Half "whit" strikes again

A year and a half ago Hurricane Michael smashed and flooded my town. You may have seen it on TV. We didn't get power back for 28 days, I didn't work or have internet for longer than that. Everything was smashed, flooded or just plain closed. It absolutely sucked balls and I didn't hear a fraction of the complaining I hear now from people who are just mildly inconvenienced. I feel sorry for those who have suffered life changing tragedy during this thing. Not so much for those sitting in perfectly good houses watching TV and eating ice cream. I had a tree through my roof, do you have a tree through your roof? If the worst thing about this for you is a ruined weekend or a bored dog them count yourself lucky.

How is being put out of work for months only being "mildly inconvenienced"? Or losing your livelihood? Or like in California , the schools are already canceled for the next school year beginning in September?

I guess kids don't need to get an education, if they are just going to collect checks anyhow- but depriving the children of education not condemns them to poverty it does it to their parents too, who have to stay home to watch them.
Not getting the kids back to school is a huge mistake. A lot of kids are struggling with long distance learning--the exact ones who need the structure and security of school the most.
Yup. It sucks. I feel bad for all the little businesses that are not going to make it. They worked hard and gambled a lot and they lost. Serious shit.

You have to be strong and take it on the chin, not cry into your beer over a fucked up holiday and a disappointed dog. This too shall pass.
Tell us how it feels when government welfare checks begin to bounce for lack of funds

will the leeches of society brave up and “take it on the chin” because tax revenue to feed the welfare state is drying up?

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