Had this woman been armed her one year old son might be alive

Do you even hear yourself? Because we disagree on solutions im not sane in my thinking.

And you wonder why gridlock is the word of the day

You may be sane.....but your solution.......arming more people.......is not.

Why play with my words like that? I spoke very clearly.

Your last sentence is ironic considering your first couple posts in this thread.

OK. I guess we are not communicating. Please tell me what you meant to say with your OP.

Did you mean to say that there was a 50% chance that, had the womn been armed, her baby would not have been shot? Thus, there was an equal chnce that it wouldn't have mattered one bit. Is that it? Were you simply expressing a possibility? Or...were you advocating the arming of citizens going about their daily activities.....so they can defend themselves at any time.

Which is it? I would hate to be guilty of twisting your words.
The argument for limiting gun ownership or removing guns from our society is absurd. You could stop the production of guns completely and criminals will still have them. You litterally can't stop gun crime....period.

What you can do however is empower law abiding citizens to protect themselves and others. Had these thugs thought she was possibly armed they would have at least thought twice about approaching her.

Nothing absurd about gun-control. You literally cannot stop crime with armed citizens. Law abiding citizens are already empowered to protect themselves. The only way those thugs could have possibly known she was armed was if she was strapped with a gun belt and holster like in the wild west days. Or if she had a shotgun riding shotgun in the baby carriage.
Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood? and where would they put it Austin powers style in the boobies? threads like this are just retarded...

No I think she could have TRIED to protect her childs life. Nothing about this is retarded but your pathetic response.

Its retarded for some one to even suggest that evey women in america could defend her self if she was packing.... dork....a girl points a gun at me I so could easy take it out of her hands and use it against her. what dont you get?

The women I know that carry, would get you dead. We see how you really think of women. Little weak indivisuals, when was you born in the 50's?
What I ment should be pretty clear. I don't believe arming every citizen is sane so lets get that absurdity off the table right away.

Having said that any citizen that can pass a reasonable background check should be able to do as they see fit for their own saftey. Within reason of course.

The last couple of months have been all about restricting rights and access. That does nothing to protect anyone but criminals.

As much as the left uses mass shootings to TRY to pass laws to infringe on legal citizens the more common and far deadlier individual crimes with guns needs to be shown as an example to fight the above nonsense.

While libs push for feel good legislation that would have no impact on crimes like this everyone else should be pointing at that fact as it has a FAR bigger impact on peoples daily lives than the occasional mass shooting.

You don't know that if the women was armed it might have saved her baby. Pure conjecture. But you can say it because it makes you feel good.

A bullet to the perp with the gun is not conjecture its justice and would have been very possible were she armed. To deny that is to ignore reality.

It is much more likely that both the baby and the mother would be dead in the ensuing shoot out. That's reality!
LoneLaugher said:
If every person in America were required to own and carry a firearm at all times,
Lmao..... what do you think the avarage girl is fast on the draw like clint eastwood?

You can always tell when the leftist fanatics can't refute the point you made. They do a 180 and start bringing up "arguments" that nobody had made, and "refute" those instead. :eusa_liar:

You don't know that if the women was armed it might have saved her baby. Pure conjecture. But you can say it because it makes you feel good.

A bullet to the perp with the gun is not conjecture its justice and would have been very possible were she armed. To deny that is to ignore reality.

It is much more likely that both the baby and the mother would be dead in the ensuing shoot out. That's reality!

Possibly. But that would have been her decision and risk to judge not some fucking politician in DC.
Let me ask you something.

Do you think that criminals in Japan ( they exist, trust me ) would like to have easy access to firearms?

I don't know anything about Japan and since I don't live there its a moot point. I can't have a rational discussion about something I know nothing about.
No one that I know of is trying to ban guns. So, let's get that out of the way.

There are also other means of personal protection besides firearms - such as stun guns and pepper sprays - and pose less risk to innocent bystanders.
It's not a cop out. It's honesty for fucks sake. Try it sometime. Or should I just argue about something I know nothing about just for the sake of arguing?

Fucking idiots
My knowledge of Japan could be summed up by watching the last samurai.

But I bet you would brag about kicking the ass of a one legged man huh Lakhota?
OK. Let me try this way.

Do you think American criminals would be less likely to shoot people as they commit crimes if we made it very difficult for them to obtain firearms?
Let me ask you something.

Do you think that criminals in Japan ( they exist, trust me ) would like to have easy access to firearms?

I don't know anything about Japan and since I don't live there its a moot point. I can't have a rational discussion about something I know nothing about.

OK. Let me try this way.

Do you think American criminals would be less likely to shoot people as they commit crimes if we made it very difficult for them to obtain firearms?

Without confiscating tons of guns its a false option.

And lahkota I ment LoneLaugher not you.....
i don't know anything about japan and since i don't live there its a moot point. I can't have a rational discussion about something i know nothing about.

cop out!

True...Sorry Gramps. He nailed you.

Explain to me how I can debate someone about something I know nothing about? I don't know there history. I don't know their criminal issues. I dont know their gun laws. Nothing

But im sure you all would have me accept the word of the person im debating that the information they're supplying me with for the purposes of said debate is not biased or misleading.....right????


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