Gun Grabbers, Riddle Me This...

Thinks he’s going to fend off the most powerful military in the history of mankind with his rinky-dink little AR that’s only good for massacring crowds of unarmed people
Well, make up your mind. Is it an all-powerful people killer, capable of taking lots of lives in mere seconds or is it a pea shooter that the largest military on Earth would have no trouble crushing?
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















^^^^^^^ All killed by a Person, not a gun.

OBTW, that person, the one that killed these people was on a mood altering drug prescribed by a Doctor (as was the case with all school shooters).

Are you calling for these Doctors to be brought to justice. Maybe, using your logic, all Doctors should be banned since they all have such potential.


Right On, Pops!
The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators and the Obama No Discipline Policy caused these deaths. The existing laws that would have prevented the shootings were not enforced by the Prog Government Tools that you support.
Awwwwwwwww didn't you know? The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators, and the Obama No Discipline Policy don't kill people, people kill people!

Piece of inbred trash

Awwwww you offer no counterpoint to what Boedicca wrote at all, just another empty leftist reply. You have made it clear over and over that you are not here to find a solution, just be an emotional irrational wreck..

How can you think your ugly sneering illogical approach will work in debates here?

You've got his number!

And I am STILL WAITING for one of the Proglodytes to provide an estimate of the body count for the police to seize half of the 400M guns in circulation.
So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
So your ignorant attempt to make a comparison to Australia having failed, you are now moving the goalposts and conjuring up a completely invented doomsday mass death drama. Any responses which conflict with your masturbatory fantasy will be rejected out of hand.

I guess that's what happens when reality and facts suck all the joy out of your delusions.

Oh blah blah blah so sleeepy......zzzzz

Again, how many people are you willing to have killed in order to ban guns in the U.S.?

It's a very simple question.
So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
So your ignorant attempt to make a comparison to Australia having failed, you are now moving the goalposts and conjuring up a completely invented doomsday mass death drama. Any responses which conflict with your masturbatory fantasy will be rejected out of hand.

I guess that's what happens when reality and facts suck all the joy out of your delusions.

Oh blah blah blah so sleeepy......zzzzz

Again, how many people are you willing to have killed in order to ban guns in the U.S.?

It's a very simple question.

I don't want one person killed. But, if they are killed, I'm not going to blame the object used to kill them. I want the PERSON that killed them punished severely.
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















I would have attached the list of people who have died from communism as response, but unfortunately this forum would not be big enough to contain such list.

Thank god that only so few people die of unjust shit every year. Part of that can for sure be contributed to guns, and how they keep government and the looting that the above poster so much desires, at bay.

Let me remind also how many people governments all around the world have killed, some want them to have all the guns. Nothing could possibly ever go wrong with that.

Indeed. The list of people killed by Communism and its various co-brands is horrifyingly to long to list. But the summary statistics tell the story.

Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















I would have attached the list of people who have died from communism as response, but unfortunately this forum would not be big enough to contain such list.

Thank god that only so few people die of unjust shit every year. Part of that can for sure be contributed to guns, and how they keep government and the looting that the above poster so much desires, at bay.

Let me remind also how many people governments all around the world have killed, some want them to have all the guns. Nothing could possibly ever go wrong with that.
^ Thinks he’s going to fend off the most powerful military in the history of mankind with his rinky-dink little AR that’s only good for massacring crowds of unarmed people

^^^ Thinks people should wait passively for the Broward County Sheriff and SRO to save them ^^^

When minutes count, they are forever away.
So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
So your ignorant attempt to make a comparison to Australia having failed, you are now moving the goalposts and conjuring up a completely invented doomsday mass death drama. Any responses which conflict with your masturbatory fantasy will be rejected out of hand.

I guess that's what happens when reality and facts suck all the joy out of your delusions.

Oh blah blah blah so sleeepy......zzzzz

Again, how many people are you willing to have killed in order to ban guns in the U.S.?

It's a very simple question.

I don't want one person killed. But, if they are killed, I'm not going to blame the object used to kill them. I want the PERSON that killed them punished severely.

As do I. And I do not think that law-abiding people should give up their 2nd Amendment Rights because evil and sick people do evil and sick things.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.

Its the only thing that makes sense. New gun control laws won't make already law abiding citizens even more law abiding. Criminals who already ignore current gun control laws will ignore the new gun control laws. So what is accomplished? The left get to say HA HA we banned guns, we passed gun control laws HA HA gun owners HA HA.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.

Its the only thing that makes sense. New gun control laws won't make already law abiding citizens even more law abiding. Criminals who already ignore current gun control laws will ignore the new gun control laws. So what is accomplished? The left get to say HA HA we banned guns, we passed gun control laws HA HA gun owners HA HA.

And when it happens again, because no one really wants to look at the real problem, the left won't look at how their methods failed, they will just want more gun restrictions.
There's no way in hell gun seizures will ever happen.

I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.

Its the only thing that makes sense. New gun control laws won't make already law abiding citizens even more law abiding. Criminals who already ignore current gun control laws will ignore the new gun control laws. So what is accomplished? The left get to say HA HA we banned guns, we passed gun control laws HA HA gun owners HA HA.

And when it happens again, because no one really wants to look at the real problem, the left won't look at how their methods failed, they will just want more gun restrictions.

They don't want laws that will actually solve a problem...they just want more excuses to take away the rights and liberty of people they don't like.
I agree. But I'd like to understand the price the Progs are willing to inflict on the country to Get Their Way. Public policy should undergo a cost benefit analysis. So, how many people are they willing to kill to FAKE (because the seizures won't stop the shooters) save a few kids each year?

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.

Its the only thing that makes sense. New gun control laws won't make already law abiding citizens even more law abiding. Criminals who already ignore current gun control laws will ignore the new gun control laws. So what is accomplished? The left get to say HA HA we banned guns, we passed gun control laws HA HA gun owners HA HA.

And when it happens again, because no one really wants to look at the real problem, the left won't look at how their methods failed, they will just want more gun restrictions.

They don't want laws that will actually solve a problem...they just want more excuses to take away the rights and liberty of people they don't like.

BINGO! Attacking people who disagree with them is their #1 priority. Look what happens to one of their own when they dare disagree, they go cannibal on their own party members. Joe Manchin started to stand up when Trump entered the room to give his SOTU speech. Chuck Schumer shot him a 'sit the freak down' death stare and the guy settled back into his seat, that's how these freaks behave.
First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.
I wish it were only a matter of pettiness. It's the goal of communists to seize power and remove all means of resistance. They are communists. They can never have global communism until there is no competing ideology, like a free-market society. America fucks up their irrational dream of utopia. They can either do piecemeal implementation (as they have been doing) or violent overthrow via a revolution. Violent overthrow is impossible with armed citizens.

Let the denials rain down. GO.
First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.

Your theory suits the useful idiots of the left quite well. The leadership and their financial backers, however, have a more sinister motive: to return us all to serfdom/slavedom. It's difficult to enslave millions of people who have weapons to defend themselves.

Its the only thing that makes sense. New gun control laws won't make already law abiding citizens even more law abiding. Criminals who already ignore current gun control laws will ignore the new gun control laws. So what is accomplished? The left get to say HA HA we banned guns, we passed gun control laws HA HA gun owners HA HA.

And when it happens again, because no one really wants to look at the real problem, the left won't look at how their methods failed, they will just want more gun restrictions.

They don't want laws that will actually solve a problem...they just want more excuses to take away the rights and liberty of people they don't like.

BINGO! Attacking people who disagree with them is their #1 priority. Look what happens to one of their own when they dare disagree, they go cannibal on their own party members. Joe Manchin started to stand up when Trump entered the room to give his SOTU speech. Chuck Schumer shot him a 'sit the freak down' death stare and the guy settled back into his seat, that's how these freaks behave.

Yep. The "Question Authority" t-shirts have been replaced by:

First ask yourself why the progs want to ban guns in the first place. It has nothing to do with gun violence, that's why facts bounce right off them. I have a theory, progs want to ban guns because they are petty and childish, they know guns are important to the right so they want to ban them out of spite.
I wish it were only a matter of pettiness. It's the goal of communists to seize power and remove all means of resistance. They are communists. They can never have global communism until there is no competing ideology, like a free-market society. America fucks up their irrational dream of utopia. They can either do piecemeal implementation (as they have been doing) or violent overthrow via a revolution. Violent overthrow is impossible with armed citizens.

Let the denials rain down. GO.

Liberals are too dumb to pull it off so I don't worry about it. One particularly stupid Democrat in congress threatened to SOCIALIZE all the oil companies and have the government take over all their businesses. The rest of the Dem's on the committee looked at her like shut the hell up you stupid idiot, your not supposed to say that on camera.
Liberals are too dumb to pull it off so I don't worry about it. One particularly stupid Democrat in congress threatened to SOCIALIZE all the oil companies and have the government take over all their businesses. The rest of the Dem's on the committee looked at her like shut the hell up you stupid idiot, your not supposed to say that on camera.
I know. The fact that they deny it makes it even more comical. But, make no mistake. They are partly in power. They never change even when they hide their stripes. The only solution to riding a nation of commies is a final solution.
Liberals are too dumb to pull it off so I don't worry about it. One particularly stupid Democrat in congress threatened to SOCIALIZE all the oil companies and have the government take over all their businesses. The rest of the Dem's on the committee looked at her like shut the hell up you stupid idiot, your not supposed to say that on camera.
I know. The fact that they deny it makes it even more comical. But, make no mistake. They are partly in power. They never change even when they hide their stripes. The only solution to riding a nation of commies is a final solution.

What's funny is every time they are in power, they destroy themselves that's some entertainment right there. :auiqs.jpg:
No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?

Did you get off on asking silly questions?

If the people with guns, the "law abiding" decided to not be "law abiding" then who knows.

You can choose to obey the law or not.

None of you moonbats have provided a link to the mass shooting performed by legal gun owning NRA members.


I didn't say any of these were done by NRA members. So why would I prove it?

You didn't prove that the London Fuckwits won the Superbowl last year. Wow.

There are 6 million NRA members in the U.S. If law-abiding people are going on shooting rampages, statistically quite a few of them should be NRA members.


This is your argument... why do you expect me to provide links for your argument?

This is another typical tactic of people without decent arguments.

You ignore what is being spoken about and then start discussing something you read somewhere that you're comfortable arguing with.

It's pathetic.

Here, try this, find a link where I said anything about NRA members going around killing people. Come on.

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