Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Let me ask you something.

Do you think that criminals in Japan ( they exist, trust me ) would like to have easy access to firearms?

I don't know anything about Japan and since I don't live there its a moot point. I can't have a rational discussion about something I know nothing about.

OK. Let me try this way.

Do you think American criminals would be less likely to shoot people as they commit crimes if we made it very difficult for them to obtain firearms?

Without confiscating tons of guns its a false option.

And lahkota I ment LoneLaugher not you.....

Dude talks about honesty. Why not just respond to the question. It is a hypothetical.....like this entire thread.

Can you respond honestly to the question?
I don't know anything about Japan and since I don't live there its a moot point. I can't have a rational discussion about something I know nothing about.

OK. Let me try this way.

Do you think American criminals would be less likely to shoot people as they commit crimes if we made it very difficult for them to obtain firearms?

Without confiscating tons of guns its a false option.

And lahkota I ment LoneLaugher not you.....

Dude talks about honesty. Why not just respond to the question. It is a hypothetical.....like this entire thread.

Can you respond honestly to the question?

I did. You don't like the answer? Tough shit.
My wife would "flash-bang" and the incident would be over. there was only one gun and it was in the hands of a 17 year old illegally. The other boy would have pissed his pants and run away. The woman tried to cover her baby to protect him and was pushed to the ground. Then the then the 17 year old shot the baby in the head. IF she had been trained and IF she had a gun in her purse she would have had an oportunity to prevent the crime. I know quite a few women who carry concealed and I would not bet MY life on the idea that they would not shoot to kill - if by that you mean not shoot in the heart - because that is where you are trained to shoot - center of mass - draw a line fron the right shoulder to the left hip and from the left shoulder to the right hip. Two shots in that point will normally kill an attacker but it is the place that is hardest to move out of the way. That is why you are trained to shoot there.

If you want to understand my first sentence do a Bing search for "flash bang"

True...Sorry Gramps. He nailed you.

Explain to me how I can debate someone about something I know nothing about? I don't know there history. I don't know their criminal issues. I dont know their gun laws. Nothing

But im sure you all would have me accept the word of the person im debating that the information they're supplying me with for the purposes of said debate is not biased or misleading.....right????


Certainly you must have some idea of the number of gun deaths in other countries. Would you have engaged if he had said Finland, Norway, Belgium, etc...?


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It's not hard to see that we have a problem because guns are so readily available. We're the most armed society in the world, right? Look at the data. So, according to your OP or at least the spirit behind it, we SHOULD have the lowest rate of death by guns since our society is armed to the teeth. Just the opposite is true Gramps....the data speaks for itself.

Just one more graphic to "support" your position I suppose:


Isn't it better to stop the rampage in the first place?
Thankfully those two young men had a gun to protect themselves from that innocent baby. The founding fathers really knew what they were doing.
True...Sorry Gramps. He nailed you.

Explain to me how I can debate someone about something I know nothing about? I don't know there history. I don't know their criminal issues. I dont know their gun laws. Nothing

But im sure you all would have me accept the word of the person im debating that the information they're supplying me with for the purposes of said debate is not biased or misleading.....right????


Certainly you must have some idea of the number of gun deaths in other countries. Would you have engaged if he had said Finland, Norway, Belgium, etc...?


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It's not hard to see that we have a problem because guns are so readily available. We're the most armed society in the world, right? Look at the data. So, according to your OP or at least the spirit behind it, we SHOULD have the lowest rate of death by guns since our society is armed to the teeth. Just the opposite is true Gramps....the data speaks for itself.

Just one more graphic to "support" your position I suppose:


Isn't it better to stop the rampage in the first place?

The cat is out of the bag so to speak. You cant put the beer back in the bottle after you've spilled it. You guys keep bringing up stats like that but the only way to achieve those low numbers like other countries is to confiscate all the damn guns here. That isn't goint to happen now or ever so I would rather deal with the reality that we face.

You think taking a few guns or passing a few stricyer laws is going to have any substantial impact? I've said it before CRIMINALS DONT GIVE A FICK what laws are passed.
Those "two young men" can't legally have a gun. You have to be 21 to own, possess, or control a pistol without adult supervision. It's a good thing the police have the boys in custody because it is likely that their lives would have been very short on the street. The seventeen year old may get a life sentence that ends in a death penalty because even inmates don't like baby killers.
Why don't you list the amount of violent crime in those countries instead of just gun crime?
The violent crime rate in the USA is lower than in each of those countries.

What laws in Georgia prevented this woman from being armed?

This isn't about their laws. It's about national laws your side wants to put forth.

Do try to be relevant

Since this happened where this woman had the choice to be armed and she wasn't, what the fuck are you bitching about?

Are you going to force people to carry guns?
Explain to me how I can debate someone about something I know nothing about? I don't know there history. I don't know their criminal issues. I dont know their gun laws. Nothing

But im sure you all would have me accept the word of the person im debating that the information they're supplying me with for the purposes of said debate is not biased or misleading.....right????


Certainly you must have some idea of the number of gun deaths in other countries. Would you have engaged if he had said Finland, Norway, Belgium, etc...?


Followed by:


Followed by:


It's not hard to see that we have a problem because guns are so readily available. We're the most armed society in the world, right? Look at the data. So, according to your OP or at least the spirit behind it, we SHOULD have the lowest rate of death by guns since our society is armed to the teeth. Just the opposite is true Gramps....the data speaks for itself.

Just one more graphic to "support" your position I suppose:


Isn't it better to stop the rampage in the first place?

The cat is out of the bag so to speak. You cant put the beer back in the bottle after you've spilled it. You guys keep bringing up stats like that but the only way to achieve those low numbers like other countries is to confiscate all the damn guns here. That isn't goint to happen now or ever so I would rather deal with the reality that we face.

You think taking a few guns or passing a few stricyer laws is going to have any substantial impact? I've said it before CRIMINALS DONT GIVE A FICK what laws are passed.

Well you are the one who is now responding to what wasn't stated. Your thesis is that a gun may have prevented the incident. Evidence shows we are the most armed folks on earth so if you are right..we should have the lowest number of gun deaths since more citizens are armed. Just the opposite is true.

I do agree that bans are useless. What works long term is crimping the supply lines by taxation. It will take several years but it does work. Cigarettes are the poster child for the approach.
Right, "crimping the supply lines by taxation" will work because criminals are very careful about paying their taxes.
What you really want is an end to the violence, right?
Since the police can't locate the criminals and thus their guns we can assume that we can't prevent the criminals from committing crimes. So, lets do the same thing we do with murderers. we can't prevent the crime so we prosecute the criminal. How about we use that approach with all gun crimes and stop the plea bargain process that lets them off with a lesser crime. Prosecute anyone who uses a gun in a crime with attenpted murder on top of the crime they committed. When convicted sentance them to consecutive terms for each crime they were convicted of and they will be in jail a very long time. If we do that each time then our violence will go down even further and with it the gun violence.
Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood? and where would they put it Austin powers style in the boobies? threads like this are just retarded...

No I think she could have TRIED to protect her childs life. Nothing about this is retarded but your pathetic response.

Its retarded for some one to even suggest that evey women in america could defend her self if she was packing.... dork....a girl points a gun at me I so could easy take it out of her hands and use it against her. what dont you get?

You could fucking try, bubba. Do old ladies also get your special attention you think you can take a gun away from?
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Personally..I think we should be able to go back to the old west days where EVERYONE is armed. Remember Predators the movie? Punks pull a gun on the subway and aim at someone....25 people draw their own and aim at the thugs. Oops.

WOrking on the assumption that these kids actually exist and she didn't shoot her own baby...

(By the way, given how these cases often turn out, I wouldn't be surprised if that is the result)

the fact that two kids had access to guns would be the problem, wouldn't it?

Since the shooter and his companion are in custody I believe we can be relatively certain that she wasn't the one who shot her 13 month old son. Having access to a gun is not the problem. The problem is that there was a murder committed with a gun in the possession of someone who is not legally supposed to have it. My children had access to my guns whenever I was home. They were shooting those guns at the police range with me when they were 8. They never took the guns and shot anyone because they knew better. They were taught the difference between right and wrong. These "boys" didn't care about right and wrong. They broke the law by taking the gun and they committed murder. The gun is not the problem - the shooter is the problem.

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