Gun Grabbers, Riddle Me This...

During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?
As I have already pointed out to you, Australian police did not go door to door seizing guns.

Are you trying to move the goalposts now to cover up your massive ignorance?
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?
Interesting fantasy. Fact is, the best argument against gun control is that there are over 400 million guns in this country, the nuts are going to keep flooding them in, and it will always be easier and easier for a criminal to get a gun. So you might as well own one. Gun nuts will never EVER even bat an eye over innocent deaths.

Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

You lose.
Another lie.

There is no evidence that private gun ownership in any manner ‘reduces’ crime or ‘saves lives.’

And don’t bother with the lame John Lott citations, his idiocy was debunked years ago.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?
Interesting fantasy. Fact is, the best argument against gun control is that there are over 400 million guns in this country, the nuts are going to keep flooding them in, and it will always be easier and easier for a criminal to get a gun. So you might as well own one. Gun nuts will never EVER even bat an eye over innocent deaths.

Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

You lose.
Another lie.

There is no evidence that private gun ownership in any manner ‘reduces’ crime or ‘saves lives.’

And don’t bother with the lame John Lott citations, his idiocy was debunked years ago.

You wouldn't understand evidence if it slapped you on the ass and called you Judy.
The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators and the Obama No Discipline Policy caused these deaths. The existing laws that would have prevented the shootings were not enforced by the Prog Government Tools that you support.
Awwwwwwwww didn't you know? The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators, and the Obama No Discipline Policy don't kill people, people kill people!

Piece of inbred trash

^^^ Speaking of inbred trash ^^^
No, I was speaking TO inbred trash. I hope the next gun massacre isn't anytime soon. You've got to build up your stash of thoughts and prayers and doing nothing before it happens.

So, riddle me this:

Evil people exist in the world. You wish to give government more power over us to protect us from the evil people. Why do you think that evil people won't gain power over us by seeking government positions?
Loaded question fallacy.

Clearly the inability to engage in critical thinking is a prerequisite to becoming a conservative.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

Ah, one of the nonsense fantasies of gun grippers, that 'the gubmint goin' t' come take yer guns away'. Ooooo scary. Not. These bizarre 'end of the world' fantasies are to be laughed at and left at that.

During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?
Then incompetent government caused the deaths of 17 people at Parkland.

The incompetent government used Fake Russian Propaganda to spy on a Presidential Candidate for the first time in US Election History.

The incompetent government allowed Uranium One to be approved.

The incompetent government gave Iran $1 Billion Dollars and helped a terrorist state develop Nukes and ICBMs.

The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators and the Obama No Discipline Policy caused these deaths. The existing laws that would have prevented the shootings were not enforced by the Prog Government Tools that you support.
Awwwwwwwww didn't you know? The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators, and the Obama No Discipline Policy don't kill people, people kill people!

Piece of inbred trash

^^^ Speaking of inbred trash ^^^

It is telling that you don't think that people who work for the government aren't (responsible) people.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?
Interesting fantasy. Fact is, the best argument against gun control is that there are over 400 million guns in this country, the nuts are going to keep flooding them in, and it will always be easier and easier for a criminal to get a gun. So you might as well own one. Gun nuts will never EVER even bat an eye over innocent deaths.
Now you are getting it.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?

You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims

















Not my fault.

Fuck you for trying to exploit their deaths for your communist agenda.

Machine guns for all, or Valhalla.

The creep also included a picture of the JROTC boy how saved lives by holding the door open so his classmates could escape. I doubt that boy or his family would appreciate his death being used to promote gun grabbing.
It’s obvious that the greatest threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment comes not from mythical ‘gun grabbers’ but from the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right, and the propensity of most conservatives for lying about guns – conservatives make gunowners appear ignorant, incompetent, and reckless.

The Second Amendment acknowledges a fundamental and individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service.

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right to indeed do so; government may not take from the people their inalienable rights, it may only regulate citizens rights and protected liberties consistent with Constitutional case law.

Conservatives need to stop with their ridiculous and pathetic efforts to ‘justify’ gun ownership and focus instead on their comprehensive ignorance of the subject.
If you run from the police and turn to face them with any kind of object in your hand, you probably should be shot so as to strengthen the gene pool.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

You admit it's not gonna happen, so why do you keep whining about it? Just more gun nut whining?
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

You admit it's not gonna happen, so why do you keep whining about it? Just more gun nut whining?

It’s obvious that the greatest threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment comes not from mythical ‘gun grabbers’ but from the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right, and the propensity of most conservatives for lying about guns – conservatives make gunowners appear ignorant, incompetent, and reckless.

The Second Amendment acknowledges a fundamental and individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service.

Citizens are not required to ‘justify’ the exercising of a fundamental right to indeed do so; government may not take from the people their inalienable rights, it may only regulate citizens rights and protected liberties consistent with Constitutional case law.
All this, then you post this:
Conservatives need to stop with their ridiculous and pathetic efforts to ‘justify’ gun ownership and focus instead on their comprehensive ignorance of the subject.
Do they need to justify it? What will focusing on their ignorance accomplish? They have the right to arms without needing to justify it.

You should be bitching at the gun grabbing leftists who are trying to make "conservatives" justify it.
You're making the assumption that the police would shoot people when others around them don't have guns.

Actually they shoot first probably because they're SCARED TO DEATH by walking around cities which are dangerous and which have lots of armed people.

You can count how many bullets the UK police fire a year at people. Literally they'll tell you.

In the US... not a chance, the number is so high....

So, your logic is way, WAY out.

Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?

Did you get off on asking silly questions?

If the people with guns, the "law abiding" decided to not be "law abiding" then who knows.

You can choose to obey the law or not.
Scuze moi. But it the police would shoot a guy with a cellphone because the THOUGHT it was a gun, how on earth can you assume that they won't kill some of the people who actually own the 400 million guns in the U.S.?

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?

Did you get off on asking silly questions?

If the people with guns, the "law abiding" decided to not be "law abiding" then who knows.

You can choose to obey the law or not.

None of you moonbats have provided a link to the mass shooting performed by legal gun owning NRA members.


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