Half "whit" strikes again

There is no "sides" with this thing, however much you want to fantasize there are.

There is enough real honest to god stuff to worry about, to learn about, to debate right now to keep everyone busy 'til Kingdom Come. And you folks are wasting your energy shadow boxing with an enemy that doesn't exist. A brain is a terrible thing to waste. Try using yours.
I would say there definitely are sides to this. On one side you have people that want to keep our economy in a box and never let it out until we can guarantee no can be harmed anymore by the Covid 19 virus.
And people are suffering and loosing their minds because they are loosing their businesses, homes, savings, etc. due to a policy that doesn't seem to make any sense or is reasonable.

On the other "side" are people that oppose this policy. Can you not keep up? Try using your brain.

A Michigan music store owner gave a tearful interview with local media saying he is closing his doors for good after the ongoing coronavirus-related lockdown imposed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer left him unable to pay his bills.

“It’s not just the closing of a stupid store. It’s the closing of a dream,” Steve Walker, owner of the Walker Music and Textile Company in Hastings, said before bursting into tears during an interview this month with FOX 17.

How many more? This crap getting out of hand. Everything locked down around here, can't even let my dog go to his fav park that has never had more than one person there. And my county and surrounding have no cases, have had no cases. Beshear is locking down even harder, can't even go to a private campground. Hell of a Mem day it will be.

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This bitch is way overdue for a good beating.
We need to enact emergency legislation that withholds all pay from any and all elected officials until the economy has been fully restored.
They're gonna "suffer", not like the barber, but they're gonna "suffer."

Oh the humanity!

Yup. It sucks. I feel bad for all the little businesses that are not going to make it. They worked hard and gambled a lot and they lost. Serious shit.

You have to be strong and take it on the chin, not cry into your beer over a fucked up holiday and a disappointed dog. This too shall pass.
You're an idiot. You think losing your business, livelihood and life's work is like burning the roast in the oven? And over what? Unfounded blown out of proportion fears over a non-existent pandemic?
No This is another stunt to make Trump look bad. No matter who it ruins. I just hope it happens to someone old lady Cares about , since she doesn't care if it happens to others. The great thing about it is, it's back firing on them. Trump is ahead of Biden in 15 swing states! So they ruined peoples lives for nothing.
This is another stunt to make Trump look bad.
It's to slow the spread of the virus by limiting people's contact with others as much as practicable. To say China, Europe, Asia and the Middle East all "cooked this up" to ruin Trump's re-election chances is STUPID. Social distancing and closing down non essential businesses where people gather (and spread germs) is the response used all over the world to slow this thing.

Saying it is a stunt by the Democrats to get Trump just shows how far gone you are.
they didn't lose. they were forced to close. that's not a loss. I would sue them for my company back. I'm sure there are lawyers out there to take their cases.
Yup. It sucks. I feel bad for all the little businesses that are not going to make it. They worked hard and gambled a lot and they lost. Serious shit.

You have to be strong and take it on the chin, not cry into your beer over a fucked up holiday and a disappointed dog. This too shall pass.
This is another stunt to make Trump look bad.
It's to slow the spread of the virus by limiting people's contact with others as much as practicable. To say China, Europe, Asia and the Middle East all "cooked this up" to ruin Trump's re-election chances is STUPID. Social distancing and closing down non essential businesses where people gather (and spread germs) is the response used all over the world to slow this thing.

Saying it is a stunt by the Democrats to get Trump just shows how far gone you are.
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
Wrong. Democrats want the economy to crash. They have been looking for a way to crash it since 1966. As James Clyburn said "we can use this crisis to create a society that better fits our vision,"
In our state, the poor guy with the music store could have opened his doors two weeks ago, with precautions. Maybe he could have made it. But Wisconsin has had ten times as many cases and almost six times as many deaths. That needs to be factored into any governor's decision.

As of today, their cases and their death rate has not even levelled off. It is continuing to rise.
But Wisconsin has had ten times as many cases and almost six times as many deaths. That needs to be factored into any governor's decision.
So when all of the businesses are closed and boarded up, everyone is on unemployment and Medicaid and the economy collapses because no one has money to spend and the state is bankrupt because it can't afford to support 1/3rd the state and all the homes are being foreclosed on and violence, crime and suicide skyrockets, just where is THAT in the governor's plans after he has "saved" all those lucky people, tell me, Lady Douchebag?
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
If Hillary was president I guarantee you there wouldn't of been a shutdown.
, ma
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
If Hillary was president I guarantee you there wouldn't of been a shutdown.
If Hillary were President, maybe we wouldn't have needed one. Maybe Hillary would have actually checked the closet to see if we had the PPE we were going to need, make sure we could get tests, suspend the reg saying the CDC has to make its own. Maybe she would have gone after new cases when they were under 100 and gone gang busters on them, and on their communities at large and gotten the CDC ACTIVELY involved in heading this off at the pass. Hillary doesn't have a prejudice against scientists and experts. Maybe she would have listened a long time before.
, ma
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
If Hillary was president I guarantee you there wouldn't of been a shutdown.
If Hillary were President, maybe we wouldn't have needed one. Maybe Hillary would have actually checked the closet to see if we had the PPE we were going to need, make sure we could get tests, suspend the reg saying the CDC has to make its own. Maybe she would have gone after new cases when they were under 100 and gone gang busters on them, and on their communities at large and gotten the CDC ACTIVELY involved in heading this off at the pass. Hillary doesn't have a prejudice against scientists and experts. Maybe she would have listened a long time before.
She wouldn't of done shit, she let 4 americans die on her watch. Even the red cross knew to get their people out of there.
, ma
Blue states are not opening up so the economy will crash.
That's ridiculous. NO STATE WANTS THEIR ECONOMY TO CRASH. The first phase of our reopening came with more restrictions (like wearing a mask) than we had before, but businesses are gradually coming back on line while new cases and hospitalizations are being watched like a hawk to make sure we're not going backwards.
If Hillary was president I guarantee you there wouldn't of been a shutdown.
If Hillary were President, maybe we wouldn't have needed one. Maybe Hillary would have actually checked the closet to see if we had the PPE we were going to need, make sure we could get tests, suspend the reg saying the CDC has to make its own. Maybe she would have gone after new cases when they were under 100 and gone gang busters on them, and on their communities at large and gotten the CDC ACTIVELY involved in heading this off at the pass. Hillary doesn't have a prejudice against scientists and experts. Maybe she would have listened a long time before.
She wouldn't of done shit, she let 4 americans die on her watch. Even the red cross knew to get their people out of there.
If she cant find a way to profit from a crisis, she doesnt care -- which is the whole purpose of the endless lockdown
Yup. It sucks. I feel bad for all the little businesses that are not going to make it. They worked hard and gambled a lot and they lost. Serious shit.

You have to be strong and take it on the chin, not cry into your beer over a fucked up holiday and a disappointed dog. This too shall pass.

You want to call this guy and tell him that he has to be strong.

You ever operate a small business ?
Yup. It sucks. I feel bad for all the little businesses that are not going to make it. They worked hard and gambled a lot and they lost. Serious shit.

You have to be strong and take it on the chin, not cry into your beer over a fucked up holiday and a disappointed dog. This too shall pass.

You want to call this guy and tell him that he has to be strong.

You ever operate a small business ?
For the second time, I was addressing that comment to Shawnee.

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