Guns Cars War & Abortion - That's what america is about


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Face it - americans love to kill people. But it's only the gun killing that liberals complain about. They love cars and abortion and refuse to criticize their god Obozo for all the people he kills every day in the mideast.
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Incredibly hypocritical how liberals think it's great that a million abortions occur every year in america but when 20 kids are killed by guns, they act like they care about kids!!!
Well, I get what you're saying but that's a stretch.

Liberals compartmentalize. They place issues and ideals in little boxes that never intersect or interact.

This is how they're able to take credit, and avoid responsibility.

It's what makes them infallible.
Interesting that you point the finger at Americans when it comes to killing. The Israelis and Palestinians (Muslims) have been killing each other for decades. The Pakistanis have been killing the Indians. The Irish Protestants have been killing the Irish Catholics. The Sunnis have been killing the Shiites. The Northern Sudanese have been killing the Southern Sudanese. Muslims have been killing Buddhists. The Turks have been killing the Kurds. Rwandans were killing Tutus. Northern Muslim Nigerians are killing Southern Christian Nigerians. Islamist Egyptians are throwing rocks and molotove cocktails at secular and liberal Egyptians. Somalis are killing Somalis. European football (soccer) fans have huge brawls after games, sometimes causing deaths. Chinese communists killed countless thousands of non-Communist Chinese. Communist Russia killed millions of its own people. On and on the list can go. We are no more bloody than anyone else.
As for cars...yeah....we do love our cars. That's because of the fact that the nation became industrialized, is huge in size and cars allowed for easier transport.
Abortion.....well, one thing I have always noticed on footage of abortion protesters outside of clinics, the protesters seem to mostly be older white men. They're a bunch of knuckle dragging Neanderthals who believe they have the right to tell women what they can do with their bodies and that the government should take over telling women what they can do with their pregnancies, while at the same time, scream smaller and less intrusive government. I guess every woman of birthing age that tries to travel overseas would have to be subjected to a pregnancy test, both before they go to countries that offer abortions, then test them again upon return. Hippocrites.
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As for cars...yeah....we do love our cars. That's because of the fact that the nation became industrialized, is huge in size and cars allowed for easier transport.

Sigh - hey, i love cars too. The issue is criminal drivers. We need to go after all these maniacs who speed and run red lights and drive drunk and drive while texting . Why do they do it? Because they're psychopaths who love to kill. We need to get them off the roads. They're a much bigger problem than the gun loons.

Well, I get what you're saying but that's a stretch.

Liberals compartmentalize. They place issues and ideals in little boxes that never intersect or interact.

This is how they're able to take credit, and avoid responsibility.

It's what makes them infallible.

We’ll assume you’re already aware of the fact that with regard to this post, one need only replace ‘liberals’ with ‘conservatives…’
Face it - americans love to kill people. But it's only the gun killing that liberals complain about. They love cars and abortion and refuse to criticize their god Obozo for all the people he kills every day in the mideast.

Not a problem...remove the rear seats from all cars..weld sharp stuff back there.. a lot less sex... a lot less abortion... a lot fewer kids that grow up so the gubmint can send em to war..

Um...I forgot guns... I'll have to think on that.. Maybe try to confiscate em..result...a lot fewer soldiers that can go to war.
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Face it - americans love to kill people. But it's only the gun killing that liberals complain about. They love cars and abortion and refuse to criticize their god Obozo for all the people he kills every day in the mideast.

You are an idiot. US Gun fatalities are higher car fatalities, and Abortion rates are lower than before it was legal. Twice as many people own automobile as guns, yet guns kill more than cars.
Incredibly hypocritical how liberals think it's great that a million abortions occur every year in america but when 20 kids are killed by guns, they act like they care about kids!!!

Did you just say that with a straight face? Do I need to point out Republicans not caring about kids shot by guns, but pretending to care about abortions is also hypocritical?
Republicans don't care about ANYONE. They pretend to be concerned about abortion only because they are convinced that their god wants them to be. The morons believe that if they play their cards right they are going to heaven. They don't want their god to exclude them from this guaranteed forever after death vacation where everything is perfect. They base much of how they want to be perceived on this fantasy. It is to me the most ridiculous aspect of how their tiny brains operate.

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