"Gun Grabbing" a topic again? Time to squash this uneducation of politics (and add spice)

hat established, is there any good reason for civilians to own military grade weapons or guns of any sor

1) violent criminals...either individuals or as members of gangs or cartels.

2) the dangerously mentally ill.

3) government failing in its primary job of protecting citizens from 1) and 2)...see Mexico for example

4) government deciding to kill certain of it's citizens...see 20th century socialism...be prepared to count up to 100 million murdered by governments around the world.

Well, again you have proven joe that for you guys history starts when you wake up in the morning and resets when you go to sleep....
She may have been in that clip but her intentions overall are clear. People who read the bill she proposed do not have small minds. Based on the content many guns that have nothing to do with evil black rifles would have been illegal. A Remington 788 bolt action would be banned. It is a freaking deer rifle that holds three rounds. A lever action Henry would also be banned because it has a fixed tube magazine that holds more than ten. Based on clever wording many handguns would be considered ASSAULT RIFLES. Also if it is really about these evil war bullets as she claims, why did the bill define a semi automatic assault weapon as anything regardless of caliber? What the hell does a .22 rimfire have to do with weapons of war? Not a damn thing.

I have a plug in my 870 Remington because you can't have more than three shells to hunt with. You don't think that lever action Henry could use the same method? As far as that .22, you don't think a .22 could kill you, and does it matter if it is rimfire or centerfire? Just a little common sense and reason instead of histrionics could solve a lot of the things you say you are worried about don't you think?

Your response is nonsensical. I didn't say shit about the lethality of a .22 or a pump shotgun. Your 870 isn't a bolt action. Not even on the list in the bill. Oh unless you decided to put a muzzle break or grip on it. Then it is suddenly an assault rife. Is someone is lacking reason it certainly isn't me.

You are correct. My 870 is a pump, and you might notice I didn't say anything about the lethality of that gun either, but the method of limiting the amount of shells is what I was talking about. That wouldn't work the same way with a bolt action? It is not just about what you call "evil war bullets". If it was there would be no talk about a specific type of guns. I may have misunderstood that your questioning of the 22 being included was because of it's smaller caliber. I didn't think you were silly enough to think being rimfire would eliminate it from all the other requirements to be on the list. You might disagree with my post, but you can't say it isn't a logical response to what you said.
Again the problem isn't the number of bullets. It's about gun grabbing. The 788 only holds three. Only way it ever came. Only mags that are sold for it. Not semi auto. Can't even take a grip. But the 3inch tall magazine comes out. that means it is an assault rifle under the bill. That is not just stupid. It is batshit crazy if you didn't understand the real agenda.
Ok, time to kill this stupid thread:
The end game for all lefties is a total gun ban. It's stupidity, naivete, and partisan blindness to believe anything else. We all know that no gun laws of any kind will stop gun violence, because it isn't the gun, its the violence. The stupid and partisan think that just one more gun law will stop it. then when it doesn't stop, then just one more gun law will work, then when that one doesn't stop it, another law will be passed. On and on until there is a total ban.

It's common sense and logic, and that is totally lacking in the OP and those of his ilk.


every other industrial democracy limits or bans gun ownership and they have a fraction of our murder rate.

Yes, gun laws DO work.
hat established, is there any good reason for civilians to own military grade weapons or guns of any sor

1) violent criminals...either individuals or as members of gangs or cartels.

2) the dangerously mentally ill.

3) government failing in its primary job of protecting citizens from 1) and 2)...see Mexico for example

4) government deciding to kill certain of it's citizens...see 20th century socialism...be prepared to count up to 100 million murdered by governments around the world.

Well, again you have proven joe that for you guys history starts when you wake up in the morning and resets when you go to sleep....

Okay, the problem is, the NRA has made it easy for 1 and 2 to get guns. They want them to have guns so everyone else will want them to. You see, now that Hunting has fallen out of favor as a hobby for people with class, the gun industry now knows its main customer is Nancy Lanza and how many guns they can scare her into buying.

and really, whenever someone says "Socialism" like that's a real thing, you have to treat them laughably.

The Russian and Chinese civil wars were so bloody because there were too many guns and they dragged on so long that people had become desensitized to violence, not because of "Socialism" or "Government".
Ok, time to kill this stupid thread:
The end game for all lefties is a total gun ban. It's stupidity, naivete, and partisan blindness to believe anything else. We all know that no gun laws of any kind will stop gun violence, because it isn't the gun, its the violence. The stupid and partisan think that just one more gun law will stop it. then when it doesn't stop, then just one more gun law will work, then when that one doesn't stop it, another law will be passed. On and on until there is a total ban.

It's common sense and logic, and that is totally lacking in the OP and those of his ilk.


every other industrial democracy limits or bans gun ownership and they have a fraction of our murder rate.

Yes, gun laws DO work.

No they don't moron. That is a lie. None if the many gun laws already passed here have stopped any crime, in fact the only times when crime has dropped is where there are fewer restrictions on guns. This thread is officially done.
No they don't moron. That is a lie. None if the many gun laws already passed here have stopped any crime, in fact the only times when crime has dropped is where there are fewer restrictions on guns. This thread is officially done.

Okay, well, I'll just keep it going.

Japan- 11 gun murders.
America, 10,000 gun murders.

Gun laws work.
No they don't moron. That is a lie. None if the many gun laws already passed here have stopped any crime, in fact the only times when crime has dropped is where there are fewer restrictions on guns. This thread is officially done.

Okay, well, I'll just keep it going.

Japan- 11 gun murders.
America, 10,000 gun murders.

Gun laws work.

Careful JoeB........Pred is mad and intends to just shut this thread down. He will hold his breath till he turns blue if you don't give in. He's serious.
No they don't moron. That is a lie. None if the many gun laws already passed here have stopped any crime, in fact the only times when crime has dropped is where there are fewer restrictions on guns. This thread is officially done.

Okay, well, I'll just keep it going.

Japan- 11 gun murders.
America, 10,000 gun murders.

Gun laws work.

Careful JoeB........Pred is mad and intends to just shut this thread down. He will hold his breath till he turns blue if you don't give in. He's serious.

I think Pred's a she... but even so. I love her thread about how she hates the union because the want to pay her more money for cleaning bedpans.
Japan- 11 gun murders.
America, 10,000 gun murders.

Gun laws work.

Actually, no....a police state works....

japanese gun control and legal system how they really reduce gun violence

Japan Gun Control and People Control

A realistic examination of Japanese culture leads to the conclusion that gun control has little, if anything, to do with Japan's low crime rates. Japan's lack of crime is more the result of the very extensive powers of the Japanese police, and the distinctive relation of the Japanese citizenry to authority. Further, none of the reasons which have made gun control succeed in Japan (in terms of disarming citizens) exist in the U.S.

The Japanese criminal justice system bears more heavily on a suspect than any other system in an industrial democratic nation. One American found this out when he was arrested in Okinawa for possessing marijuana: he was interrogated for days without an attorney, and signed a confession written in Japanese that he could not read. He met his lawyer for the first time at his trial, which took 30 minutes.

Unlike in the United States, where the Miranda rule limits coercive police interrogation techniques, Japanese police and prosecutors may detain a suspect indefinitely until he confesses. (Technically, detentions are only allowed for three days, followed by ten day extensions approved by a judge, but defense attorneys rarely oppose the extension request, for fear of offending the prosecutor.) Bail is denied if it would interfere with interrogation.

Even after interrogation is completed, pretrial detention may continue on a variety of pretexts, such as preventing the defendant from destroying evidence. Criminal defense lawyers are the only people allowed to visit a detained suspect, and those meetings are strictly limited.

Partly as a result of these coercive practices, and partly as a result of the Japanese sense of shame, the confession rate is 95%.

For those few defendants who dare to go to trial, there is no jury. Since judges almost always defer to the prosecutors' judgment, the trial conviction rate for violent crime is 99.5%.
Of those convicted, 98% receive jail time.

In short, once a Japanese suspect is apprehended, the power of the prosecutor makes it very likely the suspect will go to jail. And the power of the policeman makes it quite likely that a criminal will be apprehended.

The police routinely ask "suspicious" characters to show what is in their purse or sack. In effect, the police can search almost anyone, almost anytime, because courts only rarely exclude evidence seized by the police -- even if the police acted illegally.

That is how the Japanese keep the gun crime rate low....
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Okay, but here's the thing. As much as you want to portray Japan as a evil police state and not like Freedom loving "Murica!"

Japan only locks up 69,000 people out of a population of some 111 million.

We lock up 2,000,000 out of population of 308 Million. That doesn't count the 7 million we have on probation or parole.

So let me get this straight. We lock up a sizeable percentage of our population, we have as many guns as we have people. We have the highest crime rates in the world. But somehow, we shouldn't look at the Japanese as an example of how we should deal with crime, because you know, "Freedom".
So let me get this straight. We lock up a sizeable percentage of our population, we have as many guns as we have people. We have the highest crime rates in the world. But somehow, we shouldn't look at the Japanese as an example of how we should deal with crime, because you know, "Freedom".

Again, this is more about culture than anything else...the Japanese respect and almost worship "Authority" as part of their culture...Americans do not, so the Japanese are more willing to adhere to laws, and to go along with the crowd...Americans do not....so besides the vast powers of the police to search and prosecute criminals, they derive that abilty from the Japanese culture...

We see ourselves first and foremost as individuals....they do not...

Joe, do you want the police to be able to stop and search you whenever they want...do you want the police to be able to search your house whenever they want...do you want prosecutors to be able to force you into a confession, or do you want judges who agree with prosecutors over defense attorneys....because the Japanese respect for all things in
"Authority" allows this...and this keeps their crime rate down....dittos Europe...they come from societies where they experienced fuedalism....serfs and nobility...and it is part of their culture...it is not ours....

Change the culture....if you dare...
Again, this is more about culture than anything else...the Japanese respect and almost worship "Authority" as part of their culture...Americans do not, so the Japanese are more willing to adhere to laws, and to go along with the crowd...Americans do not....so besides the vast powers of the police to search and prosecute criminals, they derive that abilty from the Japanese culture..

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't know any actual Japanese people, or you wouldn't know how retarded this sounds.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't know any actual Japanese people, or you wouldn't know how retarded this sounds.

I trained in a traditional Koryu with a man who lived in Japan and Okinawa for 24 years as a member of the Air Force, his first teacher was Dr. Gordon Warner...look him up....and the rest were all very traditional, Japanese....he learned to speak the language fluently, and was steeped in the culture....
... Basically the argument today is everyone with a weapon is "good". ...


The argument is that every individual is endowed by their creator with rights so certain that those rights are inseparable from their being. And that with those rights come the correlated responsibility, to not exercise those rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

The Problem comes where some people axiomatically rejects those responsibilities... .

For those people, the righteous are duty bound (See: Responsibility) to defend themselves from the failure of 30% of the population, a large percentage of which are in prison, or are presently heading there, to bear their responsibilities.

This is how a viable people remain so... .

See how that works?
The Creator endowed you with the right to pack a piece? :lmao:
Self defense is a god given right.
Packing is a God given right? :lol:

God said you could pack? Strange. My god tells me if someone slaps my cheek then turn my cheek and bear the other. Jesus teaches that you shouldn't even pack a fist. Where is gun in the Bible?

You are off topic and giving the people who don't agree with no regulation Ammo. I'm sure you don't care, but you might if you don't get educated on the topic and find yourself without a gun. (they might paint all gun owners as uneducated idiots like you and want to ban them all)

Again you are misinformed.

"But now," Jesus said, "take your money and a traveler's bag. And if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Luke 22:36

Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.) Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” John 18:10-11

The Disciples were armed when they were with Jesus.

You should spend some more time with your Bible.
I trained in a traditional Koryu with a man who lived in Japan and Okinawa for 24 years as a member of the Air Force, his first teacher was Dr. Gordon Warner...look him up....and the rest were all very traditional, Japanese....he learned to speak the language fluently, and was steeped in the culture...

so you know someone who knows someone who knows some Japanese?

did they remove a gerbil from Richard Gere's butthole?
Joe...his first teacher in Japn Was Dr. Gordon Warner...a legend in Japan...his other teachers were all traditional Japanese people....he married a woman from Japan and he and his children speak fluent Japanese....he went to Okinawa when he was 17 so more than half his life was spent in Okinawa and Japan, sine he spent 24 years there, and returns there every year....the man is steeped in Japanese culture...If you would be,polite I could introduce you to him....
1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

1st edited clip of a politician stating they want to end gun ownership wins a balloon!

You mean like this bitch?

Or these folks?????

^balloon!............TOLD YOU! More people repeating what the NRA spread and never took time to review. She talks about Assault Rifles, the ones America agreed with her on and said, "If it was up to me".

But don't let facts get in your way :)

hey shit for brains
real assault rifles are machine guns. FineScum wanted to ban semi autos. a if a semi auto can take a 5 round magazine, it can take a 20 round magazine. STFU. you are a moron

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