Guns Everywhere? Sounds good to me

If that is the case then why does Wyoming not have the lowest crime rate? Why do many states with less guns have lower crime rates than Wyoming? Why is the Louisiana crime rate so high? Sorry the theory doesn't work.

the theory does work, overall, states with more guns have lower rates.

Louisiana has the most crime of any state and high gun ownership so no it doesn't.

DC has the least amount of guns but hte highest crime rate, so by your logic of trying to cherry pick one example to validate your claim, yes it does
neither are guns and cars. should we ban cars? should we ban cars from parking at a bar or a restaurant that serves alcohol

There are laws against drinking and driving, so I guess you should not be allowed to carry a firearm when consuming alcohol.

When you obtain your carry permit you are given fair warning about consuming alcohol while carrying. It isn't illegal to have a drink or two while carrying as long as you are not legally intoxicated. Being intoxicated you run the risk of not only being arrested but losing your carry permit as well. It basically boils down to being responsible.

But many people are not responsible when they drink, and should not be carrying a firearm in a bar. If you live in a place where you feel that you need a firearm to socialize with friends or go to church, why would you live there?
According to the chart NH has .04% gun murders compared to WY with .09%

Don't see how relevant that is when compared to the population NH at 1.3 million and WY at just over 500 thousand.

So you don't even understand the chart. How surprising. Read again the population of the state doesn't matter. Post again when you understand the numbers in the chart.

I understand the chart but I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

Both states has guns, both states have crime. What's your point?

If more guns equals less gun murder then Wyoming would have the least murder. New Hampshire has far less guns and less gun murder than Wyoming, so the theory doesn't hold.

If you understood the chart you wouldn't have asked your dumb population question.
There are laws against drinking and driving, so I guess you should not be allowed to carry a firearm when consuming alcohol.

When you obtain your carry permit you are given fair warning about consuming alcohol while carrying. It isn't illegal to have a drink or two while carrying as long as you are not legally intoxicated. Being intoxicated you run the risk of not only being arrested but losing your carry permit as well. It basically boils down to being responsible.

But many people are not responsible when they drink, and should not be carrying a firearm in a bar. If you live in a place where you feel that you need a firearm to socialize with friends or go to church, why would you live there?

It has nothing to do with your "need" and everything to do with your "right".

Do you suppose the people who went to the movies thought they needed a gun? Probably not. But if they had the right to have one in the theater lives could have been saved.

I carry a handgun hoping to never need it, but I have the right to have it just in case it is needed.

It's better to have and not need than to need and not have.
So you don't even understand the chart. How surprising. Read again the population of the state doesn't matter. Post again when you understand the numbers in the chart.

I understand the chart but I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

Both states has guns, both states have crime. What's your point?

If more guns equals less gun murder then Wyoming would have the least murder. New Hampshire has far less guns and less gun murder than Wyoming, so the theory doesn't hold.

If you understood the chart you wouldn't have asked your dumb population question.

No one has said that "more guns equals less gun murder".

Nice strawman you built.
I am sure the cops and robbers will enjoy the new law.

cops are for it, robbers now no longer have an armed advantage
Absolutely. Criminals will think twice before attempting to commit a gun related crime if they know that there's a good chance that they will be met with armed resistance.

States with high levels of gun ownership, generally have lower gun related murders. In the chart below, the District of Columbia with the lowest rate of gun ownership (3.6%), has the highest rate of gun murders (16.5%). Wyoming with the highest rate of gun ownership (59.7%) has one of the lowest rates of gun murders (0.9%).


Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually lonestar that is what he was saying. Again your lost.
People carrying firearms in bars where they are getting drunk is real smart.

Is getting drunk the purpose of going to a bar?

I go to bars to socialize with my friends and have a few drinks, getting drunk is not intended nor welcomed. Some of us are responsible with alcohol but I'm sure that's a hard concept for you to grasp.

I hope you have a designated driver when you hit a bar.

Are you saying that no one who goes into a bar to have a couple of drinks and socialize with friends ever has too much to drink. An amount if alcohol can effect you differently at different times too.

As far as a designated driver, I rarely drink, and do not go to bars.

No I would never say that.

But I will say that a person that has the legal responsibility of carrying a loaded handgun around wouldn't because they understand that they will pay a greater price for engaging in any illegal activity. This knowledge is imparted at all handgun licensing classes and is part of the questions on the test. So there is no confusion as to what a carry permit holders responsibility is.

Now, I'll concede that not everyone obeys the laws or takes the responsibility seriously. There will always be those that won't play by the rules.
cops are for it, robbers now no longer have an armed advantage
Absolutely. Criminals will think twice before attempting to commit a gun related crime if they know that there's a good chance that they will be met with armed resistance.

States with high levels of gun ownership, generally have lower gun related murders. In the chart below, the District of Columbia with the lowest rate of gun ownership (3.6%), has the highest rate of gun murders (16.5%). Wyoming with the highest rate of gun ownership (59.7%) has one of the lowest rates of gun murders (0.9%).


Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually lonestar that is what he was saying. Again your lost.

I haven't lost anything. That charts supports my position that high gun ownership doesn't equal high gun crime. You have the highest gun ownership state with one of the lowest gun crime rating.

I call that a win!
Absolutely. Criminals will think twice before attempting to commit a gun related crime if they know that there's a good chance that they will be met with armed resistance.

States with high levels of gun ownership, generally have lower gun related murders. In the chart below, the District of Columbia with the lowest rate of gun ownership (3.6%), has the highest rate of gun murders (16.5%). Wyoming with the highest rate of gun ownership (59.7%) has one of the lowest rates of gun murders (0.9%).


Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually lonestar that is what he was saying. Again your lost.

I haven't lost anything. That charts supports my position that high gun ownership doesn't equal high gun crime. You have the highest gun ownership state with one of the lowest gun crime rating.

I call that a win!

And they also have no big cities. And Louisiana has lots of guns and highest gun murder rate of any state.
Actually lonestar that is what he was saying. Again your lost.

I haven't lost anything. That charts supports my position that high gun ownership doesn't equal high gun crime. You have the highest gun ownership state with one of the lowest gun crime rating.

I call that a win!

And they also have no big cities. And Louisiana has lots of guns and highest gun murder rate of any state.


What is your point?

DC has 30% fewer gun owners with a gun murder rate two times higher than that of Louisiana.
I haven't lost anything. That charts supports my position that high gun ownership doesn't equal high gun crime. You have the highest gun ownership state with one of the lowest gun crime rating.

I call that a win!

And they also have no big cities. And Louisiana has lots of guns and highest gun murder rate of any state.


What is your point?

DC has 30% fewer gun owners with a gun murder rate two times higher than that of Louisiana.

Point being there is no correlation.
And they also have no big cities. And Louisiana has lots of guns and highest gun murder rate of any state.


What is your point?

DC has 30% fewer gun owners with a gun murder rate two times higher than that of Louisiana.

Point being there is no correlation.

Sure there is. You simply choose to ignore it. That's not to say there isn't anomalies.

Places that have strict gun control laws has the most gun related crime. Where gun control laws are lax there is less gun related crime.
I understand the chart but I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

Both states has guns, both states have crime. What's your point?

If more guns equals less gun murder then Wyoming would have the least murder. New Hampshire has far less guns and less gun murder than Wyoming, so the theory doesn't hold.

If you understood the chart you wouldn't have asked your dumb population question.

No one has said that "more guns equals less gun murder".

Nice strawman you built.

[ame=]Rhode Island State Senator Tells Second Amendment Supporter To Go Fuck Yourself! - YouTube[/ame]
If more guns equals less gun murder then Wyoming would have the least murder. New Hampshire has far less guns and less gun murder than Wyoming, so the theory doesn't hold.

If you understood the chart you wouldn't have asked your dumb population question.

No one has said that "more guns equals less gun murder".

Nice strawman you built.

[ame=]Rhode Island State Senator Tells Second Amendment Supporter To Go Fuck Yourself! - YouTube[/ame]

Good to see State Senators respecting the Constitution.

What was the Senators name?

I'd like to see how his re-election went or goes.

What is your point?

DC has 30% fewer gun owners with a gun murder rate two times higher than that of Louisiana.

Point being there is no correlation.

Sure there is. You simply choose to ignore it. That's not to say there isn't anomalies.

Places that have strict gun control laws has the most gun related crime. Where gun control laws are lax there is less gun related crime.

Back that up with some links and we can discuss. I find large cities definitely have more gun related crime. But that is just common sense.
Point being there is no correlation.

Sure there is. You simply choose to ignore it. That's not to say there isn't anomalies.

Places that have strict gun control laws has the most gun related crime. Where gun control laws are lax there is less gun related crime.

Back that up with some links and we can discuss. I find large cities definitely have more gun related crime. But that is just common sense.

It's been backed up countless times on these boards.

Countless statistics reveal that increasing gun control in countries does not reduce crime.

Banning guns won’t stop violence. There have been killing sprees with knives and bombs. Three people were killed and 264 injured when the Tsarnaev brothers set off two bombs at the Boston Marathon in April earlier this year. In September, a student in Houston stabbed four other students with a knife at Spring High School, killing one of them.

It is generally illegal to make a bomb, whereas owning a knife is generally not illegal. This reveals that it does not matter whether a particular type of weapon is banned or not; deranged people do not care about the law.

Gun Control Laws Wouldn't Stop Senseless Shootings – They Would Cause More
cops are for it, robbers now no longer have an armed advantage
Absolutely. Criminals will think twice before attempting to commit a gun related crime if they know that there's a good chance that they will be met with armed resistance.

States with high levels of gun ownership, generally have lower gun related murders. In the chart below, the District of Columbia with the lowest rate of gun ownership (3.6%), has the highest rate of gun murders (16.5%). Wyoming with the highest rate of gun ownership (59.7%) has one of the lowest rates of gun murders (0.9%).


Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vermont and Utah have lower ownership and lower rate of gun murder. Your theory seems flawed.

There's a reason for that....think about it.

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