Gun death rates are the highest in mainly red states.

It does not take away that if you live in the state, with higher gun death rates, you have a greater chance of dying by firearm than if you lived in states with a lower gun death rate.
Thankgoodness highr population states don't have the death rate from guns that these states have.
So, Republicans are more dangerous than Democrats?
It does not take away that if you live in the state, with higher gun death rates, you have a greater chance of dying by firearm than if you lived in states with a lower gun death rate.
Thankgoodness highr population states don't have the death rate from guns that these states have.
/------/ You're trying to convince us it's safer in Chicago with 1,700 shooting victims - than in a small Southern town with 5 shootings?

To do that we need to vote out all the democrats since it is their policies driving our gun murder rates…..

1) they have made it impossible for police to effectively do their jobs

2) the democrat prosecutors, judges and politicians keep releasing the most violent gun offenders over and over again.

3) the democrats have dissolved our southern border allowing the drug cartels and other violent criminals free access to our country….

Those 3 things create our gun murder rate
People who blame the problem all on Democrats or all on Republicans are idiots.
There are people in both parties, I feel, get in the way of solutions.
The focus needs to be on the problem and on solutions. It takes all sides to listen to the other and a solution will cause finding common ground.

People who blame the problem all on Democrats or all on Republicans are idiots.
There are people in both parties, I feel, get in the way of solutions.
The focus needs to be on the problem and on solutions. It takes all sides to listen to the other and a solution will cause finding common ground.


No.....the republicans have solutions...the democrats simply want to ban guns....

And the 3 things I listed drive 95% of our gun crime in the cities the democrat party controls...some of those cities for decades, some for over 100 years......

The democrats are the is not "both sides."
Gun death rates are the highest in mainly red states. I would assume these states have fewer gun restrictions.
I would have thought states like New York, Illinois and California have the highest gun death rates based on the news.
It is Montana, Wyoming, Louisiana, New Mexico, Mississippi and Alabama. All but New Mexico are red states

Do those guns just get up and shoot folks? Or does it take someone to pull the trigger? Ever heard of The Boston Strangler? John Gacy? Lizzie Borden? Susan Smith? Tim McVeigh? If one wants to kill ,they will find a way. Gun or no gun.
No.....the republicans have solutions...the democrats simply want to ban guns....

And the 3 things I listed drive 95% of our gun crime in the cities the democrat party controls...some of those cities for decades, some for over 100 years......

The democrats are the is not "both sides."
You don't know what you don't know. The definiton of stupid.
Do those guns just get up and shoot folks? Or does it take someone to pull the trigger? Ever heard of The Boston Strangler? John Gacy? Lizzie Borden? Susan Smith? Tim McVeigh? If one wants to kill ,they will find a way. Gun or no gun.
Why does the US have the highest murder rate of any economic or socially advanced country in the world?

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*​

  1. El Salvador (61.7)
  2. Honduras (41.0)
  3. Venezuela (49.9)
  4. United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
  5. Jamaica (56.4)
  6. Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
  7. Belize (37.8)
  8. Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
  9. Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
  10. South Africa (35.7)

Why does the US have the highest murder rate of any economic or socially advanced country in the world?

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*​

  1. El Salvador (61.7)
  2. Honduras (41.0)
  3. Venezuela (49.9)
  4. United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
  5. Jamaica (56.4)
  6. Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
  7. Belize (37.8)
  8. Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
  9. Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
  10. South Africa (35.7)

I told you why.....the democrat party and it's policies...

1) They have attacked the police as a party and through their hate groups, to the point the police can't, or won't, do their jobs...for fear of losing those jobs, losing their pensions, or going to jail.

2) The democrat party prosecutors drop gun charges against even the worst violent felons, the democrat party judges release the most violent gun offenders on bail, often no cash bail, over and over again, and democrat party politicians keep reducing sentences for actual gun crimes committed by actual criminals.

3) the democrat party has dissolved our southern border allowing drug cartels and other violent criminals to roam freely throughout our country.

4) Democrat party social welfare policies have destroyed the nuclear families in the cities they control, creating fatherless homes, fatherless boys and girls who turn into the criminals and single mothers who create generational crime, which leads to generational poverty.

Those are the don't like those reasons because you want to ban guns...but those are the actual reasons....
Why does the US have the highest murder rate of any economic or socially advanced country in the world?

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*​

  1. El Salvador (61.7)
  2. Honduras (41.0)
  3. Venezuela (49.9)
  4. United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
  5. Jamaica (56.4)
  6. Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
  7. Belize (37.8)
  8. Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
  9. Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
  10. South Africa (35.7) have to get past this fact.


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million 6, women and over 1 million children.

6 years, 15 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

Europe.... 15 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,460,000 in 246 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work...

This is why we will not give up our guns on your promises that you will keep us safe..........

Every year nearly 120,000 people are shot here in the USA.

Repubtards wonder why so many people are on disability.

Only 552 are killed by legal intervention. 1,376 are shot by legal intervention and survive.
Last edited:
No.....the republicans have solutions...the democrats simply want to ban guns....

And the 3 things I listed drive 95% of our gun crime in the cities the democrat party controls...some of those cities for decades, some for over 100 years......

The democrats are the is not "both sides."
Pull your head out of your backside, you moron. The problem is that both parties (not just one) will not work together.
Pull your head out of your backside, you moron. The problem is that both parties (not just one) will not work together.

No....that isn't the problem....not even close......the democrat party policies are driving the gun crime and murder rates.....and they see each mass public shooting, each gang shooting as an opportunity to push more gun control. They do not care about actually stopping the violence, in fact, the violence works for them. It allows them to push gun control on uninformed Americans.

The way you actually address gun crime is first, try to encourage people to have intact families.

Then, on the other side, after you arrest violent gun offenders you lock them up for 30 years. Since about 5% of the criminal population actually commits gun murder, locking up violent gun offenders for 30 years will reduce the gun crime and gun murder rates......democrats don't care about that, they want to ban guns.
Every year nearly 120,000 people are shot here in the USA.

Repubtards wonder why so many people are on disability.

Only 552 are killed by legal intervention. 1,376 are shot by legal intervention and survive.

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery, murder, beatings, stabbings and even mass public shootings....according to the Centers for Disease Control.

The majority of those who are actually shot, are criminals, shot by other criminals, or their friends and family of criminals caught in the crossfire, or hit instead of the actual criminal.

You do not understand the issue......not even close.
I told you why.....the democrat party and it's policies...

1) They have attacked the police as a party and through their hate groups, to the point the police can't, or won't, do their jobs...for fear of losing those jobs, losing their pensions, or going to jail.

2) The democrat party prosecutors drop gun charges against even the worst violent felons, the democrat party judges release the most violent gun offenders on bail, often no cash bail, over and over again, and democrat party politicians keep reducing sentences for actual gun crimes committed by actual criminals.

3) the democrat party has dissolved our southern border allowing drug cartels and other violent criminals to roam freely throughout our country.

4) Democrat party social welfare policies have destroyed the nuclear families in the cities they control, creating fatherless homes, fatherless boys and girls who turn into the criminals and single mothers who create generational crime, which leads to generational poverty.

Those are the don't like those reasons because you want to ban guns...but those are the actual reasons....
You feel most nations of the world are better than the USA. You seem unhappy about so much of the US.
You thought Trump would turn the US into a country you would like.
It is not happening. Trumpism is being neutered by the US system that is stronger than the hate and division of Trumpism.

I suggest you move to a country you feel is better than the US or you will be a horribly unhappy person for the rest of your life.
I GUARANTEE the US will never be what you want it to be. Thank God. Thank our founding fathers.
You feel most nations of the world are better than the USA. You seem unhappy about so much of the US.
You thought Trump would turn the US into a country you would like.
It is not happening. Trumpism is being neutered by the US system that is stronger than the hate and division of Trumpism.

I suggest you move to a country you feel is better than the US or you will be a horribly unhappy person for the rest of your life.
I GUARANTEE the US will never be what you want it to be. Thank God. Thank our founding fathers.

The democrat party is the party of hate, racism, anti-semitism, and violence.....

You are an idiot.
No....that isn't the problem....not even close......the democrat party policies are driving the gun crime and murder rates.....and they see each mass public shooting, each gang shooting as an opportunity to push more gun control. They do not care about actually stopping the violence, in fact, the violence works for them. It allows them to push gun control on uninformed Americans.

The way you actually address gun crime is first, try to encourage people to have intact families.

Then, on the other side, after you arrest violent gun offenders you lock them up for 30 years. Since about 5% of the criminal population actually commits gun murder, locking up violent gun offenders for 30 years will reduce the gun crime and gun murder rates......democrats don't care about that, they want to ban guns.
And that is why your party is going down to a smashing defeat next. You can't win, only lose. have to get past this fact.


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million 6, women and over 1 million children.

6 years, 15 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

Europe.... 15 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,460,000 in 246 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work...

This is why we will not give up our guns on your promises that you will keep us safe..........
You hang onto your guns. Go buy more.
You paranoia will result in you never feeling safe. You fear things you do not need to and always will. No number of guns will change your crazy paranoia thinking.

The Nazi gun control argument is the claim that gun regulations in Nazi Germany helped facilitate the rise of the Nazis and the Holocaust.[1][2][3] Historians and fact-checkers have characterized the argument as dubious or false, and point out that Jews were under 1% of the population and that it would be unrealistic for such a small population to defend themselves even if they were armed.[2][3][4][5][6]

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