Gun violence in city's like Chicago is a direct correlation to the government discouraging parents from disciplining there kids


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
Due to that you watered down respect kids had towards adults. One thing being the whole Mr or Ms your first name instead of the last. Also, the same way they say a person that will shoot a police officer is a greater threat to the public, the same concept goes for a person that is willing to show a officer no respect verbally. When I was a kid I threw some trash on the ground and man passing by told me to pick it up. I did because I was told to respect all adults and that wouldn't happen now days. Personally I see this as more of a progressive stance.
Due to that you watered down respect kids had towards adults. One thing being the whole Mr or Ms your first name instead of the last. Also, the same way they say a person that will shoot a police officer is a greater threat to the public, the same concept goes for a person that is willing to show a officer no respect verbally. When I was a kid I threw some trash on the ground and man passing by told me to pick it up. I did because I was told to respect all adults and that wouldn't happen now days. Personally I see this as more of a progressive stance.
and your discarded trash proves your theory?
disciplining there their kids
If you have to resort to grammar corrections on a message board instead of responding to what is said, may mean you are part of the problem. What I'm saying must be something you can be accused of doing when it comes to raising kids.
If you have to resort to grammar corrections on a message board instead of responding to what is said, may mean you are part of the problem. What I'm saying must be something you can be accused of doing when it comes to raising kids.
No, I didn't "have to" do anything. But when I didn't see you crying about correcting your previous error after someone kindly pointed it out I figured fixing the very next word would also be sweat. You're welcome, snookums. And your theory is obviously just pathetic pining for those "good old days" crap.

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