Guns are having a VERY bad day at SCOTUS

When has a requirement by a state to obtain a license for the simple exercise of a right been upheld by the USSC?

Im reading the transcript of the arguments…….sotomayor, kagan and breyer, the three stooges on the court….how did they ever get near a court room let alone the Supreme Court?

Their questions are just dumb.
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Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State not individual rights.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Difficult questions from Kagan and CJ Roberts. The basics:

The thing is, America has a core constitutional document, whereas the UK has an uncodified one. The UK's constitution is constructed in the written aspects of the laws, statutes and legislation. That's a bit of a bugger to sit down and work out precisely what the UK's constitution, but the thing is, any ambiguity that arises can be tweaked by amending the relevant law, statute, legislation etc..

The ambiguity in America's constitution is still there and is still going through the SCOUTS since 1776.
Because you refuse to accept the truth.
An insurrection is an attempt to overthrow a government -- when you plan to overthrow a government, you need to project force, and you aren't worried about the laws against carrying a firearm
If it were an -actual- insurrection, they -would- have all had firearms.
They would not only have been well armed, but would have had a plan to take over the media and military as well as police stations, NG armories, the Hover building and other critical infrastructure. A insurrection is an organized plan to take over the government, NOT simply interfere with government business. That's why not a single person form Jan 6th has been charged with insurrection. They've all been charged with some variation of trespassing or interfering with government business.

New York is not ‘refusing’ to issue carry permits; residents of the state are authorized to carry concealed weapons when they satisfy the may issue provision.

And even if the Court were to uphold the may issue provision – which it won’t – it won’t ‘embolden’ other states to enact similar laws, the notion fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
May issue in NY is like may issue in LA County. Only celebrities, security companies, retired cops and some public officials qualify. If you are an average citizen fuggitabout it.
"well regulated" in the idiom of the time meant properly operating. A clock that kept good time was "well regulated". The term didn't mean controlled as it does today.
Where did right-wingers come up with that? In any case, any definition from a dictionary would be incorrect. Well regulated must be prescribed by our federal Congress.

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
Every amendment in the Bill of Rights is about individual rights with the exception of the Tenth which specifically restricts the government to the enumerated powers.

Even the Tenth Amendment hints at the principle of individual rights. It mentions powers belonging to the federal government, powers belonging to the states, and powers belonging to the people. Powers belonging to the people would be individual rights, as opposed to powers belonging to either level of government.

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