"Gun Grabbing" a topic again? Time to squash this uneducation of politics (and add spice)


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.
I need a silencer. Because I have LIBERTY and can't imagine the need but can imagine what I could do with it if I turned into a bad person.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.

The 2nd Amendment provides that one has a right to own possess and carry firearms. Further the Courts have ruled that since one of the reasons for that right is to be armed so one can be in a militia that the weapons involved must be of use to said militia. Which includes semi automatic rifles.

Perhaps you can explain why certain semi automatic rifles should be ok but others should not?
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.

The 2nd Amendment provides that one has a right to own possess and carry firearms. Further the Courts have ruled that since one of the reasons for that right is to be armed so one can be in a militia that the weapons involved must be of use to said militia. Which includes semi automatic rifles.

Perhaps you can explain why certain semi automatic rifles should be ok but others should not?

You clearly don't remember me from other forums. I believe in a test the caliber of the deer hunting test for gun owners. You openly challenged me on this stating that is an Liberty infringement to some. I openly accepted that challenge stating, "Yep, if you can't handle a small brains test, you shouldn't be allowed to own a weapon about hunting and storage".

"Perhaps you can explain why certain semi automatic rifles should be ok but others should not?" High ranked Libertarians believe in armed tanks on citizen streets, they believe in the "FREEDOM' to carry an AK-47 through the mall and call me "scared" because I'm uncomfortable with open carry.

Yet I seem to be one of the only people in America that seem to be ok with open carry and AK-47's in the mall if there is absolute threat...............I know, I know, you think Obama is a threat.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

^balloon!............TOLD YOU! More people repeating what the NRA spread and never took time to review. She talks about Assault Rifles, the ones America agreed with her on and said, "If it was up to me".

But don't let facts get in your way :)
I believe in Assault Style Rifles for the people that prove they are mature/strong/educated enough own them. As it turns out, there is no need to meet this criteria even though Reagan had the same perspective.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.

Again. These small brains are digging their own grave.

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.
The NRA President stated he doesn't believe in X and X. Then $$ comes into play.

This is America today.

What's sad is the PEOPLE don't follow
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.

Again. These small brains are digging their own grave.

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

I agree with the small mind part, but I'm not convinced they are scared of anything. I believe that this is the first time in their lives that someone cared to hear what they say, and they are willing to keep saying anything to maintain that warm feeling of adequacy they finally have.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.

Again. These small brains are digging their own grave.

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

I agree with the small mind part, but I'm not convinced they are scared of anything. I believe that this is the first time in their lives that someone cared to hear what they say, and they are willing to keep saying anything to maintain that warm feeling of adequacy they finally have.

The Fox News Right is scared of EVERYTHING. That prevents them from having to think about anything. It makes it easy.
This is a nice piece on gun grabbers...

Debunking the No One Wants to Take Your Guns Myth - The Truth About Guns

The Empire State had an “Assault Weapons Ban” in place since the original was enacted in 1994. As a former resident of that awful place, I had fun a terrible time dealing with those laws while attempting to exercise my second amendment rights. And while the law was extremely restrictive to the newer generation of gun owners, the older folks weren’t all that bothered. Their existing guns were grandfathered in — indeed, no one was taking them.

The new law, just enacted, removes the grandfather clause. Every single firearm in the state of New York that meets the extremely broad criteria set forth under the new “SAFE Act” is illegal. And since they are illegal, people who were legal owners of those firearms are being forced to sell them, destroy them or move them out of the state. And those new criteria make just about every popular rifle and shotgun designed and sold in the last 70 years illegal in New York State.

The only exception is that those who register their firearms are exempt from the mandatory disarmament, an exception that was only added to appease the Republicans. The original bill apparently had no such provisions. But even then, the guns cannot be sold within the state, transferred, or otherwise disposed except to be destroyed. While before such commonly available guns would be capable of being handed down to the next generation, the plan appears to be to wait for the owners to die, and then confiscating the firearms.

They literally want to take your gun from your cold dead hands.

And given New York’s history, its not unlikely that such registration is simply a precursor to a complete and total door-to-door confiscation down the road. Since they now have a convenient list of gun owners.

The picture is even worse for shotguns. Since the new law requires ALL guns capable of accepting more than seven rounds to be disposed and prohibits their sale (with NO exemption for pump action shotguns), guns like the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 are about to become illegal in New York State. Their fixed magazines accept 5 rounds of “normal” sized 12 gauge ammunition, but the commonly available 1.75 inch rounds make the legal capacity of those guns somewhere around 10. Due to the inability of New York State legislators to even read the law before it was passed, no one realized that fact until it was too late.

So yes, the venerable pump action shotgun that “no one wants to ban” is now banned.

Yeah, there are people who want to take guns away from people...right now, it isn't as politically easy as it was in the 90s...but thinking that these people don't exist is foolish....they are simply waiting for the right massacre to occur to pop up again...
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.

Again. These small brains are digging their own grave.

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

I agree with the small mind part, but I'm not convinced they are scared of anything. I believe that this is the first time in their lives that someone cared to hear what they say, and they are willing to keep saying anything to maintain that warm feeling of adequacy they finally have.

The Fox News Right is scared of EVERYTHING. That prevents them from having to think about anything. It makes it easy.

I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm not even sure a logical person could understand their reasons. Bottom line, whether they are scared, lazy, crazy, or whatever reason they might have, they are perfectly content being told what to believe.
But Rupert Merdoch and Koch run Fox News. Not the people. They simply hope people will blame their low wages on something other than them.
This is a nice piece on gun grabbers...

Debunking the No One Wants to Take Your Guns Myth - The Truth About Guns

The Empire State had an “Assault Weapons Ban” in place since the original was enacted in 1994. As a former resident of that awful place, I had fun a terrible time dealing with those laws while attempting to exercise my second amendment rights. And while the law was extremely restrictive to the newer generation of gun owners, the older folks weren’t all that bothered. Their existing guns were grandfathered in — indeed, no one was taking them.

The new law, just enacted, removes the grandfather clause. Every single firearm in the state of New York that meets the extremely broad criteria set forth under the new “SAFE Act” is illegal. And since they are illegal, people who were legal owners of those firearms are being forced to sell them, destroy them or move them out of the state. And those new criteria make just about every popular rifle and shotgun designed and sold in the last 70 years illegal in New York State.

The only exception is that those who register their firearms are exempt from the mandatory disarmament, an exception that was only added to appease the Republicans. The original bill apparently had no such provisions. But even then, the guns cannot be sold within the state, transferred, or otherwise disposed except to be destroyed. While before such commonly available guns would be capable of being handed down to the next generation, the plan appears to be to wait for the owners to die, and then confiscating the firearms.

They literally want to take your gun from your cold dead hands.

And given New York’s history, its not unlikely that such registration is simply a precursor to a complete and total door-to-door confiscation down the road. Since they now have a convenient list of gun owners.

The picture is even worse for shotguns. Since the new law requires ALL guns capable of accepting more than seven rounds to be disposed and prohibits their sale (with NO exemption for pump action shotguns), guns like the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 are about to become illegal in New York State. Their fixed magazines accept 5 rounds of “normal” sized 12 gauge ammunition, but the commonly available 1.75 inch rounds make the legal capacity of those guns somewhere around 10. Due to the inability of New York State legislators to even read the law before it was passed, no one realized that fact until it was too late.

So yes, the venerable pump action shotgun that “no one wants to ban” is now banned.

Yeah, there are people who want to take guns away from people...right now, it isn't as politically easy as it was in the 90s...but thinking that these people don't exist is foolish....they are simply waiting for the right massacre to occur to pop up again...

^I'm glad you posted this. You solidify my topic.

Next someone will post about Australia and how they took all the guns and how suicide and break in's went up. Even though they didn't take all guns and people were still allowed to have shotguns to defend their home.

Why are gun nutts lying to protect a knowledgeable debate about the uneducated people obtaining weapons?
You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

You realize she was only talking about assault weapons that are designed for high capacity continuous use don't you? I know you want to think she is out to take your hunting rifle, but that's just not so, no matter how many times you whine about it.

Again. These small brains are digging their own grave.

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

I agree with the small mind part, but I'm not convinced they are scared of anything. I believe that this is the first time in their lives that someone cared to hear what they say, and they are willing to keep saying anything to maintain that warm feeling of adequacy they finally have.

The Fox News Right is scared of EVERYTHING. That prevents them from having to think about anything. It makes it easy.

I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm not even sure a logical person could understand their reasons. Bottom line, whether they are scared, lazy, crazy, or whatever reason they might have, they are perfectly content being told what to believe.

That's the Party System in America today. No matter what party.
"I saw a bit from a bias media source that lead me to the conclusion I didn't have to think about that the Left hates guns and wants to gun grab all of my weapons"


"I saw links that showed the NRA was being paid millions recently by gun manufacturers to fight for their sales"

Which is more likely and more easily proven? Hint; FOLLOW THE MONEY. (capitalism 101)
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

^balloon!............TOLD YOU! More people repeating what the NRA spread and never took time to review. She talks about Assault Rifles, the ones America agreed with her on and said, "If it was up to me".

But don't let facts get in your way :)

First it's "assault weapons" a totally made up term, and then it's handguns, and then it's hunting (sniper) rifles and finally it's those handy double barrel shotguns that old Joe Biden thinks are so great. The goal of the one percenters is to disarm all Americans so they can turn them into proper slaves, and you are going along like the willing slave you are.
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

^balloon!............TOLD YOU! More people repeating what the NRA spread and never took time to review. She talks about Assault Rifles, the ones America agreed with her on and said, "If it was up to me".

But don't let facts get in your way :)

First it's "assault weapons" a totally made up term, and then it's handguns, and then it's hunting (sniper) rifles and finally it's those handy double barrel shotguns that old Joe Biden thinks are so great. The goal of the one percenters is to disarm all Americans so they can turn them into proper slaves, and you are going along like the willing slave you are.

Actually "Assault Style Rifles" are only confused with regular rifles by the bias and uneducated gun owners today. A normal rifle is heavy and slow. It was made to shoot long range and accurate such as a sniper rifle. Assault style rifles were invented specifically for killing multiple short range targets very fast and accurately. I don't need to take down 5 deer in 15 seconds...not even squirrels.

^ I'm going to bed but America can see what I'm dealing with. People who don't know the difference between a deer rifle and an Assault Style Rifle. Who is teaching this type of ignorance of gun ownership?...........I know who. And the people that represent them are clueless.

If you think "Assault Style Weapon" is a made up term you never viewed a gun catalog before the school scare. They openly marketed it as such. I have no link to prove it because one day "poof" they changed it. Wish I could have predicted the future and saved a screen shot, but you know I'm correct.

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