"Gun Grabbing" a topic again? Time to squash this uneducation of politics (and add spice)

They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

Have you noticed that a lot of "small minds" can read and write better than you do?
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.
Packing is a God given right? :lol:

God said you could pack? Strange. My god tells me if someone slaps my cheek then turn my cheek and bear the other. Jesus teaches that you shouldn't even pack a fist. Where is gun in the Bible?

You are off topic and giving the people who don't agree with no regulation Ammo. I'm sure you don't care, but you might if you don't get educated on the topic and find yourself without a gun. (they might paint all gun owners as uneducated idiots like you and want to ban them all)
They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

Have you noticed that a lot of "small minds" can read and write better than you do?

I've noticed that the only tactic gun nutts take is insults and not informative debate. ^Take note of this post here. It's the equivalent of the 8 year old debate as I call it the, "You are a big stupid dumby face" debate. So much substance. :badgrin:
Anti-Party -

I am always puzzled as to why people who cannot read or write properly think they have unusual insight into political issues...it's like watching a cat brag about its knowledge of flight.

But to address the topic -
If you want to keep your guns, LIKE I DO, then you have to be smarter than this kiddo.

"Hammers and illegal homemade bombs and cars and spoons kill people too" is your current bias debate.
I've been on many forums for a long time and I've met people in all parties, some you may have never heard of.

In all of this time I've only met 3-5 Leftists that have ever stated they don't want guns in America. I've met hundreds if not thousands of Leftists that believe in gun ownership. I don't judge but when they brought up the perspective of, "Why do we need guns to protect yourself from guns" issue my attention was raised because the Right has an equal and opposite approach. Politicians on the (R) say you may need "Assault style rifles with 100 round mags to protect yourself from a gang" in actual Congress debates.

Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". The counter argument is that people can make a bomb with household chemicals and kill many with the bomb. My question is, why have that argument, household chemical bombs are illegal.................Aren't we discussing legals?

In 2005 the Gun Manufacturers started pumping money into the NRA. Investment. All of a sudden the "well regulated" NRA turned into a Honey Boo Boo style Circus. $$$ turned into the biggest topic and even the President, who had earlier made comments on situations changed his tune and acted like those situations didn't exist;

The gun/ammo industry is getting all time high record profits. My deer hunting bullets are $1 each shell.

The BIG discussion on "Assault Style Rifles" came after a school shooting when an uneducated gun owner allowed an opportunity for someone to gain their guns to commit such a travesty. And for some reason, Fox News and the Right took the approach, "People are acting on emotion about this, just look at the children left in the school on stage using emotion".

After this event a can of worms opens up about "Assault style rifles". America voted no one person should be allowed this power anymore since Liberty had infringed the Liberties of so many.

Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry. IF YOU CARE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION AND LAW, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A BIG FLAG. The Constitution follows the people, not the Politicians.

(I should take this opportunity to notice the Right Wing topics on this information; They said obesity kills more, should we attack spoons? They said cars kill more, should we attack cars? They said clubs kill more, should we attack hammers?)

I say Spoons were designed to eat. Cars were designed to drive. Hammers were designed to drive nails. Chemicals were designed for cleaning a home. Assault style rifles were designed to kill humans.......Weapons were designed to kill in general. There is a huge difference between one sick American owning a knife and one sick American owning an Assault style weapon with 100 round mag.

Religion (at least mine) allows you to kill an animal to eat. Not celebrate death. Fix Your Brain. EVEN DUCK DYNASTY and the movie Avatar taught that. We kill to eat. We don't kill for sport.

We are Americans we are supposed to carry our guns. Every see a rifle with a 100 round mag? I didn't think so. Not even a BAR. Where did he come up with that one?
It would be to heavy to carry around even, if it did exist. Captain Warner Athey

Yep. I've seen rifles with 100 round mags. Have you seen a Glock Pistol with 100 mag?

Now you have.
Anti-Party -

I am always puzzled as to why people who cannot read or write properly think they have unusual insight into political issues...it's like watching a cat brag about its knowledge of flight.

But to address the topic -

The more guns, the more availability to the easiest source to murder.

The more educated people with guns, the access for a small brain to get a weapon becomes very low.
Around 85% of Americans voted they didn't want citizens to own Assault Style weaponry.

I wonder what the percent was in Germany around 1920.....

So you think Germany was a Democracy huh? PRO!
Anti-Party -

I am always puzzled as to why people who cannot read or write properly think they have unusual insight into political issues...it's like watching a cat brag about its knowledge of flight.

But to address the topic -

The more guns, the more people use them as the go-to. And you do understand that Suicide is used in this statistic just like Education is used in Entitlement polls.
The more guns, the more people use them as the go-to.

Agreed. Which is why the number of guns needs to be limited to people who can store and use them safely.

And you do understand that Suicide is used in this statistic just like Education is used in Entitlement polls.

Nope. The graph charts murders only.

It is a homicide graph. Suicide is considered self homicide. Welcome to politics.
It is a homicide graph. Suicide is considered self homicide. Welcome to politics.

You really post some utter nonsense at times, dude.

^Another post that follows the "You are a stupid dumby face" theory. People who don't want to learn politics resort to hate and lashing out. It's easier to follow a party puppet and jump when they say jump. That way you don't have to spend endless hours researching individual topics.

But on this topic, you could have spent 5 minutes proving me right. (I assumed 5 minutes because I assume you are a slow reader)

In many cases like this one, people are unwilling to spend minutes to research a topic because it might challenge their party bias. This happens in all parties.
AntiParty -

And yet I am still right, and you are still wrong.

Just as you were when you claimed Australia is a socialist country.

It's worth keeping in mind that many people on this board are far more educated, far more literate, and have a far more active knowledge of politics than you ever will. Some of us even work in or around politics and politicians on a daily basis.

That doesn't mean we are necessarily going to spend hours finding posts that prove that people like you are wrong. I don't care if you are wrong.
She may have been in that clip but her intentions overall are clear. People who read the bill she proposed do not have small minds. Based on the content many guns that have nothing to do with evil black rifles would have been illegal. A Remington 788 bolt action would be banned. It is a freaking deer rifle that holds three rounds. A lever action Henry would also be banned because it has a fixed tube magazine that holds more than ten. Based on clever wording many handguns would be considered ASSAULT RIFLES. Also if it is really about these evil war bullets as she claims, why did the bill define a semi automatic assault weapon as anything regardless of caliber? What the hell does a .22 rimfire have to do with weapons of war? Not a damn thing.

I have a plug in my 870 Remington because you can't have more than three shells to hunt with. You don't think that lever action Henry could use the same method? As far as that .22, you don't think a .22 could kill you, and does it matter if it is rimfire or centerfire? Just a little common sense and reason instead of histrionics could solve a lot of the things you say you are worried about don't you think?

Your response is nonsensical. I didn't say shit about the lethality of a .22 or a pump shotgun. Your 870 isn't a bolt action. Not even on the list in the bill. Oh unless you decided to put a muzzle break or grip on it. Then it is suddenly an assault rife. Is someone is lacking reason it certainly isn't me.
We should lose protected rights because a couple people have misused the right? Once again less then 400 people a year are killed with all kinds of rifles but we should ban all the rifles you don't like.

1) I don't believe it's a "right". There actually are no "rights", there are only privilages the rest of society lets you have. Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

2) That established, is there any good reason for civilians to own military grade weapons or guns of any sort. and the answer is, no. There is no good reason for you to own such weapons if you aren't in the military or police.

3) Now that we've established it is neither a "right" nor " a good idea", we have to measure the cost of having a prolific gun policy. That cost is 32,000 gun deaths, 78,000 gun injuries and 300,000 gun crimes committed every year.
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.
Self defense with a gun or Self defense on logical gun regulation?
I haven't seen anything from you that's "logical". Care to give it a try?
As always, the best argument for gun control is to let the gun nuts talk and let us know how scary most of them are.
Do you think your constant personal insults directed at gun owners, is going to change anyone's mind ?

No, I've given up reasoning with gun nuts and their tiny penises a long time ago.

Now sensible gun owners don't want Adam Lanza and Joker Holmes to have guns any m ore than I do.
We should lose protected rights because a couple people have misused the right? Once again less then 400 people a year are killed with all kinds of rifles but we should ban all the rifles you don't like.
Rifles are the ONLY guns...........(R)ight? Or did you cherry pick your statistics?
He's talking about 'assault weapons' and how often they are are involved in a murder.
They DON'T know she was talking about Assault Style weapons because of bias media. They get scared to death because they are small minds.

Have you noticed that a lot of "small minds" can read and write better than you do?

I've noticed that the only tactic gun nutts take is insults and not informative debate.
I've noticed that you didn't respond to the informative debate I offered you.
God said you could pack? Strange. My god tells me if someone slaps my cheek then turn my cheek and bear the other. Jesus teaches that you shouldn't even pack a fist. Where is gun in the Bible?

You are off topic and giving the people who don't agree with no regulation Ammo. I'm sure you don't care, but you might if you don't get educated on the topic and find yourself without a gun. (they might paint all gun owners as uneducated idiots like you and want to ban them all)
Well, according to the story, Jesus told his crew to buy swords. Two was enough so it seems self defense was the purpose. Education is a good thing, get some.

And no, you can't have my guns or ammo. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
Ok, time to kill this stupid thread:
The end game for all lefties is a total gun ban. It's stupidity, naivete, and partisan blindness to believe anything else. We all know that no gun laws of any kind will stop gun violence, because it isn't the gun, its the violence. The stupid and partisan think that just one more gun law will stop it. then when it doesn't stop, then just one more gun law will work, then when that one doesn't stop it, another law will be passed. On and on until there is a total ban.

It's common sense and logic, and that is totally lacking in the OP and those of his ilk.

Yeah... It's pretty clear that all such threads should be shut down until we can establish a minimum intelligence standard for the board; take those who pass that threshold through an intensive 14 week course: "Reason: What it is, What it's for and Why you need to use it"

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