Guns Everywhere? Sounds good to me

look at the starts with the lowest ownership. DC, Delaware, CA FL, NY. some of the highest rates. proportionately, state with the highest percent of guns have the lowest rates. no contest there

And Louisiana and Missouri have the highest murder rates of the states and high ownership. There is no correlation.
The big picture really seems to show that there is no correlation. Louisiana, Missouri, and South Carolina are all in the top 5 highest murder rates, but they all have significant gun ownership. DC really isn't a state so I'm not sure how it fits in this group. Meanwhile Hawaii has almost no guns and is one of the lowest murder rates. It all adds up to no correlation. Certainly more guns has no correlation as those with the highest ownership rates are not all the lowest murder rates.


Two new studies confirm gun control's worst nightmare: More guns, less crime |

So you've abandoned the other chart then?
No I haven't, however I don't like to re-iterate the same stuff over and over again. I made my point with both the chart and graph.
look at the starts with the lowest ownership. DC, Delaware, CA FL, NY. some of the highest rates. proportionately, state with the highest percent of guns have the lowest rates. no contest there

And Louisiana and Missouri have the highest murder rates of the states and high ownership. There is no correlation.
The big picture means looking at each and every state, not just a handful. Overall, states with higher gun ownership will have lower gun murder rates.
look at the starts with the lowest ownership. DC, Delaware, CA FL, NY. some of the highest rates. proportionately, state with the highest percent of guns have the lowest rates. no contest there

And Louisiana and Missouri have the highest murder rates of the states and high ownership. There is no correlation.
The big picture means looking at each and every state, not just a handful. Overall, states with higher gun ownership will have lower gun murder rates.

Very unlikely. Like mentioned before of the 5 highest murder rates, 3 have significant gun ownership. It will balance out to no correlation.
Louisiana is kind of unique, especially post Katrina. South Louisiana is a hard drinking cuture. New Orleans is thug central. Baton Rouge took in a huge population from New Orleans post Katrina, clogging that city. Traffic and congestion is a huge issue as a result. Part of Baton Rouge is trying to split off (St George) in an effort to distance themselves from the "bad part." I'd bet the vast majority of the violence is from illegal guns in New Orleans and North Baton Rouge. If you cut the state in half (around Alexandria), the stats would be surprisingly different. The south has huge French Catholic and Italian Catholic influences ... both hotheads and drinkers. The north is almost entirely Protestant, teatotaller (anti alcohol), fundie, Bible Belters. They don't tend to shoot each other.

I've no experience with Missouri so no clue. I would imagine it is harder to bring so many illegal guns into Hawaii though, so that may influence their stats. I'm curious about the number of illegal guns as much as the legally owned ones.
Louisiana is kind of unique, especially post Katrina. South Louisiana is a hard drinking cuture. New Orleans is thug central. Baton Rouge took in a huge population from New Orleans post Katrina, clogging that city. Traffic and congestion is a huge issue as a result. Part of Baton Rouge is trying to split off (St George) in an effort to distance themselves from the "bad part." I'd bet the vast majority of the violence is from illegal guns in New Orleans and North Baton Rouge. If you cut the state in half (around Alexandria), the stats would be surprisingly different. The south has huge French Catholic and Italian Catholic influences ... both hotheads and drinkers. The north is almost entirely Protestant, teatotaller (anti alcohol), fundie, Bible Belters. They don't tend to shoot each other.

I've no experience with Missouri so no clue. I would imagine it is harder to bring so many illegal guns into Hawaii though, so that may influence their stats. I'm curious about the number of illegal guns as much as the legally owned ones.

And Wyoming is probably very low because they have no large cities in the state.
Louisiana is kind of unique, especially post Katrina. South Louisiana is a hard drinking cuture. New Orleans is thug central. Baton Rouge took in a huge population from New Orleans post Katrina, clogging that city. Traffic and congestion is a huge issue as a result. Part of Baton Rouge is trying to split off (St George) in an effort to distance themselves from the "bad part." I'd bet the vast majority of the violence is from illegal guns in New Orleans and North Baton Rouge. If you cut the state in half (around Alexandria), the stats would be surprisingly different. The south has huge French Catholic and Italian Catholic influences ... both hotheads and drinkers. The north is almost entirely Protestant, teatotaller (anti alcohol), fundie, Bible Belters. They don't tend to shoot each other.

I've no experience with Missouri so no clue. I would imagine it is harder to bring so many illegal guns into Hawaii though, so that may influence their stats. I'm curious about the number of illegal guns as much as the legally owned ones.

And Wyoming is probably very low because they have no large cities in the state.

I'd agree with that. There are many factors I suspect. We have many many cultures in this great nation of ours.
Guns in bars, what could go wrong?

[ame=]Tombstone / Wyatt Earp takes the Game - YouTube[/ame]
When you obtain your carry permit you are given fair warning about consuming alcohol while carrying. It isn't illegal to have a drink or two while carrying as long as you are not legally intoxicated. Being intoxicated you run the risk of not only being arrested but losing your carry permit as well. It basically boils down to being responsible.

But many people are not responsible when they drink, and should not be carrying a firearm in a bar. If you live in a place where you feel that you need a firearm to socialize with friends or go to church, why would you live there?

It has nothing to do with your "need" and everything to do with your "right".

Do you suppose the people who went to the movies thought they needed a gun? Probably not. But if they had the right to have one in the theater lives could have been saved.

I carry a handgun hoping to never need it, but I have the right to have it just in case it is needed.

It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

So, it is just about boys and guns. It must be terrible to be so paranoid.
But many people are not responsible when they drink, and should not be carrying a firearm in a bar. If you live in a place where you feel that you need a firearm to socialize with friends or go to church, why would you live there?

It has nothing to do with your "need" and everything to do with your "right".

Do you suppose the people who went to the movies thought they needed a gun? Probably not. But if they had the right to have one in the theater lives could have been saved.

I carry a handgun hoping to never need it, but I have the right to have it just in case it is needed.

It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

So, it is just about boys and guns. It must be terrible to be so paranoid.

I wouldn't know if it's terrible or not. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.
It has nothing to do with your "need" and everything to do with your "right".

Do you suppose the people who went to the movies thought they needed a gun? Probably not. But if they had the right to have one in the theater lives could have been saved.

I carry a handgun hoping to never need it, but I have the right to have it just in case it is needed.

It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.

So, it is just about boys and guns. It must be terrible to be so paranoid.

I wouldn't know if it's terrible or not. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

Hey, I am not the scared little man who needs to carry a firearm. You must be one of those liberal pussies.
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So, it is just about boys and guns. It must be terrible to be so paranoid.

I wouldn't know if it's terrible or not. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

Hey, I am not the scared little man who needs to carry a firearm. You must be one of those liberal oussies.

There's nothing on this planet that scares me and at 6'6" I'm anything but little.

Again, it's not about "need" it's about having the right.

I supposed you think that every law enforcement officer are just scared liberal pussies. The ironic thing is, those are the people you would call when you needed someone with a gun to save your dumbass.
Here's what I stated when I posted the chart:

If you look at the entire chart, and get a sense of the big picture, you'll realize that states or districts with high gun ownership rates generally do have lower gun related murders. Louisiana is the exception to the rule.

D.C. which has the lowest gun ownership rate on the chart, also has the highest gun murder rate on the chart.

Bottom line is criminals will be more inclined to commit gun related crimes when they know that the only resistance they will likely encounter will be from police. Even then, police take time to respond to a call, and criminals know this.

The big picture really seems to show that there is no correlation. Louisiana, Missouri, and South Carolina are all in the top 5 highest murder rates, but they all have significant gun ownership. DC really isn't a state so I'm not sure how it fits in this group. Meanwhile Hawaii has almost no guns and is one of the lowest murder rates. It all adds up to no correlation. Certainly more guns has no correlation as those with the highest ownership rates are not all the lowest murder rates.


Two new studies confirm gun control's worst nightmare: More guns, less crime |

Well done Jug..........yes, that is taken from a research study concluded at Harvard University in April 2013 and published in their Journal of Law and Public Policy. It is definitive.........MORE GUNS = LESS CRIMES..........and its not even debatable. In the EU, it is established that there are far, far more murders in countries WITH gun bans vs countries without.

Ive posted that direct link up in this forum a couple fo dozen times and it is always ignored by the gun grabber k00ks.:D:D
The big picture really seems to show that there is no correlation. Louisiana, Missouri, and South Carolina are all in the top 5 highest murder rates, but they all have significant gun ownership. DC really isn't a state so I'm not sure how it fits in this group. Meanwhile Hawaii has almost no guns and is one of the lowest murder rates. It all adds up to no correlation. Certainly more guns has no correlation as those with the highest ownership rates are not all the lowest murder rates.

because dc is an independent jurisdiction with it own laws. fact is, the states with tough laws, low gun ownership have high murder rates.

If it was a fact then Hawaii wouldn't have one of the lowest ownership rates and lowest gun murder rates.

and DC would have no murders.
Hey.....bottom line is that since 2009, guns are selling like Skittles. Nobody in my family had any just 5 years ago and now all could fight a small war. When the society is becomming a Jonestown thanks to progressive public policy, you go buy guns. Lots of 'em. Too many zombies in society these days.....gotta provide protection for your families.

ANd make no mistake........the progressives are limpwristers. These are the cheesdicks who got picked last for the team and got their lunchbox kicked around the schoolyard more than a few times. Weenies with no they take the faggy intellectual route to trying to rectify societal problems. And they are exceedingly ineffective to the point of laughable. Fuck the limpwristers...........who by the way......and thank good ness, are a fringe minority. A recent Gallup poll in October 2013 showed that 74% of Americans OPPOSE a gun ban.

Indeed........Americans LOVE their guns!!!

Let me tell you........when you sleep with a 930 Mossberg an arms reach from your bed, you sleep like a baby!!!
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Gun grabbers are like the people at the party that nobody talks to. They sit on the perimeter with their finger up their asses trying to matter. But they dont matter. Only fringe embrace fringe.

These limpwristers need to leave their bubbles and go spend $350 for a shotgun and some rounds and go to a range for a couple of hours. Just dont shoot your eye out.
I wouldn't know if it's terrible or not. I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

Hey, I am not the scared little man who needs to carry a firearm. You must be one of those liberal oussies.

There's nothing on this planet that scares me and at 6'6" I'm anything but little.

Again, it's not about "need" it's about having the right.

I supposed you think that every law enforcement officer are just scared liberal pussies. The ironic thing is, those are the people you would call when you needed someone with a gun to save your dumbass.

Talk is cheap comimg from behind a computer. 6'6"? I did not know that they could stack shit that high. A person with any intellect would have known that I did not mean height when I said little.

Law enforcement officers in most countries face danger and have a need for firearms. Most of the police in the country where I reside do not wear guns. The strict laws against firearms make it unnecessary.
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Hey, I am not the scared little man who needs to carry a firearm. You must be one of those liberal oussies.

There's nothing on this planet that scares me and at 6'6" I'm anything but little.

Again, it's not about "need" it's about having the right.

I supposed you think that every law enforcement officer are just scared liberal pussies. The ironic thing is, those are the people you would call when you needed someone with a gun to save your dumbass.

Talk is cheap comimg from behind a computer. 6'6"? I did not know that they could stack shit that high. A person with any intellect would have known that I did not mean height when I said little.

Law enforcement officers in most countries face danger and have a need for firearms. Most of the police in the country where I reside do not wear guns. The strict laws against firearms make it unnecessary.

I'm usually paid well for my advice and I'm sure shit could be stacked higher. Although I wouldn't know why you'd want to.

One can never be sure what a liberal means. They say so much that isn't true.

What country do you reside in?

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