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GWB, a murderous despot? Many think so

A murderous despot indeed.

A splendid achievement

George Bush should be congratulated - he has surely earned the right to join the ranks of despots

Terry Jones
Tuesday October 10, 2006
The Guardian

Dear President Bush,
I write to you in my capacity as secretary of the World League of Despots.
It is with great pleasure that I am finally able to extend an official invitation to you to join our ranks. For many years, we have watched your efforts to fulfil the requirements necessary to join our number. From the start, we were greatly impressed by your disdain for democratic principles - the way you wrested power from the democratically elected candidate in the 2000 election, and again in 2005 when you managed to swing what was clearly going to be a victory for your opponent.

Contempt for human life has always been a priority requirement for membership of the league, and I and my fellow adjudicators were well aware of your record as governor of Texas when you quadrupled the number of state executions. But your record since seizing power has surpassed even our expectations. The thousands of innocent people in Iraq, who have died so that you could fulfill your declared political objective of establishing "an American force presence in the Middle East", attest to your eligibility to join our ranks.
I cannot, however, disguise the fact that we adjudicators were extremely anxious when you announced your intention to remove from office one of our most stalwart members, Mr Saddam Hussein. However, we need not have worried. According to a recent UN report, you have ensured that there are now even more human rights abuses in Iraq than there were under Saddam. No less than 10% of those in custody are being physically or psychologically abused. Well done!

Get the rest of it on the link.


Check it out if only for curiosity.


Would someone please hand me a roll of toilet paper? I need to wipe this shit off my screen....
I'm about tired of you retards continuously attacking the President of the US for trying to protect your worthless asses and stop this Nation's slide into mediocrity thanks to the likes of you and people like you being in positions of power.

Hell, at least President Bush has the balls to do something and they aren't in some 19 years old intern's freakin' mouth.

If he were actually doing anything to actually protect anyone but his political backers and campaign contributors, I really wouldn't have a problem with him. But he has forgotten, if he ever really knew, that he holds office at the sufferance of ALL Americans, not just those who paid to put him there. He also seems to have forgotten that his office is bound on all four corners by the Constitution. As far as he's concerned thought, the COnstitution is nothing but a "...Goddamned piece of paper."

America's slide into mediocrity has occured on Chimpy's watch, as a result of his administrations's policies and, apparently, without concern on his part.
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If he were actually doing anything to actually protect anyone but his political backers and campaign contributors, I really wouldn't have a problem with him. But he has forgotten, if he ever really knew, that he holds office at the sufferance of ALL Americans, not just those who paid to put him there. He also seems to have forgotten that his office is bound on all four corners by the Constitution. As far as he's concerned thought, the COnstitution is nothing but a "...Goddamned piece of paper."

America's slide into mediocrity has occured on Chimpy's watch, as a result of his administrations's policies and, apparently, without concern on his part.

Ya know, calling yourself the "southpark liberal" is right on the money, because those sophomoric crackpots must be helping you write the garbage you post here. What you write here is just as imbicilic as the show.
Ya know, calling yourself the "southpark liberal" is right on the money, because those sophomoric crackpots must be helping you write the garbage you post here. What you write here is just as imbicilic as the show.

Nah, if it was from southpark it be funny
You are the only justification that I need to support torture on insurgents. You need to be sodomized by a rabid goat. I mean that in the nicest possible way though. :finger3:

Thanks for the laugh. That's very funny.:tng:
Right - but this topic is about the President...


(sorry, in advance..)

OK, this thread has now made me laugh out loud twice.

I'm laughing so hard at this one I need to go blow my nose.

He doesn't like Bush. Oh, jeez, very funny!
Given that the GOP controlled Congress has completely abdicated its oversight authority over the Executive branch, and rubber-stamped every misbegotten, ill-concieved notion Chimpy and Co has put forward to undermine the Constitution, the separation of powers is on very shaky ground right now. So don't feel too secure about the separation of powers shielding us from despotism.

But Chimpy is not yet a despot. If the Military Tribunals act passes the smell test of the SCOTUS, and given that bodies current members this odious piece of un-Constitutional, un-American piece of crap just might, then Chimpy will be a despot. And may what ever gods you believe in help us all.

Shut the fuck up, and stop calling our president Chimpy.
Bush has done nothing wrong to anyone on this message board. When someone flies a plane into a building then obviously he is doing the right thing when he's trying to at least save our pahetic assess from terrorism.
I am American 100%. I love it here. But, you beg the question, Why don't YOU go somewhere else? You so despise diversities of opinion and probably a lot more, I thinketh you the abomination of true Americanism.


Since you hate it here so bad, psycho, why don't you just get the FUCK out? Go someplace better. Nobody could possibly miss a shit for brains nimrod such as you.
I am American 100%. I love it here. But, you beg the question, Why don't YOU go somewhere else? You so despise diversities of opinion and probably a lot more, I thinketh you the abomination of true Americanism.

But yet, do you not despise his opinions though they be diverse when compared to your own? If that is true, then you're doing the same damn thing.
Ignorant and illiterate people believe many things that to an informed person is preposterous. The world was sure that the planet was flat, suicide bombers think they will be rewarded with paradise and too many virgins for murdering men, women and children and people in Central America thought they saw a comet when the shuttle reentered the atmosphere over them. But, the most ridiculous of beliefs I have seen in years is the one that you, grump or bull-shit have or ever had an original or creative thought.....ever.
When, just one time, tell me when I said that I hated it here, you seriously mind bent piece of shit? I LOVE and UNDERSTAND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You got a problem with that? Maybe you oughta get your stupid and Nazi indoctrinated ass out of here. Pleas do so after you get my dick out of your ear.

For qualification purposes, this message is graphic as a response to an equally graphic message to me. I apologize to any that I might have offended by these only equally obscene remarks.


Since you hate it here so bad, psycho, why don't you just get the FUCK out? Go someplace better. Nobody could possibly miss a shit for brains nimrod such as you.
I do not despise his opinions, Kagom. He is intent on obscenely puking out his opinions of me and mine and does so regularly. At some point this needs to be pointed out. If you feel you need to defend his ridiculousness, then defend it. But, don't further his atrocities by advocating some fabricated and false opinion of me and my contributions on the United States Message Board.


But yet, do you not despise his opinions though they be diverse when compared to your own? If that is true, then you're doing the same damn thing.
I am American 100%. I love it here. But, you beg the question, Why don't YOU go somewhere else? You so despise diversities of opinion and probably a lot more, I thinketh you the abomination of true Americanism.


I have no problem with diverse opinions that make sense at some level above gradeschool. I have a problem with idiots. You would fall under the latter group.

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