GW causing tidal flooding in worries.

the reasons for climate change in the past, as well as in the present and future are THEORIES. None of it can be proven. But yet, you want all of mankind to change the way it lives and pay homage to the prophet algore so that he will save the planet-------------do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look?

So why are you believing one theory over the other again?

I don't "believe" any of them------they are theories.


why do you want to change the entire lifestyle of mankind based on an unproven theory?

No one does...calm down and stop with the drama queenery.
so we should have listened to the ice age fear mongers of the 70's?

No silly because that wasnt from scientists. Try to keep up bro

you are the one ignoring science and believing only what you want to believe. i showed that scientists have been wrong. yet you can't admit that. you're simply incapable of honest debate on this topic.

Scientists arent perfect so of course they are bound to be wrong sometime. What you didnt show was that the peer reviewed science is wrong.

Having trouble with that part

it wasn't scientists....lmao

i'm showing the peer reviewed date could be wrong due to historical trends. you want to ignore historical trends and be a fear monger like the scientists from the 1970s.....

Those guys werent peer reviewed. Stop listening to those guys from the 70's and listen to the peer reviewed stuff
Sure it does RKM...It supports your bullshit so much it says in the first paragraph that its bunk.

But you typed in blue that you dont believe it soooo...I guess its wrong....the power of blue type wins over science again DAMMIT! :rofl:

IOW they had you at their sound bite, and you are to stupid to read on. We call folks like you "low information voters." Easily swayed by catch phrases, like change we can believe in, or affordable health care.

Great so go out there and find some information that doesnt call you a moron right out the gate that shows more CO2 is like steroids for plants and I'll be right here, How about that?
so we should have listened to the ice age fear mongers of the 70's?

No silly because that wasnt from scientists. Try to keep up bro

you are the one ignoring science and believing only what you want to believe. i showed that scientists have been wrong. yet you can't admit that. you're simply incapable of honest debate on this topic.

Scientists arent perfect so of course they are bound to be wrong sometime. What you didnt show was that the peer reviewed science is wrong.

Having trouble with that part

it wasn't scientists....lmao

i'm showing the peer reviewed date could be wrong due to historical trends. you want to ignore historical trends and be a fear monger like the scientists from the 1970s.....

Could be wrong?


Is wrong? *very sneaky*
ahh yes. An opinion piece based on speculation which the Lefty Gannett editors decided to drop into the news section of USeless A Today.

Climate change is inevitable. The Earth's climate is cyclical.
End of story.
Of course YOU and all of your hand wringing enviro wacko lefty moonbats had better give up your fucking cars and move into the woods so you can live in tents. Otherwise you are nothing more than lip service spewing hypocrites.
Talk the talk. Walk the walk...Or shut your stupid pie hole.
[ame=]Seeing is Believing - YouTube[/ame]
Uh oh...we've gotten back to the drop off posts where random clips and graphs are dropped in without a word. Seems legit lol
Uh oh...we've gotten back to the drop off posts where random clips and graphs are dropped in without a word. Seems legit lol

You asked for additional citations that backed up my points, you can't keep track with the thread? Do you have Alzheimers?
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Flooding has been going on for centuries. Add the fact that the region has an outdated drainage system in need of repair and you've got problems.

Nothing the liberals are proposing will change any of this. Redistributing wealth does not stop floods, tornadoes or change temps. Scientists revealed that during the Renaissance era, the core temp was slightly hotter than it is today.

Taking care of the planet is good. The stupid cap and trade plot is all about wealth redistribution and gaining control and has nothing to do with saving the earth.

This entire climate change thing is just the latest liberal cause. Something to mobilize the democrat voting base.
Never mind that not one of these assholes has given up their vehicles, stopped using electricity, surrendered their cell phones, given or given up their modern household appliances.
The Cap and Trade idea was to convince the idiot uninformed that they were doing something to reduce pollution. Not even close.
The climate change ninnies such as AlGore live in these huge homes that gobble up the energy of 20 normal sized homes.
They are the kind of people that will by themselves fly using a private jet that seats 10 people because they are in a hurry to get to a global warming conference

Yeah and you put up the intro page of a pdf as proof of something.

Is the conclusion in the intro or what. Then did you read your own paper? This is the first line:

Fossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

BUT I thought man had no effect on the climate? Your paper says otherwise but you cant blue type this one away. :badgrin:

Yeah and you put up the intro page of a pdf as proof of something.

Is the conclusion in the intro or what. Then did you read your own paper? This is the first line:

Fossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

BUT I thought man had no effect on the climate? Your paper says otherwise but you cant blue type this one away. :badgrin:

CO2 has fluctuated wildly without humans. What are you trying to say?
Flooding has been going on for centuries. Add the fact that the region has an outdated drainage system in need of repair and you've got problems.

Nothing the liberals are proposing will change any of this. Redistributing wealth does not stop floods, tornadoes or change temps. Scientists revealed that during the Renaissance era, the core temp was slightly hotter than it is today.

Taking care of the planet is good. The stupid cap and trade plot is all about wealth redistribution and gaining control and has nothing to do with saving the earth.

Very true

We should probably wait centuries before we decide whether it is really global warming or not

Of course by then, you will be telling us it is too late to do anything about it

And do WHAT?...
Just wave a magic wand and VIOLA!!!! New fuel to drive the economy?
Just stop it.
Ethanol is a failure.
Cars cannot run on electricity. Battery technology is just not advanced to the point where a car can go wherever and for as many hours as the driver needs.
If you want to have electric cars, you find a car that can go 600 miles on a single charge at 70 mph or run for 15 hours.
Hydrogen and natural gas are two fuels that could replace gasoline. But.....some people have an irrational fear of "gas".
Methanol, which can be harvested from landfills is another viable alternative. Your side doesn't want that either.

Yeah and you put up the intro page of a pdf as proof of something.

Is the conclusion in the intro or what. Then did you read your own paper? This is the first line:

Fossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

BUT I thought man had no effect on the climate? Your paper says otherwise but you cant blue type this one away. :badgrin:

CO2 has fluctuated wildly without humans. What are you trying to say?

I'm not saying anything the scientific paper RKM just put says that ossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

Meaning man has an effect on the climate. I dont think RKM read enough of it before posting it sorry
Global warming causes lunar tides. Now that's a new one.

There has not been a major earthquake in California in 18 years. Why does earthquake insurance rise every year?

Because the cost of repair rise every year. Why does your insurance premium on your car go up every year? Because every year it costs more to repair or replace your car if it should be in an accident.

The cost to repair flooding goes up with every home and strip mall built. The risk of flooding rises with every home and strip mall paving over dirt.

There has not been a major earthquake in California in 18 years.

really?.....anything over 4.9 is considered a major quake ......since 94 California has had.....

3 7 pointers.....6 6 pointers....9 5 know your State Katz as about as well as you know about Pot....
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Very true

We should probably wait centuries before we decide whether it is really global warming or not

Of course by then, you will be telling us it is too late to do anything about it

Yes, your AGWCUlt believes it can control the climate.

Of course silly...

Everyone knows that humans are incapable of affecting their environment

That's not accurate. We can have an affect on our environment on a localized scale.
We cannot stop the Earth's climactic cycles,
What did NOAA predict for the 2013 hurricane season in 2012? 11 hurricanes, 7 major and yet there were none, lowest point in twenty years. For that matter, the last five years have been relatively calm.

Yes...and the enviro wackos blamed it on....wait for it......Climate Change.
The northeast US had mega snowfall this winter...The eastern 2/3rds of the US and Canada as well as parts of western and northern Europe had cold snowy winters.....And the enviro wackos blamed it on....wait for Warming

Yeah and you put up the intro page of a pdf as proof of something.

Is the conclusion in the intro or what. Then did you read your own paper? This is the first line:

Fossil Fuel combustion, deforestation and changes in human land use has caused atmospheric CO2 concentration to increase 280 to 370 since preindustrial times.

BUT I thought man had no effect on the climate? Your paper says otherwise but you cant blue type this one away. :badgrin:

No the conclusion is not in the intro or what. The citation you read was not even from the author of the paper, the author of the paper is citing a statement out of Amthor, a document cited by the author that was written back in 1995. Are you unfamiliar with using parenthesis for citations?

Irregardless of whether man caused co2 emissions have had a significant effect on increased co2 emissions, which is not the point of this current discussion, the issue is what effect will co2 have on plants. Funny how you missed that. Well not funny but yes, it is funny that you again focused in like a laser on catch word phrases. Really if you can't understand anything above the level of 2nd grade material why are you bothering to argue with adults?
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