"Gun Grabbing" a topic again? Time to squash this uneducation of politics (and add spice)

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry.

I wonder what the percent was in Germany around 1920.....
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.

We are Americans we are supposed to carry our guns. Every see a rifle with a 100 round mag? I didn't think so. Not even a BAR. Where did he come up with that one?
It would be to heavy to carry around even, if it did exist. Captain Warner Athey
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.

We are Americans we are supposed to carry our guns. Every see a rifle with a 100 round mag? I didn't think so. Not even a BAR. Where did he come up with that one?
It would be to heavy to carry around even, if it did exist. Captain Warner Athey

There is a magazine designed to hold 100 rounds. It just doesn't work. Which if he had any brains he would already know.
Around 400 murders a year are done by rifles of ALL kinds yet we are to believe that a certain type of rifle is a dangerous deadly problem.
Around 400 murders a year are done by rifles of ALL kinds yet we are to believe that a certain type of rifle is a dangerous deadly problem.

And it is also pointed out that hands and feet kill more people than all kinds of rifles combined....let alone military looking rifles...
The gun issue is just like the abortion issue.

The hard core gun owners don't want any limits, because they see it as a path to an eventual full ban.
The hard core pro-abortion rights people don't want any limits, because they see it as a path to an eventual full ban.
One is an original God given right the other is liberal blessed.and not a right since we do not have a right to murder.
As always, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and let us know how scary most of them are.
Do you think your constant personal insults directed at gun owners, is going to change anyone's mind ?

No, I've given up reasoning with gun nuts and their tiny penises a long time ago.

Now sensible gun owners don't want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes to have guns any m ore than I do.
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
As always, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and let us know how scary most of them are.
Do you think your constant personal insults directed at gun owners, is going to change anyone's mind ?

No, I've given up reasoning with gun nuts and their tiny penises a long time ago.

Now sensible gun owners don't want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes to have guns any m ore than I do.
We should lose protected rights because a couple people have misused the right? Once again less then 400 people a year are killed with all kinds of rifles but we should ban all the rifles you don't like.
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:

No... the Creator endowed me the right to my life, which comes with the responsibility to defend that life from those; beings who exist below the Creator, who would strip me of it, or strip me from the means to exercise my life, through the attempt to seriously injury my body... and the responsibility to do the same for other innocents in my immediate presence.

Thus God requires such of me... therefore it is my duty to carry a piece.

I take it you disagree. And I gotta say I LOVE IT when you people do that.

Here... allow me to show ya why:

On what basis does your disagreement rest? (That means: WHY DO YOU DISAGREE?)

And no... you're not going to enjoy this much. But don't be scared... it's only a discussion.
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... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:

No... the Creator endowed me the right to my life, which comes with the responsibility to defend that life from those; beings who exist below the Creator, who would strip me of it, or strip me from the means to exercise my life, through the attempt to seriously injury my body... and the responsibility to do the same for other innocents in my immediate presence.

Thus God requires such of me... meaning such is my duty to carry a piece.

I take it you disagree. And I gotta say I LOVE IT when you people do that.

Here... allow me to show ya why:

On what basis does your disagreement rest? (That means: WHY DO YOU DISAGREE?)

And no... you're not going to enjoy this much. But don't be scared... it's only a discussion.
It's funny that you think that your creator makes it your duty to pack. :D
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.
Packing is a God given right? :lol:
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:

No... the Creator endowed me the right to my life, which comes with the responsibility to defend that life from those; beings who exist below the Creator, who would strip me of it, or strip me from the means to exercise my life, through the attempt to seriously injury my body... and the responsibility to do the same for other innocents in my immediate presence.

Thus God requires such of me... meaning such is my duty to carry a piece.

I take it you disagree. And I gotta say I LOVE IT when you people do that.

Here... allow me to show ya why:

On what basis does your disagreement rest? (That means: WHY DO YOU DISAGREE?)

And no... you're not going to enjoy this much. But don't be scared... it's only a discussion.
It's funny that you think that your creator makes it your duty to pack. :D


So you're sayin' that the reason you disagree, is that its funny?

ROFLMNAO! See why I ADORE you people?

So... what's funny about it?
As always, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and let us know how scary most of them are.
Do you think your constant personal insults directed at gun owners, is going to change anyone's mind ?

No, I've given up reasoning with gun nuts and their tiny penises a long time ago.

Now sensible gun owners don't want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes to have guns any m ore than I do.
We should lose protected rights because a couple people have misused the right? Once again less then 400 people a year are killed with all kinds of rifles but we should ban all the rifles you don't like.

Rifles are the ONLY guns...........(R)ight? Or did you cherry pick your statistics?
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.

Self defense with a gun or Self defense on logical gun regulation?

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