suicides). Tell me again, that gun control isn't working.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 before all your beloved draconian gun laws were passed if they worked then the murder rate should be lower than it was before all those laws were passed.

The murder rate in the US is the same as it was in 1950 despite the fact that there are more guns owned by more citizens.

If guns caused murder then the murder rate should have gone up proportionally to the number of guns in circulation.

So it's pretty obvious that gun laws have no real impact on the murder rates.
The murder rate in the UK is the same as it was in 1950 before all your beloved draconian gun laws were passed if they worked then the murder rate should be lower than it was before all those laws were passed.
The murder rate in the US is the same as it was in 1950 despite the fact that there are more guns owned by more citizens.
If guns caused murder then the murder rate should have gone up proportionally to the number of guns in circulation.
So it's pretty obvious that gun laws have no real impact on the murder rates.
This is why he runs away every time I challenge him to demonstrate the necessary relationship he claims.
Yeah millions of people use guns hundreds of millions times a year and less than 500 die from accidental shootings and a minuscule fraction of people use guns to kill anyone.

But you're so afraid of getting killed by a person with a gun that you want to control everyone else.

You have a .0041% chance of being murdered by a person using a gun.

Stop living in fear.
We here owned and own more firearms in one caliber then you own totally now. So your little comment was hilarious about owning four firearms. We have and had a concealed weapons permit for decades. We’ve worked in several occupations where carrying a weapon was mandatory. It was my job. You don’t know Jack shit, along with many in the scared shitless gunaholic crowd. You make up factless sht as you go along.
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The causes of violent crimes are far more complex and subject to many more variables than just gun laws
It includes gun laws. The strict regulation of auto weapons for decades vs the number of them actually used in shootings is irrefutable that regulation works. States with stronger gun laws have on average, fewer gun crimes
Guns aren't as dangerous as you think.

Stop living in fear
That’s ridiculous. You don’t know what anyone else thinks. . The discharge of a firearm can kill someone well beyond the intended range, well out to hundreds of yards. There are very few ”tools” capable of this range. When they are, like explosives, they are highly regulated. Thinking that firearms aren’t that dangerous and in need regulation is ridiculously naive.
We here owned and own more firearms in one caliber then you own totally now. So your little comment was hilarious about owning four firearms. We have and had a concealed weapons permit for decades. We’ve worked in several occupations where carrying a weapon was mandatory. It was my job. You don’t know Jack shit, along with many in the scared shitless gunaholic crowd. You make up factless sht as you go along.
Yeah says the guy who lives in terror of guns
That’s ridiculous. You don’t know what anyone else thinks. . The discharge of a firearm can kill someone well beyond the intended range, well out to hundreds of yards. There are very few ”tools” capable of this range. When they are, like explosives, they are highly regulated. Thinking that firearms aren’t that dangerous and in need regulation is ridiculously naive.
So what?

Lots of things can kill people and lots of things kill more people than guns do.

Stop living in fear
Yeah says the guy who lives in terror of guns
Says the guy who thinks owning a couple of guns makes him an expert. Geesus, you post like you never read a firearm owners manual. Geesus, maybe you haven’t.
It includes gun laws. The strict regulation of auto weapons for decades vs the number of them actually used in shootings is irrefutable that regulation works. States with stronger gun laws have on average, fewer gun crimes
So what?

I'm not responsible for people who commit crimes.

We need to enforce the gun laws we already have on the books
Says the guy who thinks owning a couple of guns makes him an expert. Geesus, you post like you never read a firearm owners manual. Geesus, maybe you haven’t.
I never said I was an expert.

I'm just not afraid of people who own a gun like you are
I never said I was an expert.

I'm just not afraid of people who own a gun like you are
Some working knowledge would be useful. Seriously, maybe a “ another” stint in the military would help. Aamof, everyone should be required to serve. Maybe what the TI had to say about firearms at the range didn’t take. No one regulates firearm use more then the military and supplies a good dose of respect and regulation for their use. . You obviously forgot, if you ever did.
Some working knowledge would be useful. Seriously, maybe a “ another” stint in the military would help. Aamof, everyone should be required to serve. Maybe what the TI had to say about firearms at the range didn’t take. No one regulates firearm use more then the military and supplies a good dose of respect and regulation for their use. . You obviously forgot, if you ever did.

I've been shooting for 40 years and don;t need an internet moron like you to tell me anything about gun safety.

You're the one all scared shitless that some people own guns
The causes of violent crimes are far more complex and subject to many more variables than just gun laws

The first major cause is fatherless homes...this creates crime and poverty, which simply increase crime and poverty...
I'm just not afraid of people who own a gun like you are
wow, that’s a broad swath. That includes criminals, children and underaged

I've been shooting for 40 years and don;t need an internet moron like you to tell me anything about gun safety.

You're the one all scared shitless that some people own guns
Wow, just the act of shooting makes you nothing. No more then playing golf for 40 years makes you an expert or even that knowledgeable in playing golf. Some of the most misinformed people in the world of golf, and shooting, have been doing it wrong for 40 years.

Just by you using that as an explanation of firearm knowledge indicates to everyone you know little about firsarms in general. Working at a job for decades that required firearm training and certification might mean something. Shooting your mouth off for 40 years doesn’t cut it.
wow, that’s a broad swath. That includes criminals, children and underaged

Wow, just the act of shooting makes you nothing. No more then playing golf for 40 years makes you an expert or even that knowledgeable in playing golf. Some of the most misinformed people in the world of golf, and shooting, have been doing it wrong for 40 years.

Just by you using that as an explanation of firearm knowledge indicates to everyone you know little about firsarms in general. Working at a job for decades that required firearm training and certification might mean something. Shooting your mouth off for 40 years doesn’t cut it.
Gun safety isn't complicated unless you're a fucking moron.

And the FACT that there are less than 500 accidental gun deaths annually despite hundreds of millions of instances of of gun use annually proves that gun owners are practicing gun safety at a high level.

In fact if any other activity had that kind of safety record it would be considered one of the safest activities a person could engage in.

But people like you who live in fear can't seem to understand that.

Tell me do you sleep on the floor because there is a minute chance you could die falling out of bed?

Or maybe your Mommy still has the safety rails up. You know those can kill you too .
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