Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I5PvR_sNRE&feature=youtube_gdata_player]TRAGEDY: 13-month-old baby Shot Dead in Stroller in Teen cold blood Robbery - Brunswick, Georgia - YouTube[/ame]

Utterly disgusting. But go ahead and bitch about gun nuts.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LXVYCByXpY&feature=youtube_gdata_player]A MOTHER 13 MONTH OLD BOY SHOT IN HEAD IN STROLLER - YouTube[/ame]
The argument for limiting gun ownership or removing guns from our society is absurd. You could stop the production of guns completely and criminals will still have them. You litterally can't stop gun crime....period.

What you can do however is empower law abiding citizens to protect themselves and others. Had these thugs thought she was possibly armed they would have at least thought twice about approaching her.
Absolutely. If every person in America were required to own and carry a firearm at all times, we would see a great reduction in gun violence. This is simple common sense.
I hate to be the one to inject politics into this but I feel like it's appropriate after the spectacle obama made of himself after the Treyvon Martin case.

This is a FRESH situation and a prime example for some of our leaders to come forth and address the youth of our nation. No bullshit about skin color and all the nonsense like obama did but a forthright dialog with troubled kids. I also think murder laws need to be changed so that youths know they could face hard time rather than a few years in some candyass youth detention facility.
I hate to be the one to inject politics into this but I feel like it's appropriate after the spectacle obama made of himself after the Treyvon Martin case.

This is a FRESH situation and a prime example for some of our leaders to come forth and address the youth of our nation. No bullshit about skin color and all the nonsense like obama did but a forthright dialog with troubled kids. I also think murder laws need to be changed so that youths know they could face hard time rather than a few years in some candyass youth detention facility.

In some states they do gramps.

Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood? and where would they put it Austin powers style in the boobies? threads like this are just retarded...

No I think she could have TRIED to protect her childs life. Nothing about this is retarded but your pathetic response.
If she'd had anything at all. A can of mace, taken a self defense class, anything.
So far we have the lying response of laughidiot and some moron I dont know making jokes about the situation. Any dems want to shed some dignity in this situation? Or is it just not outrageous enough yet?

Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood? and where would they put it Austin powers style in the boobies? threads like this are just retarded...

No I think she could have TRIED to protect her childs life. Nothing about this is retarded but your pathetic response.

Its retarded for some one to even suggest that evey women in america could defend her self if she was packing.... dork....a girl points a gun at me I so could easy take it out of her hands and use it against her. what dont you get?
girls wont shoot to kill, what ever hollywood fantasy you you want believe they dont, guys shoot to kill. and its a fact.

Had the shooter not been armed with a gun the baby would still be alive.

That is true but who is going to make ALL the guns magically disappear?

Now back to reality. What do you propose?

More gun control and long prison sentences for those who violate them.
Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood? and where would they put it Austin powers style in the boobies? threads like this are just retarded...

No I think she could have TRIED to protect her childs life. Nothing about this is retarded but your pathetic response.

Its retarded for some one to even suggest that evey women in america could defend her self if she was packing.... dork....a girl points a gun at me I so could easy take it out of her hands and use it against her. what dont you get?

I am suggesting that every person should have the right to try. No one has suggested that every person should pack a gun. That is the IRRATIONAL response of every anti gun moron including you

Had the shooter not been armed with a gun the baby would still be alive.

So you magically gonna make firearms go away? You gonna magically make it so anyone with a few legal tools can make one that tech go away?

What part of outlawing guns only effects law abiding citizens do you fail to grasp?

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