Gunny's Thread on Religion

he doesn't know shit about islam.

Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:

Kinda like tiger says, if you're such a good student of islam, you'd know you not a real muslim. So keep studying I guess.
Gosh, skeezer, I guess I've missed the parts of the Qur'an demanding my support for 9/11 or the wanton slaughter of Israeli Jews. Those were your "criteria," weren't they? :lol:

As I've said, tools like you are a dime a dozen. You find yourself unable to refute my contentions in an actual debate, so your recourse becomes claiming that I'm a "fake Muslim" because I'm not the cookie-cutter literalist hack you folks desperately want me to be. You know little about Islam, much less who is or isn't a Muslim.
he doesn't know shit about islam.

Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:

Some people watch a lot of porn yet are still lousy in the sack. It's a cruel world.

Inaccurate analogy. I study the Qur'an, therefore I am familiar with Islam. That's more comparable to someone watching a lot of porn and being familiar with porn.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.
hes confusing Noah and Lot
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.

If you have doubts regarding my knowledge of Islam, you're welcome to try and test it. Your attempts to do so generally end with me refuting some lame argument of yours and you quietly slipping away from the discussion; maybe this will turn out differently.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.
hes confusing Noah and Lot

To his eternal embarassment. It happened about a year ago. I'm never going to let him forget it.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.

If you have doubts regarding my knowledge of Islam, you're welcome to try and test it. Your attempts to do so generally end with me refuting some lame argument of yours and you quietly slipping away from the discussion; maybe this will turn out differently.

No, my attempts usually score big, and result with you making some lame doublespeak commentary, which I ignore, as I've already made my point.

But go ahead and claim victory anyway. It's what extremists like to do. Lie about their ideology, and when they're shown up, pretend it's not happening...or what happened was something entirely different, and claim victory regardless.
No, my attempts usually score big, and result with you making some lame doublespeak commentary, which I ignore, as I've already made my point.

1. I ask you to support your ridiculous claims with evidence from the Qur'an.
2. You run away.

This is because you are never able to. If you could, you would.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.
hes confusing Noah and Lot

To his eternal embarassment. It happened about a year ago. I'm never going to let him forget it.

Astrikingfailure gives you a run for your money at moments, but you've pretty much got the market cornered as far as being a fool in religious discussions is concerned. At least he's capable of independent thought and following his own unique religious beliefs.
Oh yawn. Gaybiker proclaims himself an expert on religion as well, and is continually making idiotic mistakes. Like thinking Noah had sex with his daughters.

Just because you say you study it doesn't mean you understand it. Or even that you actually study it.

If you have doubts regarding my knowledge of Islam, you're welcome to try and test it. Your attempts to do so generally end with me refuting some lame argument of yours and you quietly slipping away from the discussion; maybe this will turn out differently.
You know about being a Muʿtazilite .Islam escapes you.
he doesn't know shit about islam.

Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:
You devote a lot of time ignoring Islamic scripture. You know a lot about being a Muʿtazilite, Islam not so much.
Mutazilah Islam is Qur'anic Islam, uncorrupted by nonsense from impure ahadith and other non-Qur'anic sources.
he doesn't know shit about islam.

Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:
You devote a lot of time ignoring Islamic scripture.

You'll forgive me if I don't lend much weight to the opinions of a poster whose responses are cut and pasted from Wahhabi propaganda mills. My friend, I don't believe that you're a stupid person (as some of your friends here are,) but you're sadly mistaken if you believe you're in any position to tell me how much I know or do not know about Islam.
Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:
You devote a lot of time ignoring Islamic scripture. You know a lot about being a Muʿtazilite, Islam not so much.
Mutazilah Islam is Qur'anic Islam, uncorrupted by nonsense from impure ahadith and other non-Qur'anic sources.
ah, so your not sunni or shi'ia or wasabbi
or sufi

this is a sect i had not heard of

i watched an interesting show on the history channel about Ismal and discovered that the basic difference between sunni and shi'ia is the shi'ia pray to the Imams for intercession and the sunni do not
kinda like the roman catholic/eastern orthodox vs protestent
i found it quite interesting
Yes, it isn't as if I devote a portion of every day to studying the Qur'an and Islamic religious texts. :lol:
You devote a lot of time ignoring Islamic scripture.

You'll forgive me if I don't lend much weight to the opinions of a poster whose responses are cut and pasted from Wahhabi propaganda mills. My friend, I don't believe that you're a stupid person (as some of your friends here are,) but you're sadly mistaken if you believe you're in any position to tell me how much I know or do not know about Islam.
They are not 'Wahhabi propaganda mills" they are straight up scriptural guidance that quote the scripture.

Traditions of this genre are innumerable. Reason in itself is enough proof that Allah, Glory be to Him, has made believers love faith and adorned it in their hearts. He has made them hate disbelief, corruption and disobedience. For a man may hate his son or his father or his brother for his opposition to the truth and his swaying back and forth to the path of Satan; and he may love a stranger to whom he has no connection, except the brotherhood of Islam.

For all of this, it is incumbent that our love, affection and friendship be to those whom Allah has commanded us to love, just as it is necessary that our animosity, hatred and dissociation be from those whom Allah, Glory be to Him, has ordered us to dissociate from.

As a result of this, our affection is for 'Ali and the Imams from his progeny, even though there was no preceding love for them; [this is] because the Qur'an, sunna, history and reason have left us no doubt regarding them.

Islam Question and Answer - Ruling on loving non-Muslims
"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with and loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad- Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him), even if they are their fathers or their sons or their kindred…"
We are not saying to you curse them or pick up arms against them; however, it is obligatory upon you to abhor them for their disbelief and their denial of the Lord of the worlds and to hate the invalid and untruthful religion that they are practicing
Abhor Definition | Definition of Abhor at
ab⋅hor   /æbˈhɔr/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ab-hawr] Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -horred, -hor⋅ring. to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate.

. The Muslim should feel in his heart that he hates the kuffaar and the way they look and behave. This hatred will motivate him to avoid looking like them at all in the way he dresses or in other ways. Do you not see that a person who despises a people or tribe, or people from a certain country, will hate to dress like them, especially if they are poor
Islam Question and Answer - Is wearing jeans imitating the kuffaar?

But visiting kaafirs in order to have a good time with them is not permitted, because it is obligatory to hate them and shun them
Islam Question and Answer - Making friends with a kaafir woman

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