Gun Grabbers, Riddle Me This...

So, you didn't get the point then.


In the US 33 police officers have died in the line of duty in the US.


18 of those were from gun fire.

134 last year were killed, 46 from gunfire.

2016 159 were killed, 64 from gunfire.

Gunfire is the largest number every year, year on year. I haven't included accidental gunfire either.

Police in certain places will be on edge because they know their life is in danger.

In the UK in 2018 zero police officers have been killed in the line of duty.

List of British police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

One died in the line of duty last year. Stabbed.

Zero died in the line of duty in 2016.

One in 2015, run over.

Three were shot and killed in 2012. One was shot in 2007. One shot in 2005. One shot in 2003. One shot in 1995.

For police officers in the UK they don't go out expecting to be shot at. They don't go out thinking that the people on the streets are going to be a massive threat to their life. In the US they do.

If you see someone and you think they might have a gun in the US, you're going to act in a different way than in the UK where you assume someone doesn't have a gun.

Do you understand this?

You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?

Did you get off on asking silly questions?

If the people with guns, the "law abiding" decided to not be "law abiding" then who knows.

You can choose to obey the law or not.

None of you moonbats have provided a link to the mass shooting performed by legal gun owning NRA members.


I didn't say any of these were done by NRA members. So why would I prove it?

You didn't prove that the London Fuckwits won the Superbowl last year. Wow.
You didn't get the point. Go back to the first post in the thread.

No, I did get the point, I JUST DISAGREE.

Now I'm making my point, which you are trying to ignore.

Do you not see that the police in the US have a far more dangerous job?

So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?

Did you get off on asking silly questions?

If the people with guns, the "law abiding" decided to not be "law abiding" then who knows.

You can choose to obey the law or not.

None of you moonbats have provided a link to the mass shooting performed by legal gun owning NRA members.


I didn't say any of these were done by NRA members. So why would I prove it?

You didn't prove that the London Fuckwits won the Superbowl last year. Wow.

There are 6 million NRA members in the U.S. If law-abiding people are going on shooting rampages, statistically quite a few of them should be NRA members.

Gun Grabbers, further riddle me this:

If Assault Weapons are So Evul, why do Administrative Bureaucrats have so many:

This week, our organization at released our findings in an editorial at The Wall Street Journal that quantified the growing federal arsenal. The number of non-military federal officers with arrest and firearm authority (200,000+) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000). Spending on guns, ammo and military-style equipment at 67 federal agencies – including 53 regulatory, administrative agencies amounted to $1.48 billion between 2006-2014.

The IRS gun-locker is an example of this growing federal firepower. Nearly $11 million was spent on guns, ammo and military-style equipment for 2,316 ‘special agents’ during this period. The IRS stockpile includes pump-action and semi-automatic shotguns with buckshot and slugs; and semi-automatic AR-15 rifles (S&W M&P 15) and military-style H&K 416 rifles. (See the OpenTheBooks Oversight Report – The Militarization of America.)...

An Assault Weapons Ban For the IRS (And Other Federal Regulatory Agencies)
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?
Interesting fantasy. Fact is, the best argument against gun control is that there are over 400 million guns in this country, the nuts are going to keep flooding them in, and it will always be easier and easier for a criminal to get a gun. So you might as well own one. Gun nuts will never EVER even bat an eye over innocent deaths.
652,639 innocent lives taken in 2014 alone! Not one fuck was given by the progressives.
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















Yes it as sad day when a deranged lunatic murders a lot of people, the same lunatic who was repeatedly reported as being a serious threat to people over and over as shown here, from the NPR.

March 1, 2018

Parkland Shooting Suspect: A Story Of Red Flags, Ignored


"By early 2016, deputies were called after a neighbor's son saw a disturbing Instagram post that seemed to suggest Cruz "planned to shoot up the school." At the time, deputies concluded that Cruz owned knives and a BB gun. They passed along that information to a school resource officer at Stoneman Douglas, but it is not clear whether any other steps were taken."


The troubled loser never should have been allowed to but any firearms, but gee after all the warning given to law enforcements over the years, he was still able to buy a gun!

Last edited:
Still waiting for the Proglodytes to provide an estimate of how many people will be killed when the Cops try to enforce
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















Yes it as sad day when a deranged lunatic murders a lot of people, the same lunatic who was repeatedly reported as being a serious threat to people over and over as shown here, from the NPR.

March 1, 2018

Parkland Shooting Suspect: A Story Of Red Flags, Ignored


"By early 2016, deputies were called after a neighbor's son saw a disturbing Instagram post that seemed to suggest Cruz "planned to shoot up the school." At the time, deputies concluded that Cruz owned knives and a BB gun. They passed along that information to a school resource officer at Stoneman Douglas, but it is not clear whether any other steps were taken."


The troubled loser never should have been allowed to but any firearms, but gee after all the warning given to law enforcements over the years, he was still able to buy a gun!


Well said. Many of us have pointed out the failures of multiple levels of government to enforce the existing laws that would have prevented this atrocity. But the loons are exploiting the tragedy to smear the NRA and promote Gun Bans.
Yes it as sad day when a deranged lunatic murders a lot of people, the same lunatic who was repeatedly reported as being a serious threat to people over and over as shown here, from the NPR.

March 1, 2018

Parkland Shooting Suspect: A Story Of Red Flags, Ignored


"By early 2016, deputies were called after a neighbor's son saw a disturbing Instagram post that seemed to suggest Cruz "planned to shoot up the school." At the time, deputies concluded that Cruz owned knives and a BB gun. They passed along that information to a school resource officer at Stoneman Douglas, but it is not clear whether any other steps were taken."


The troubled loser never should have been allowed to but any firearms, but gee after all the warning given to law enforcements over the years, he was still able to buy a gun!

The fact that these failures are not the center of discussion and gun control is the focus can only mean one thing.
The usual leftist bromides after a mass killing show that they are not interested in real solutions to them, just pass gobs of new gun laws thinking that will stop it. When the real problem are based on Demographics of the killer of all the mass killing going back decades. They are mentally Ill and or on drugs in virtually every case.

Those are the people we should be focusing on to prevent gun ownership as part of preventing mass killings. Help get the care they need and get the mentally ill off the streets.
During the current Virtue Signaling Preening Fest to promote Mo Bettta Gun Control, the "solution" of mandatory gun seizures (the Australia Plan) is frequently mentioned.

In other news, a 22 year old man was shot to death by police for holding a cellphone in his back yard.

So, Riddle Me This:

If police are so trigger happy that they will shoot to death a man holding a cellphone because he might have a weapon, what is your estimate of the body count when the same police go around trying to seize 300 million guns across the country?

How does this figure compare to the average number of students killed by mass shooters each year?
Interesting fantasy. Fact is, the best argument against gun control is that there are over 400 million guns in this country, the nuts are going to keep flooding them in, and it will always be easier and easier for a criminal to get a gun. So you might as well own one. Gun nuts will never EVER even bat an eye over innocent deaths.

Yes America has the HIGHEST firearm ownership per capita in the world.

Yet America is NOT in the top 80 nations in the world for Per Capita murder rate LINK , it is at #83 on the list as of 2015.

Your comment is a typical leftist gun control bromide that is always destructive to debate. Try a more rational less emotional approach instead.
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















^^^^^^^ All killed by a Person, not a gun.

OBTW, that person, the one that killed these people was on a mood altering drug prescribed by a Doctor (as was the case with all school shooters).

Are you calling for these Doctors to be brought to justice. Maybe, using your logic, all Doctors should be banned since they all have such potential.

The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators and the Obama No Discipline Policy caused these deaths. The existing laws that would have prevented the shootings were not enforced by the Prog Government Tools that you support.
Awwwwwwwww didn't you know? The FBI, Broward Sheriff, School Administrators, and the Obama No Discipline Policy don't kill people, people kill people!

Piece of inbred trash

Awwwww you offer no counterpoint to what Boedicca wrote at all, just another empty leftist reply. You have made it clear over and over that you are not here to find a solution, just be an emotional irrational wreck..

How can you think your ugly sneering illogical approach will work in debates here?
Well said. Many of us have pointed out the failures of multiple levels of government to enforce the existing laws that would have prevented this atrocity. But the loons are exploiting the tragedy to smear the NRA and promote Gun Bans.
It is even more disgusting how the politicians are exploiting this. They are very reluctant to pass any meaningful gun legislation, that being political suicide. They are just acting like the GOP candidates did re: Obamacare. They had no intent to replace it. They simply used it as a means to get elected.

I can hardly blame the Dems for doing what they and the GOP has always done.

But, make no mistake. The communists who have largely taken over the Democrat party want a total ban. They cannot impose their communist will if we have the power to overthrow them.
So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
So your ignorant attempt to make a comparison to Australia having failed, you are now moving the goalposts and conjuring up a completely invented doomsday mass death drama. Any responses which conflict with your masturbatory fantasy will be rejected out of hand.

I guess that's what happens when reality and facts suck all the joy out of your delusions.
So, how many people will they kill when they are sent on missions to seize 400M guns from American gun owners?
So your ignorant attempt to make a comparison to Australia having failed, you are now moving the goalposts and conjuring up a completely invented doomsday mass death drama. Any responses which conflict with your masturbatory fantasy will be rejected out of hand.

I guess that's what happens when reality and facts suck all the joy out of your delusions.

Your hostility does you no credit here and you were correct on one part about Australia but wrong over all since you left out the part about INCREASING Violent crime rate went up markedly after the 1996 Gun control action:

Did Australia’s ban on guns lower violent crime rates and lower suicide rates?


After the gun ban, violent crime rates were up:

"Yes, as with the gun-happy United States, the murder rate is down in Australia. It’s dropped 31 percent from a rate of 1.6 per 100,000 people in 1994 to 1.1 per 100,000 in 2012.But it’s the only serious crime that saw a consistent decline post-ban.

In fact, according to the Australian government’s own statistics, a number of serious crimes peaked in the years after the ban. Manslaughter, sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, and unarmed robbery all saw peaks in the years following the ban, and most remain near or above pre-ban rates. The effects of the 1996 ban on violent crime are, frankly, unimpressive at best."

Australia Crime stats goes back to year 2012 for Violent crimes. I have been looking and looking for the official crime stats of Australia, but little can be found.

Why is it so hard, when it is easy to find similar data going back 100 years in America?

I see lots of claimed evidence that Violent crimes went up sharply AFTER the 1996 Gun ban was in effect. But the Australian Government make it hard to find by dead links to their page.
Australia isn’t regularly having school shootings. When was their last school shooting?
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















I would have attached the list of people who have died from communism as response, but unfortunately this forum would not be big enough to contain such list.

Thank god that only so few people die of unjust shit every year. Part of that can for sure be contributed to guns, and how they keep government and the looting that the above poster so much desires, at bay.

Let me remind also how many people governments all around the world have killed, some want them to have all the guns. Nothing could possibly ever go wrong with that.
Scuze moi, but responsible and lawful gun owners save lives.

The price you were perfectly happy to pay:

The Names and Faces of the Florida School Shooting Victims


















I would have attached the list of people who have died from communism as response, but unfortunately this forum would not be big enough to contain such list.

Thank god that only so few people die of unjust shit every year. Part of that can for sure be contributed to guns, and how they keep government and the looting that the above poster so much desires, at bay.

Let me remind also how many people governments all around the world have killed, some want them to have all the guns. Nothing could possibly ever go wrong with that.
^ Thinks he’s going to fend off the most powerful military in the history of mankind with his rinky-dink little AR that’s only good for massacring crowds of unarmed people

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