Gun Violence

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I was just perusing CNN online, because it is always good to know what propaganda the enemy of America is distributing at any given time. There was an article titled "America's Youngest Gun Victims". I though to myself, I don't really think these poor kids were victimized by a gun; they were, in fact, victimized by the turd that pulled the trigger. Said turd was trying to kill someone, negligently handled and discharged a weapon, or a parent/guardian negligently left a loaded gun laying around that someone played with and discharged. All of these scenarios have one thing in common: Someone's behavior caused the gun to discharge. It did not go off by itself. Let me tell you a story.

I am a gun guy. I have 2 safes full of various guns. Some are sporting rifles, some are hunting rifles, some are C&R rifles, some shotguns and some handguns. When I want to buy a gun, I buy a gun. Sometimes I sell some off so I can buy more. I am a member of a gun club. I used to go to the range at least bi-weekly, though I confess that in recent months it has decreased to around once a month. Like most, life sometimes interferes with hobbies.

Something happened last weekend, though, that makes me question my beliefs on gun violence. See, I had just finished cleaning a Sig AR-15 I have. It had been a bit since its last bath, so I decided she needed a good rub down and lube job. After repeatedly thrusting the bolt back in forth inside her, it gets a little dry. It was an act of love, really. I cleaned her up while sitting in my living room (I am single, so I am privileged to do shit like this). Once finished, I decided to go into my garage and smoke a cigar. I took my Sig with me. There I am sitting on top of the old Nissan 300 in my garage, smoking an AF and fondling my piece. All of a sudden, my door bell rang. I ignored it because I did not want to see or talk to anybody. But it continued, and continued some more. My dogs in the house were going bat shit crazy. For their peace of mind I decided to go answer the door, and I was getting agitated at the intruder. I set Sig on a table, along with my AF, and went inside to answer my door.

It was some creep who looked like a meth addict claiming he had a tree cutting service, and that he drove by and saw a dead tree in my back yard. He wanted to cut it down and charge me, most likely so he could buy more meth. I ran the sorry fucker off. Such riff raff, and in my neighborhood. I was irritated. After I made sure this ding-a-ling was gone I headed back to the garage. On the way I stopped by the refrigerator in the kitchen and got myself a cold beer. Then it happened.

The shots rang out with a stout report. It was Sig in my garage, and she was angry! The shots were fast, as if being fired from a fully automatic weapon, though it was not full auto. It was only full-semi- auto. I hit the fucking floor. The mag was loaded with green tips, so I was afraid that some lead may penetrate interior walls and threaten me. But as quickly as the shooting began, it ended. Of course, I assumed that some diversity prick had broken into my garage and was shooting my Sig. That REALLY pissed me off. Diversity in my neighborhood...motherfucker!!! When I think about another man putting his hands on my piece I get crazy.

I grabbed the loaded .357 magnum revolver I keep on top of the refrigerator and took off for my garage. I charged the door, dived onto the concrete floor in a tacticool move, rolled and spun on the ground, and came up to one knee ready to shoot. There was nobody there. Once I cleared the garage I checked the door leading outside. It was locked. Of course my big garage door was still closed. I would have heard it in the house if it had opened. I could not figure out what had happened. There were bullet holes in the drywall and 30 shell cases on the floor, along with a faint smell of burned gun powder. It smelled wonderful.

Then it hit me: Maybe this was a case of "Gun Violence" like CNN and MSNBC, and the Democrats are talking about. Maybe guns, which are mechanical creatures, just go off sometimes. I thought to myself, "Holy shit, this thing could have KILLED me!!!" I really do not need THIS kind of firepower around the house. Who needs a fully-semi-auto rifle with a 30 round mag? I can just as easily protect myself and my home with a single shot shotgun. All I got to do is shoot it in the air and it will scare off any intruder, right? Joes Biden told me this would work, and when has Joe Biden ever been wrong about anything?

I continued thinking (though not very hard) about this situation. Hell, a single shot shotgun can kill me too if it just up and decides to shoot. At that moment I resolved to get rid of all of my guns, lest they just start shooting on their own and without my input. I thought about keeping them unloaded, like I do with 99% of my guns. But soon I recognized the fallacy of this. If a mechanical device like a gun can just go off on its own, then what's stopping it from loading itself?!? Even though I store my ammo in a locked cabinet away from my gun safes (except for what I may reasonably need for self-protection, John Wick style), if a gun can fire itself, and therefore load itself too, then it can find my cabinet key or pick the lock. Fuck, even if I get rid of all of my ammo, what's stopping my guns from stealing money and going down to WalMart and buying its own ammo?!!? Holy shit!!!! This was getting really scary!!

If a gun can fire itself without human intervention, then there is no limit on what it can do. Its like they are possessed by evil murderous demons. It's like they have a will of their own. Now I know what all those illiterate, feeble brained Democrats have been talking about all along. "Gun Violence" is violence committed by guns!!

I got rid of all of my guns and bought a Louisville Slugger, 36" for self-protection. I keep it tied up with a rope lest it decide to go off on its own too and beat me to death in my sleep.

There. Do you see how stupid this is? It is just as bad as the Biden hacks when they peddle their stupid BS about building a border wall after 2.5 years of not building the wall because "WaLsS dOn'T weRk"> There is no "gun violence" or "Gun related violence". I mean, you can classify crime however you want for statistical analysis,. But there is ALWAYS a perp. The gun does not do it by itself. The term "gun violence" means nothing except whatever meaning we attribute to it. However, it is used frequently by the left as propaganda to focus public attention on guns rather than the perps who pull the triggers.

A lefty may say something uninformed and stupid like "A gun has no purpose other than to kill, especially and AR rifle". My retort is this: Some of the tools of an abortionist (executionist) have no function other than to kill.
CNN and other liberal news outlets are good at promoting an agenda based on fraudulent data. They add gang related murders and accidental shootings and come up with a statistic that anti-2nd Amendment activists like. Meanwhile the U.S. is inundated with drugs and thousands of deaths from fentanyl that nobody seems concerned about.
Gun violence = criminals committing a crime with a gun. So tired of attempting to bucket "gun violence" as a thing. The left continues to defund / discourage law enforcement and provide slaps on the wrists for criminals .. what the hell do they expect the outcome to be?

The left can be so stupid some times ...
My guns have never been violent. They know what will happen to them if they were. I caught one gun smoking weed and I fixed that mofo but good.

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