Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

So is Zimmerman.

Thanks for the neg...hope you enjoyed the one I sent you back. Dang, you broke my record for not giving negs. Now I have to start all over.
Did you stumble into the wrong thread by mistake? This thread is about a baby who was shot in the face, and how that relates to gun laws.

Not George Zimmerman.

And the race of the woman and the killer have nothing to do with anything.

Race Baiter.

She is actually white, the father of the baby is Hispanic. My original statement was tongue in cheek based on the Zimmerman case. I shouldn't have been surprised that you didn't understand that.

I do wish she could have done something to save her child but there were two of them and if they were both armed, there was nothing she could have done even if she herself was armed.

I'm not discussing it anymore, believe what you want. It has nothing to do with the OP, and it only derails the thread. A thread that Gramps is looking for honest debate it.
It is very logical. Had this woman been armed, there is no way her baby would be dead now.

My thread title implied he MIGHT be alive. As in she could have TRIED to defend him.

You're pathetic

She could have got them both at once. Maybe he still would have shot her and the baby, but he wouldn't have been able to aim for the baby's head like he did.
What is pathetic is watching people struggle with this issue. Common sense trumped by the need to identify with political ideology.

There are places on this earth where this sort of thing doesn't happen. If we want to be a place where this sort of thing does not happen, we might look around and see what others are doing.

More guns is not the solution. Try harder.
Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Who or what prevented her from having a gun if she wanted one? Are guns illegal in her area?
What is pathetic is watching people struggle with this issue. Common sense trumped by the need to identify with political ideology.

There are places on this earth where this sort of thing doesn't happen. If we want to be a place where this sort of thing does not happen, we might look around and see what others are doing.

More guns is not the solution. Try harder.

You're grasping at straws. My politics has nothing to do with wanting the criminals to face the same potential danger they pose to others.
Your politics prevents you from seeking a sane solution to our problem with gun violence.
Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Who or what prevented her from having a gun if she wanted one? Are guns illegal in her area?

Not surprised at all that the point flew right over your head.

Your point didn't fly over my head. To my knowledge, she could have legally had a gun in Brunswick, Georgia had she chosen to have and carry one. Who knows, maybe she isn't legally allowed to own a gun for mental or criminal reasons. I don't know. Do you?

Gun Laws in Georgia
Who or what prevented her from having a gun if she wanted one? Are guns illegal in her area?

Not surprised at all that the point flew right over your head.

Your point didn't fly over my head. To my knowledge, she could have legally had a gun in Brunswick, Georgia had she chosen to have and carry one. Who knows, maybe she isn't legally allowed to own a gun for mental or criminal reasons. I don't know. Do you?

Gun Laws in Georgia

The point is what reactionaries like you WOULD do to the gun laws in this country if given the chance.

And it obviously did fly over your head.
Your politics prevents you from seeking a sane solution to our problem with gun violence.

Do you even hear yourself? Because we disagree on solutions im not sane in my thinking.

And you wonder why gridlock is the word of the day

You may be sane.....but your solution.......arming more people.......is not.

Why play with my words like that? I spoke very clearly.
Not surprised at all that the point flew right over your head.

Your point didn't fly over my head. To my knowledge, she could have legally had a gun in Brunswick, Georgia had she chosen to have and carry one. Who knows, maybe she isn't legally allowed to own a gun for mental or criminal reasons. I don't know. Do you?

Gun Laws in Georgia

The point is what reactionaries like you WOULD do to the gun laws in this country if given the chance.

And it obviously did fly over your head.

Really? Please quote just ONE time where I've called for a gun ban. Just ONE...
Your politics prevents you from seeking a sane solution to our problem with gun violence.

Do you even hear yourself? Because we disagree on solutions im not sane in my thinking.

And you wonder why gridlock is the word of the day

You may be sane.....but your solution.......arming more people.......is not.

Why play with my words like that? I spoke very clearly.

Your last sentence is ironic considering your first couple posts in this thread.
Your point didn't fly over my head. To my knowledge, she could have legally had a gun in Brunswick, Georgia had she chosen to have and carry one. Who knows, maybe she isn't legally allowed to own a gun for mental or criminal reasons. I don't know. Do you?

Gun Laws in Georgia

The point is what reactionaries like you WOULD do to the gun laws in this country if given the chance.

And it obviously did fly over your head.

Really? Please quote just ONE time where I've called for a gun ban. Just ONE...

What part of reactionaries like you did you not comprehend?

You don't know that if the women was armed it might have saved her baby. Pure conjecture. But you can say it because it makes you feel good.

A bullet to the perp with the gun is not conjecture its justice and would have been very possible were she armed. To deny that is to ignore reality.

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