Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

I love lying trolls, you just post shit with no regard at all for facts.

Yo stupid, how many guns did Alexis have when he went to the base? And tell us, you lying pile of shit, how many were killed with the shotgun Alexis had?

Alexis can have as many guns as he wishes...It is his right as an American

He thought he could do the job with one gun and did a pretty good job. If he wanted more firepower he could have done alot more damage......and the NRA would have defended him

well if security had done its job, he never would have been working there for one. and secondly, he never would have gotten past the check point. not with one gun or ten guns

No biggie....he could have just done his massacre elsewhere
I mean......does anyone really care?

People are going to get killed. Who cares as long as we are not inconvenienced when we buy our guns?

I realize that you're just a troll and a hack, but do you imagine there was ever a victim who lay dying, thinking "Thank god I was stabbed, and not killed with a gun."

I mean, is this REALLY what you of the anti-liberty left think?

But knives are so......messy

A nice semi-auto with a large magazine makes the job so much easier. Just pull the trigger and watch their heads explode. Our second amendment defends the rights of a mass murderer to pick the weapon of his choice.....why pick a knife?

Knives are easier to run from.
Alexis can have as many guns as he wishes...It is his right as an American

He thought he could do the job with one gun and did a pretty good job. If he wanted more firepower he could have done alot more damage......and the NRA would have defended him

well if security had done its job, he never would have been working there for one. and secondly, he never would have gotten past the check point. not with one gun or ten guns

No biggie....he could have just done his massacre elsewhere

sure, he could have just plowed down people with a car too.
I realize that you're just a troll and a hack, but do you imagine there was ever a victim who lay dying, thinking "Thank god I was stabbed, and not killed with a gun."

I mean, is this REALLY what you of the anti-liberty left think?

But knives are so......messy

A nice semi-auto with a large magazine makes the job so much easier. Just pull the trigger and watch their heads explode. Our second amendment defends the rights of a mass murderer to pick the weapon of his choice.....why pick a knife?

Knives are easier to run from.

Typical liberal solution. Run :scared1:
well if security had done its job, he never would have been working there for one. and secondly, he never would have gotten past the check point. not with one gun or ten guns

No biggie....he could have just done his massacre elsewhere

sure, he could have just plowed down people with a car too.

Yea...a car is always a good option but it is over in an instant

With his trusty shotgun Alexis was able to keep going for 30 minutes. If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?
No biggie....he could have just done his massacre elsewhere

sure, he could have just plowed down people with a car too.

Yea...a car is always a good option but it is over in an instant

With his trusty shotgun Alexis was able to keep going for 30 minutes. If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?
if i was going to take out a crowd i'd rather go all blues brothers in a mall on them. no challenge in shooting them.
Alexis can have as many guns as he wishes...It is his right as an American

Outright lies and stupidity..

Are you Barack Obama?

He thought he could do the job with one gun and did a pretty good job.

Really, you lying fuck?

Because I read that he only killed one person with the Shotgun - which he purchased WITH A BACKGROUND CHECK. You Communists say that background checks will stop these kind of shootings - so why didn't it?

If he wanted more firepower he could have done alot more damage......and the NRA would have defended him

He had all the fire power he could handle, by picking up weapons at the base.

But keep lying, it's what you leftists do.
Alexis can have as many guns as he wishes...It is his right as an American

He thought he could do the job with one gun and did a pretty good job. If he wanted more firepower he could have done alot more damage......and the NRA would have defended him

well if security had done its job, he never would have been working there for one. and secondly, he never would have gotten past the check point. not with one gun or ten guns

No biggie....he could have just done his massacre elsewhere

Yes, that's what we call "prevention", or a "DETERRENT". See how it works? You provide reasonable protection measures and...gasp...people aren't quite so interested in going to those places and playing shootem up!

Imagine what it would be like if all our schools and military facilities didn't disarm all the innocents before corralling them for slaughter!
If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?

If you are going to stop a massacre, nothing beats a good firearm. Yet, these 'gun free zones' and other regulations only serve to lengthen the amount of time it takes to get armed good guys in place to stop the bad guy. No why in the hell would anyone support that?

Know what I mean?
Yea...a car is always a good option but it is over in an instant

With his trusty shotgun Alexis was able to keep going for 30 minutes. If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?

It turns out that an AR-15 WAS used - to stop Aaron Alexis.....

Hey, you tried to lie about everything, but a hint of truth snuck in...
If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?

If you are going to stop a massacre, nothing beats a good firearm. Yet, these 'gun free zones' and other regulations only serve to lengthen the amount of time it takes to get armed good guys in place to stop the bad guy. No why in the hell would anyone support that?

Know what I mean?

Preaching to the choir brother...

The only answer to too many guns is.....more guns
This country took a turn for the worse when we deviated from the Dodge City model. Hand out the guns and let the people shoot it out. Let the Police come in and clean up the blood
Yea...a car is always a good option but it is over in an instant

With his trusty shotgun Alexis was able to keep going for 30 minutes. If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?

It turns out that an AR-15 WAS used - to stop Aaron Alexis.....

Hey, you tried to lie about everything, but a hint of truth snuck in...

Your point?

That police armed with AR-15s is a good thing..... as is making sure Alexis could only buy a shotgun and not the AR-15 he wanted?
The problem isn't too many guns.

It's too many progressive-sponsored lunatics walking around after they've shown themselves to be a threat to themselves and others.

This guy should have been locked up a long time ago. But progressives don't want to lock up crazy criminals. They want to lock up their victims instead.
If you are going to conduct a massacre, you want more bang for the buck. Nothing beats a good firearm

Know what I mean?

If you are going to stop a massacre, nothing beats a good firearm. Yet, these 'gun free zones' and other regulations only serve to lengthen the amount of time it takes to get armed good guys in place to stop the bad guy. No why in the hell would anyone support that?

Know what I mean?

Preaching to the choir brother...

The only answer to too many guns is.....more guns

No need for more guns, just the removal of well intentioned but illogical laws that prevent people from effectively protecting themselves.

This country took a turn for the worse when we deviated from the Dodge City model.

Actually, the so called "Wild West" was far less violent than certain parts of Chicago and other cities today:

Dispelling the myth of 'The Wild West' - Minneapolis gun rights |

Once again, the meddlers have caused more harm than good.

Hand out the guns and let the people shoot it out. Let the Police come in and clean up the blood

Someone has called for "handing out guns". I would disagree with that approach but perhaps you could share a link...

We have got to start locking up crazy people again:

"Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night | The Smoking Gun

Kind of hard to do that when you Wingnuts are slashing the shit out of medical help for poor people.

Besides being unconstitutional to lock people up against their will, the money isn't there to do it, anyway.

This has nothing to do with Obamacare, Medicare, or any other care, it has to do with how society deals with crazy people.
Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

No registry on this planet would ever prevent a criminal from obtaining a weapon. That's why they're called criminals. Guns aren't dangerous. It's the PEOPLE using them that are. Why do you wish to penalize a 100,000,000 people, at minimum, for the illegal behavior of at most 200,000 people?

And no you can't go out and buy a gun and then sell it to someone else. You have to keep it for at least one year before you sell it and if you do that more than a very few times the ATF will make you get a FFL....if they don't arrest you first for dealing in firearms without a license.

How is it really penalizing anyone? Don't people have guns to protect themselves? Wouldn't they better protect themselves if fewer criminals have guns?

Since guns aren't registered, how does anyone know how long you have a gun?

How would criminals not having guns helped, the guy wasn't a criminal.
Glad you seem to be for it.

On another note you mention no registry. Doesn't not registering guns make it impossible to keep them away from criminals? Can't I go out and buy a gun and sell it to whoever I want with no background check? I really don't understand why the law abiding have a problem with registering something dangerous like a gun when it would help keep them from criminals.

It doesn't keep them from criminals, you loon. That's the point. :cuckoo:

Not registering them makes it about as easy as can be for them to get them.

How would registering them make it harder?
Your point?

That you are a shameless liar, a demagogue, and entirely reprehensible..

The direct point is that you lied and claimed Alexis used an AR-15, which he didn't. BUT the police did, to stop him. So rather than the "evil assault weapon" wreaking havok, we actually see that the rifle STOPPED the killing of innocents.

That police armed with AR-15s is a good thing..... as is making sure Alexis could only buy a shotgun and not the AR-15 he wanted?

You DO grasp that the guns that Alexis killed 11 out of 12 people with were taken off of the police, right Herr Goebbels?
Not sure if your statement is true, but do you really think the government would need a registry to ban guns? Couldn't they just send the military door to door and get them? They couldn't get them all registry or not as some would sneak in from other countries I suppose. It seems like the crimes that could be stopped with a registry isn't worth being paranoid about a ban.

A registry makes it really easy for the government to confiscate them. I suggest you read The Nazi Seizure of Power by William Sheridan Allen.

I think the threat of being shot by a crazy or some criminal greatly outweighs any ban.

Exactly the point we are making, self defense trumps the laws making it illegal to won a gun.

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