Gunny's Thread on Religion

90% of muslims don't want israel destroyed? Or aren't happy about 9/11? Your fake muslim is showing again. You obviously know nothing about muslims. Why do you pretend?

93% of Muslims condemn 9/11:

'Politics, not piety' dictate radicals in Muslim world: poll |

Depends on what you mean by Israel being "destroyed." I want to see Israel as it currently exists destroyed and replaced with a single, egalitarian government.

Your fake muslim is showing again. You obviously know nothing about muslims.
The difference between us is that my positions are backed up by factual information, while yours are supported only by your preconceived notions.

Why do you pretend?
Why do you troll?
Certainly far more consensus than with the mutz.

That doesn't matter. Consensus with the Wahhabi heretics has not been attained, and will not be as long as there are brothers and sisters who hold true to the words of the Qur'an.
Are you calling the wahhabies kaffirs?

No, I won't call anybody who claims to be a Muslim a kafir, regardless of how incorrect or backward their beliefs seem to be. I implied that Wahhabism is not Qur'anic Islam - that it is a deviant and heretical sect of Islam. Why?
That doesn't matter. Consensus with the Wahhabi heretics has not been attained, and will not be as long as there are brothers and sisters who hold true to the words of the Qur'an.
Are you calling the wahhabies kaffirs?

No, I won't call anybody who claims to be a Muslim a kafir, regardless of how incorrect or backward their beliefs seem to be. I implied that Wahhabism is not Qur'anic Islam - that it is a deviant and heretical sect of Islam. Why?
You would of course be incorrect in your implication .
Wahhabism is merely fundamental scriptural Islam that follows the sunna of the "prophet' as prescribed in the Quran and the sunna as the Quran suggests. Never the less
I do not go to wahhabi .com for any information.
I would suggest this is not the correct place for you to straighten out the path of these billions of misunderstanders who disagree with you.
You would of course be incorrect in your implication .
In the opinion of an uneducated twit, perhaps, but there aren't any of those here, are there?

Wahhabism is merely fundamental scriptural Islam that follows the sunna of the "prophet' as prescribed in the Quran and the sunna as the Quran suggests.
Wahhabism is based on the un-Islamic actions and teachings of Ibn al-Wahhab, a heretic of the highest order.

See my post and the linked articles here:

Never the less
I do not go to wahhabi .com for any information.
"Wahhabi" is derogatory; they do not use that term to describe themselves. Your sources, however, are mostly Wahhabi.

Never the lessI would suggest this is not the correct place for you to straighten out the path of these billions of misunderstanders who disagree with you.
There are not billions of Wahhabis. There are not even billions of Muslims.
You would of course be incorrect in your implication .
In the opinion of an uneducated twit, perhaps, but there aren't any of those here, are there?

Wahhabism is merely fundamental scriptural Islam that follows the sunna of the "prophet' as prescribed in the Quran and the sunna as the Quran suggests.
Wahhabism is based on the un-Islamic actions and teachings of Ibn al-Wahhab, a heretic of the highest order.

See my post and the linked articles here:

Never the less
I do not go to wahhabi .com for any information.
"Wahhabi" is derogatory; they do not use that term to describe themselves. Your sources, however, are mostly Wahhabi.

Never the lessI would suggest this is not the correct place for you to straighten out the path of these billions of misunderstanders who disagree with you.
There are not billions of Wahhabis. There are not even billions of Muslims.
I dont speak for wahhabis I just offer an alternative view of Islam than the one you and the dozens of followers of your minor cult posture.

Islam Question and Answer - Who are the Wahhaabis and what is their message?

Wahhaabism is not a new way or a new school of thought; rather it is a call to Tawheed and the revival of aspects of the religion that had been forgotten. What you have to do is to beware of those who warn you against the Wahhaabis, because they are warning you against following the truth and the early generation of this ummah. Applying the word “Wahhaabis” to those who adhere to correct belief and warning people against them is the way of the ignorant and biased. We ask Allaah to keep you safe and sound.

Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhaab (may Allaah have mercy on him) called people to Tawheed and he wrote his famous book on that topic which is called Kitaab al-Tawheed. In this book he limited himself to quoting only the clear evidence from the verses of the Qur’aan and the saheeh ahaadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Commentaries on this book were written by his grandson ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Hasan and other scholars. Hence none of his opponents can refute this book or claim that his evidence is false.

Islam Question and Answer - Advice to those who do not recognize the Salafi scholars and call them Wahhaabis
I dont speak for wahhabis
By linking to their opinions and injunctions, you implicitly support them and their warped message.

I just offer an alternative view of Islam than the one you and the dozens of followers of your minor cult posture.
We, the People of Unity and Justice, aren't alone in our recognition of Wahhab and his ilk as heretics. The sources I linked to in that post of mine were both non-Mu'tazili. Furthermore, we are not a cult.

You should read the information in the post I linked to. The Wahhabi's false beliefs and oppression of their brother Muslims qualify them as heretics of the highest order.
You should read the information in the post I linked to. The Wahhabi's false beliefs and oppression of their brother Muslims qualify them as heretics of the highest order.
Perhaps your problem is with Islam itself.
We will not enterian the debate between mainstream Islam and qiyas and the mutz cult.
Perhaps your problem is with Islam itself.
That makes no sense. My problem is with the Wahhabis for deviating from true Islam while falsely accusing others of doing just that.

We will not enterian the debate between mainstream Islam and qiyas and the mutz cult.
You've discovered that it's one you can't win. Good - you're making progress. :lol:
e. My problem is with the Wahhabis for deviating from true Islam while falsely accusing others of doing just that.
Traditional scriptural Islam uses the Quran and sunna which is what I use as a tool to reveal a widely held interpretation of Islam.
It carries intellectual force by using the example of the "prophet" and the Quran to reveal Islam fully.
I dont speak for wahhabis
By linking to their opinions and injunctions, you implicitly support them and their warped message.

I just offer an alternative view of Islam than the one you and the dozens of followers of your minor cult posture.
We, the People of Unity and Justice, aren't alone in our recognition of Wahhab and his ilk as heretics. The sources I linked to in that post of mine were both non-Mu'tazili. Furthermore, we are not a cult.

You should read the information in the post I linked to. The Wahhabi's false beliefs and oppression of their brother Muslims qualify them as heretics of the highest order.

The splintering of Islam is amazing.

"It's me against my brother"
"It's me and my brother against our cousin"
"It's me and my brother and my cousin against the stranger"

The west watches Islam fighting each other and don't feel threatened. But the moment the infidel gets entangled, suddenly all these splinter groups merge into one.

And we need to wake up to the very real danger.
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The splintering of Islam is amazing.
The tension between Mu'tazili Islam and Wahhabi Islam is more pronounced than most sectarian differences, because the former represents the extreme of rationality and the latter the extremes of irrationality and injustice. I've gotten along fine with the overwhelming majority of Sunnis, Shi'ia, Ahmadis, and Sufis I've met.

"It's me against my brother"
"It's me and my brother against our cousin"
"It's me and my brother and my cousin against the stranger"

The west watches Islam fighting each other and don't feel threatened. But the moment the infidel gets entangled, suddenly all these splinter groups merge into one.

And we need to wake up to the very real danger.
Non-Muslims have no business interfering in our internal disputes. If you assist one group against another unrightfully, the second will perceive oppression on your part and retaliate accordingly.
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e. My problem is with the Wahhabis for deviating from true Islam while falsely accusing others of doing just that.
Traditional scriptural Islam uses the Quran and sunna which is what I use as a tool to reveal a widely held interpretation of Islam.
It carries intellectual force by using the example of the "prophet" and the Quran to reveal Islam fully.

Scriptural Islam uses the Qur'an and traditions that are in complete accordance therewith. Most mainstream forms of Islam simply accept all reports from one scholar or another as legitimate without questioning their accuracy or their consistency with the Qur'anic message.
The Quran contains no contradictions.

An example of the abrogation: there are 124 versus that call for tolerance and patience which have been canceled and replaced by this one single verse:

9.5. Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikûn (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, then leave their way free. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Quran, there are only 43 Surahs that were not affected by this concept.

This doctrine is based on the Quran, where Allah allegedly says in Surah 2:106. Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allâh is able to do all things?

Also, in Surah
16101. And when We change a Verse [of the Qur'ân, i.e. cancel (abrogate) its order] in place of another, and Allâh knows the best of what He sends down, they (the disbelievers) say: "You (O Muhammad SAW) are but a Muftari! (forger, liar)." Nay, but most of them know not.
The Noble Quran : Surat 16

The Abrogator and the Abrogated
In their attempt to polish Islam's image, Muslim activists usually quote the Meccan passages of the Quran that call for love, peace and patience. The deliberately hid the Medenan passages that call for killing, decapitating, and maiming.

Muslim activists also fail to reveal to people in the West a major doctrine in Islam called "al-Nasikh wal-Mansoukh" (the Abrogator and the Abrogated). This simply means that when a recent verse in the Quran gives a contradictory view to another verse that preceded it (chronologically), the recent verse abrogates (cancels and replaces) the old verse and renders it null and void. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
The Quran contains no contradictions.

An example of the abrogation:

Already refuted in an argument you have failed to address.

There is no such thing as abrogation in the Qur'an. The Qur'an itself makes this clear in 4:82 - "Will they not then meditate on the Qur’an? And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy." Moreover, two of the three suwar I cited, al-Baqara and al-Anfal, were revealed in Madinah, after hostilities had already commenced between the Muslims and the persecuting Quraish. Al-Baqara in particular contains most of the Qur'an's guidance pertaining to dealing with enemies. The only verse I cited that was revealed in Makkah was one of the last revealed in that city, after the Quraish had been actively persecuting the Muslims there for some time. If any of the verses I referred to are "superceded" as you suggest, please show me the verses that supposedly take precedence over them. In 1936, Muslim leader and scholar Maulana Muhammad Ali wrote the following on the subject of abrogation:

That certain verses of the Qur'an are abrogated by others is now an exploded theory. The two passages on which it was supposed to rest, refer, really, to the abrogation, not of the Qur'an but of the previous revelations whose place the Holy Book had taken. The first verse is contained in the sixteenth chapter (al-Nahl) - a Makkah revelation - and runs thus: "And when We change a message for a message, - and Allah knows best what He reveals - they say: Thou art only a forger" (16:101). It is a fact that details of the Islamic law were revealed at Madinah and it is in relation to these details that the theory of abrogation has been broached. Therefore, a Makkah revelation would not speak of abrogation. But the reference in the above verse is to the abrogation, not of the Qur'anic verses but of the previous Divine messages or revelations, consequent upon revelation of the Qur'an. The context shows this clearly to be the case, for the opponents are here made to say that the Prophet was a forger. He was so accused by the opponents not because he announced the abrogation of certain verses in the Qur'an but because he claimed that the Qur'an was a divine revelation which had taken the place of previous revelations. They argued that it was not a revelation at all: "Only a mortal teaches him" (16:103). According to them the whole of the Qur'an, and not merely a particular verse of it, was a forgery. The theory of abrogation, therefore, cannot be based on this verse which speaks only of one revelation or one law taking the place of another.

The other verse which is supposed to lend support to the theory runs thus: "Whatever message we abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than it or one like it" (2:106). A reference to the context will show that the Jews or the followers of previous revelations are here addressed. Of these it is said: "they say: We believe in that which was revealed to us; and they deny what is besides that" (2:91). So they were told that if a certain revelation was abrogated, it was only to give place to a better one. And there is mention not only of abrogation but also of something that was forgotten. The words "or cause to be forgotten" cannot refer to the Qur'an at all because no portion of it could be said to have been forgotten so as to require a new revelation in its place. There is no point in supposing that God should make the Prophet forget a verse and then reveal a new one in its place. Why not, if he really had forgotten a verse, remind him of the one forgotten? But even if it is supposed that his memory ever failed in retaining (which really never happened), that verse was quite safely preserved in writing, and the mere failure of memory could not necessitate a new revelation. That the Prophet never forgot what was recited to him is plainly stated in the Qur'an: "We shall make the recite, so thou shalt not forget" (87:6). History also bears out the fact that he never forgot any portion of the Qur'anic revelation. Sometimes the whole of a very long chapter would be revealed to him in one portion, as in the case of the sixth chapter which extends over twenty sections, but he would cause it to be written without delay, and make his companions learn it by heart, and recite it in public prayers, and that without the change of even a letter, notwithstanding the fact that he himself could not read from a written copy, nor did the written copies, as a rule, remain in his possession. It was a miracle indeed that he never forgot any portion of the Qur'an, though other things he might forget, and it is to his forgetfulness in other things that the words except what Allah pleases, in the next verse (87:7), refer. On the other hand, it is a fact that parts of the older revelations had been utterly lost and forgotten, and thus the Qur'an was needed to take the place of that which was abrogated, and that which had been forgotten by the world.

The message of the Qur'an is consistent throughout its entirety. As I said, all of the verses I cited were revealed after the worst of the persecution faced by Muhammad and his followers had begun. Your abrogation argument was proved false quite some time ago.

Guess what? The more recent books are not about peace, love and honor. They are about butchery, lying, and war.
Guess what? That, like most of your half-baked remarks, is untrue.

The next-to-last surah to be revealed tells Muslims to respect their alliances with disbelievers. The surah immediately preceding that tells us that if someone kills an innocent person, "it is as though he had killed all men." It also explains that all people who believe and do good, not just Muslims, will be rewarded. So much for "butchery, lying, and war." You don't know anything about Islam or the Qur'an; you merely regurgitate the ridiculous bullshit fed to you by ignorant Islamophobes.

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