Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive


Since the shooter and his companion are in custody I believe we can be relatively certain that she wasn't the one who shot her 13 month old son. Having access to a gun is not the problem. The problem is that there was a murder committed with a gun in the possession of someone who is not legally supposed to have it. My children had access to my guns whenever I was home. They were shooting those guns at the police range with me when they were 8. They never took the guns and shot anyone because they knew better. They were taught the difference between right and wrong. These "boys" didn't care about right and wrong. They broke the law by taking the gun and they committed murder. The gun is not the problem - the shooter is the problem.

Well, here's the thing. We have no witnesses to this crime. We only have the woman's statement that her baby was shot.

maybe it happened the way she said, but I remember the whole Susan Smith debacle...

We'll see.

The fact guns were out there at all is the problem.
Assuming police are able to find the weapon, I hope they can trace the source.
Why are you worried about the source? The boy fired the gun. He is the one who is responsible for the crime. He is the one who should be punished.
Well I see it was a couple of ferals. 14 and 17 year olds.

Fuck off before you derail a thread that deserves real attention. Your filth isn't needed in this discussion

WTF ? Blow it out your ass old man.

'm just as digusted as you are. The killers are a couple of gangbangers, 14 and 17.

Why the fuck are you jumping all over me for ? "Filth" ? WTF is that all about ?

Since the shooter and his companion are in custody I believe we can be relatively certain that she wasn't the one who shot her 13 month old son. Having access to a gun is not the problem. The problem is that there was a murder committed with a gun in the possession of someone who is not legally supposed to have it. My children had access to my guns whenever I was home. They were shooting those guns at the police range with me when they were 8. They never took the guns and shot anyone because they knew better. They were taught the difference between right and wrong. These "boys" didn't care about right and wrong. They broke the law by taking the gun and they committed murder. The gun is not the problem - the shooter is the problem.

Well, here's the thing. We have no witnesses to this crime. We only have the woman's statement that her baby was shot.

maybe it happened the way she said, but I remember the whole Susan Smith debacle...

We'll see.

The fact guns were out there at all is the problem.

"The gun made me do it your honor, it's not my fault, it's those damn guns"

I wonder if I rob a bank, maybe I can blame the money. "Your honor, if only that bank didn't have any money, I would have never robbed it. Oh, and I had a gun so it's the guns fault."

How about we start blaming the person who commits the crime rather than the tool used by the person? Really, this is getting stupid.

I know, I know, if there were no guns, this child would be alive today. Well, I seriously doubt that since these murderers would have used a knife or a baseball bat, anything that could be used as a weapon.
Why are you worried about the source? The boy fired the gun. He is the one who is responsible for the crime. He is the one who should be punished.

The deed is done - so now it's time to find and punish all those involved. That could possibly include parents who didn't properly secure the gun. We don't know yet. The source matters.

Had Adam Lanza not shot his mother - she should have rotted in prison for not properly securing her weapons from her mentally deranged son.
Why are you worried about the source? The boy fired the gun. He is the one who is responsible for the crime. He is the one who should be punished.

If he fired the gun. This whole situation has the stink of Susan Smith.

Oh, they haven't recovered the gun yet.
Why are you worried about the source? The boy fired the gun. He is the one who is responsible for the crime. He is the one who should be punished.

If he fired the gun. This whole situation has the stink of Susan Smith.

Oh, they haven't recovered the gun yet.

I believe the mother was also shot in the leg and ear.

The mother, Sherry West, said she was walking near her home Thursday morning with her baby, Antonio, when she was approached by two boys who demanded money. She was shot in the leg and a bullet grazed her ear.

Georgia Baby Dead: 13-Month-Old Antonio Shot By Young Boy In Front Of Mother, Sherry West, Police Say (UPDATE)
Why is everything about race with you?

How do you know the 2nd boy is black?

Oh, btw, the lady is hispanic.

So is Zimmerman.

Thanks for the neg...hope you enjoyed the one I sent you back. Dang, you broke my record for not giving negs. Now I have to start all over.
Did you stumble into the wrong thread by mistake? This thread is about a baby who was shot in the face, and how that relates to gun laws.

Not George Zimmerman.

And the race of the woman and the killer have nothing to do with anything.

Race Baiter.

No, you are wrong this story is about two black boys one about 15 one about ten years old who walk up and cold bloodily shot a baby in the head. It has a lot to do with what is wrong in society that so many young black children think violence is okay. And until society is ready to deal with that fact it won't get fixed.
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Keep in mind the NRA is now fighting against closing loopholes that keep open the possbility that these kids could have bought the guns legally.

Had not gun nuts and the NRA made guns so readily available to every asshole on the street, perhaps these and many other atrocities would have been avoided.

Or had liberal nuts not created a "Great Society" that broke up the family unit by replacing dad with a government paycheck, we wouldn't have these souless feral punk gang kids that would just as soon murder an innocent baby as walk down the street.

Ban guns. Of course the criminals will still have their guns, but most criminals don't go around shooting innocent people, do they? They shoot other gang members, other criminals.

This isn't Austrailia or Britain, guns will never be banned in America.
At most you're going to see a few gun models banned, along with some of their accessories, more background checks, maybe additional waiting periods, but you're never going to see a wholesale ban of guns here.
They found the gun miles away.... This story has been BURIED. Liberals really want this gone.

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