Gun death rates are the highest in mainly red states.

Tell us, Elmer, how many deaths would be acceptable to you if our government decided to confiscate most guns against the will of Americans? Roughly 40K die per year out of 330 million today. If DC got its wish and could ram through a law to institute total control, including confiscation by force, we could see civil war and the loss of many multiples of that number. Would that be okay if it was the only way to "save lives"?
Despite all the efforts to ban civilian owned firearms starting after JFK’s assassination, the movement has had little results to brag about.

In fact gun rights have made significant advancements. For example in many states today you do not even need a license to carry a handgun.


Today we have far less trust of our federal government than we did in the 1960s. I see very little chance of seeing draconian gun laws such as the confiscation of most civilian owned firearms passed in our nation in the immediate future. Any attempt to do so would likely lead number of sates leaving the Union.
I would like to see universal background checks. I would like to see limitations on some semi-automatic guns. Restrictions like the restrictions that we have on machine guns.
I would like to see mandatory gun training. We mandate training and licensing for driving cars. Maybe not that strict but similar.

If I had my choice btween having an automobile or a gun for my personal safety. I would take an automobile. If automobiles were arounf in the 1700's there may have been the right to own a vehicle in the Constitution.
How about background checks and civics tests — for voters
You are begging the question.
I -asked- a question
You are -avoiding- that question. mostly because you know you do not have an effective response.

YOU said: Current case law
That's Heller, McDonald, Caetano and Bruen.
What text from the holdings of these cases leads you to believe any of the restriction you want are constitutional?

You gun lovers were crawling on your belly while Vegas shooter shot over 600 of yawl by firing over 1100 rounds. You scared idiots never got close to stopping him with your 600 million guns.
How do you stop someone 400 yards away, firing from a concealed, covered, and elevated position, from shooting at you?
You gun lovers were crawling on your belly while Vegas shooter shot over 600 of yawl by firing over 1100 rounds. You scared idiots never got close to stopping him with your 600 million guns.

Yeah. Because the authorities had this thing called a law where no one was allowed a weapon in the festival.

It was a no firearms allowed zone. Perfect so that a faggot, kinda like you, could successfully shoot the fish in the barrel.

You pussies pass laws that disarm the innocent so that your douchebags can attack without fear of being shot.

When that young man killed the mass shooter in the mall, you fuckers actually whined and screamed "how dare that person be armed".

You people are sick in your tiny little heads.
You gun lovers were crawling on your belly while Vegas shooter shot over 600 of yawl by firing over 1100 rounds. You scared idiots never got close to stopping him with your 600 million guns.

The concert was a gun free zone for fucking dumb ass.....and as others will point out, he was firing at rifle distances........

And even with all of that shooting, into a trapped crowd of over 22,000 people....he murdered 61..... injured 413.....

A muslim terrorist in Nice, Frence, using a rental truck managed to murder 86 people and injured 435....

So the guy with the rifle didn't even manage to murder more people than a guy with a fucking rental truck..........

We now need to ban rental trucks since a rental truck murdered and injured more people than every singe mass public shooting in the U.S......
You gun lovers were crawling on your belly while Vegas shooter shot over 600 of yawl by firing over 1100 rounds. You scared idiots never got close to stopping him with your 600 million guns.
Oh well it's better to carry and not need it to not carry and need it. And nothing can be done to stop someone hidden from the first shot. But after that it's game on.
You don't get to the north pole by marching off to the east or west. If you want to reduce gun violence you start by actually waging a war on drugs. This means arrest and compulsory treatment in a secured facility for addicts.
There are many actions needed to curtail gun violence in the USA. All must be pursued.
There are more guns per capita in the USA than any other country in the world. It has not made us safer. If people think more guns are the answer it is not.
There are many actions needed to curtail gun violence in the USA. All must be pursued.
There are more guns per capita in the USA than any other country in the world. It has not made us safer. If people think more guns are the answer it is not.

Yes...those guns have made us safer......

Mass murder by government has killed more people in shorter periods of time than 247 years of gun murder in the United isn't even close.....

6 years, 1939-1945 in war dead, not collateral war deaths.....people rounded up by leftist socialists and murdered...

15-20 million.

Gun murder in the entire 247 year history of the United States?

Around 2,470,000

Guns make us safer.......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings......lives saved by guns in this country...more lives saved by good people with guns than are taken by criminals using guns for crime and murder....

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

There are roughly 100,000 people shot in the United States yearly, and something over 30,000 die. If this 1/3 vs. 2/3 ratio of deaths to injuries in actual shootings pertains in these DGUs, that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.
How about background checks and civics tests — for voters
You have to be registered to vote. That is already a regulation.
Some feel it is easier to buy a gun than register to vote.

But I agree we need our citizens to be better educated on the candidates and all should be motivated to vote.
If our citizens determined who the leading parties would nominate for President, it would not be either Trump or Biden.
You have to be registered to vote. That is already a regulation.
Some feel it is easier to buy a gun than register to vote.

But I agree we need our citizens to be better educated on the candidates and all should be motivated to vote.
If our citizens determined who the leading parties would nominate for President, it would not be either Trump or Biden.

What they feel isn't important....what is important is the truth, you doofus......

To buy a legal gun you have to go through a federal background can register to vote when you get your drivers license, or they will come to your home to provide you with an I.D. so you can vote...

So sell that useful idiot bullshit to biden voters....
Yes...those guns have made us safer......

Mass murder by government has killed more people in shorter periods of time than 247 years of gun murder in the United isn't even close.....

6 years, 1939-1945 in war dead, not collateral war deaths.....people rounded up by leftist socialists and murdered...

15-20 million.

Gun murder in the entire 247 year history of the United States?

Around 2,470,000

Guns make us safer.......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings and stabbings......lives saved by guns in this country...more lives saved by good people with guns than are taken by criminals using guns for crime and murder....

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

There are roughly 100,000 people shot in the United States yearly, and something over 30,000 die. If this 1/3 vs. 2/3 ratio of deaths to injuries in actual shootings pertains in these DGUs, that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.
Where do you get your information.

You are not looking objectively at information to determine what needs to be done to make our country safer.

You are a paranoid individual that let's fear dominate your life. Your thinking, dominated by fear, looks to guns and more guns will make you safer. They will not.

Your life would be much better if you were dominated by unreal fears. I feel sorry for you.
You are begging the question.
I -asked- a question
You are -avoiding- that question. mostly because you know you do not have an effective response.

YOU said: Current case law
That's Heller, McDonald, Caetano and Bruen.
What text from the holdings of these cases leads you to believe any of the restriction you want are constitutional?
I -asked- a question
You are -avoiding- that question. mostly because you know you do not have an effective response.

YOU said: Current case law
That's Heller, McDonald, Caetano and Bruen.
What text from the holdings of these cases leads you to believe any of the restriction you want are constitutional?
I answered the question.
Just because you don't like my answer, does not make it wrong.
I provided existing case law that has not been reversed by appeal and you come up with manusha illogical information to dispute.

The only answer you want is to agree with the lie you continue to spread.

You obviously have no legal background or understanding .
Where do you get your information.

You are not looking objectively at information to determine what needs to be done to make our country safer.

You are a paranoid individual that let's fear dominate your life. Your thinking, dominated by fear, looks to guns and more guns will make you safer. They will not.

Your life would be much better if you were dominated by unreal fears. I feel sorry for you. are a useful idiot for anti-gun extremists......

You are the one who wants to give democrats the power to ban 600 million guns, strip 22 million people of the ability to carry guns for self defense, all on statistics they lie about in every study and post.......

That is you, not me....
I answered the question.
You provided an answer.
Your answer did not actually address the question, however.
I provided existing case law...
This is an outright lie.
You did not cite a case, and did not copy/paste the text from the holding to the effect you claim.

In reality, you just want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms and you're more then happy to violate the constitution to do so.

People like you are why there's a 2nd Amendment, and why people like me will not give an inch.
You obviously have no legal background or understanding .
Unfathomable irony.
You have to be registered to vote. That is already a regulation.
Some feel it is easier to buy a gun than register to vote.
You just want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms and you're more then happy to violate the constitution to do so. are a useful idiot for anti-gun extremists......

You are the one who wants to give democrats the power to ban 600 million guns, strip 22 million people of the ability to carry guns for self defense, all on statistics they lie about in every study and post.......

That is you, not me....
You fear everything and everybody.
You fear those looking for more gun regulations.
Just one of many groups you deathly fear.
You can own all the guns possible and you will still be dominated by fear.
The problem is not the world, the problem is your mind that does not trust anything and fears everything. Unfortunately there are too many people like you.
You put limits on the life you live.

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