Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Had the shooter not been armed with a gun the baby would still be alive.

That is true but who is going to make ALL the guns magically disappear?

Now back to reality. What do you propose?

More gun control and long prison sentences for those who violate them.

When are you guys going to realize CRIMINALS DONT THINK ABOUT PUNISHMENT before commiting a crime?!?!?

I know because I was one of them. It NEVER enters the mind of an irrationalperson preparing to do something Iirrational.

Had the shooter not been armed with a gun the baby would still be alive.

Not necessarily, the boy was grabbing at the baby, if he'd gotten the baby he could have thrown the baby on the cement and killed the baby. Instead he shot the baby. Besides, he's a criminal, and he's a boy, it's already not legal for him to carry a firearm. Do you think making a law against guns is going to prevent crimes like this?
Banning 30 round clips or tightning gun laws and prison sentences makes you feel good but it does NOTHING to prevent the deaths of innocent people. NOTHING.But at least YOU feel better right?????

Come on, you know if this white woman shot those black boys, she'd be on trial for murder.

Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

To my knowledge the race and names of the boys hasn't been released yet. But that really doesn't matter
I waiting a week to say anything on this case. A little part of me thinks Susan Smith.

Had the shooter not been armed with a gun the baby would still be alive.

So you magically gonna make firearms go away? You gonna magically make it so anyone with a few legal tools can make one that tech go away?

What part of outlawing guns only effects law abiding citizens do you fail to grasp?

That makes no sense. I didn't suggest all guns be outlawed .

Come on, you know if this white woman shot those black boys, she'd be on trial for murder.

Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

So is Zimmerman.

Thanks for the neg...hope you enjoyed the one I sent you back. Dang, you broke my record for not giving negs. Now I have to start all over.
Come on, you know if this white woman shot those black boys, she'd be on trial for murder.

Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

So is Zimmerman.

Thanks for the neg...hope you enjoyed the one I sent you back. Dang, you broke my record for not giving negs. Now I have to start all over.
Did you stumble into the wrong thread by mistake? This thread is about a baby who was shot in the face, and how that relates to gun laws.

Not George Zimmerman.

And the race of the woman and the killer have nothing to do with anything.

Race Baiter.
Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

To my knowledge the race and names of the boys hasn't been released yet. But that really doesn't matter

Read you own link.

I didn't supply any written links. And I didn't watch the first video beyond the first few seconds. I figured it was the same as the news cast I saw.

The second video I did watch and he eluded to thiggery or whatever but he's from a different city so he's not exactly knowledgeable on the facts. I posted his video because his passion is what our communities need.
Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

So is Zimmerman.

Thanks for the neg...hope you enjoyed the one I sent you back. Dang, you broke my record for not giving negs. Now I have to start all over.
Did you stumble into the wrong thread by mistake? This thread is about a baby who was shot in the face, and how that relates to gun laws.

Not George Zimmerman.

And the race of the woman and the killer have nothing to do with anything.

Race Baiter.

She is actually white, the father of the baby is Hispanic. My original statement was tongue in cheek based on the Zimmerman case. I shouldn't have been surprised that you didn't understand that.

I do wish she could have done something to save her child but there were two of them and if they were both armed, there was nothing she could have done even if she herself was armed.

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