Halloween nightmares for our liberals


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
It could take any of several forms.

Here’s one Halloween nightmare for our liberals:

Trump wins every one of the four indictments on each and every count. Outright. Obviously, the nightmare for our liberals continues when he is re-elected President.

I couldn’t wait for that sequel.

Alternative nightmare for our liberals. Trump loses at trial in one or more of these partisan political persecutions. BUT, then they slowly start to grasp that there is a thing called an “appeal.” And slowly but surely, President Trumps wins every damn appeal. And, did I mention, he has already won re-election and is serving his second term by then, anyway?


Shrinks across our land will get very rich. 👍
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It could take any of several forms.

Here’s one Halloween nightmare for our liberals:

Trump wins every one of the four indictments on each and every count. Outright. Obviously, the nightmare for our liberals continues when he is re-elected President.

I couldn’t wait for that sequel.

Alternative nightmare for our liberals. Trump loses at trial in one or more of these partisan political persecutions. BUT, then they slowly start to grasp that there is a thing called an “appeal.” And slowly but surely, President Trumps wins every damn appeal. And, did I mention, he has already won re-election and is serving his second term by then, anyway?

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Shrinks across our land will get very rich. 👍
It wouldn't matter. Everyone still knows he colluded with Russia. That's why he lost 2020. And we all know he did the 4 crimes he's being charged with. Plus the civil and state charges. He was already found guilty of lying about how much he is worth. We know he broke the law with Stormy.

It's quite obvious he mishandled classified documents, lied to the FBI, didn't give back what he was told to give back. Hell, we know he told an Australian businessman our nuclear secrets. He then told 40 other people. And we know Trump told the Russian's Israel's secrets.

How can you vote for this absolute moron? You must be a loser who wants the economy to fall apart because him getting back in would be anarchy.
It wouldn't matter. Everyone still knows he colluded with Russia.
Nobody “knows” any such thing. Some morons (tools like you) believe it — albeit for no coherent reason. The reality is that your claim is still completely false.
That's why he lost 2020.
No. It’s not.
And we all know he did the 4 crimes he's being charged with.
Nobody “knows” any such thing. He’s charged with more than 4 crimes, too, by the way. You dope.

Reasonable and honest people recognize that these aren’t criminal prosecutions. They are absolutely all political persecutions. And morons like you lap that shit right up.
Plus the civil and state charges. He was already found guilty of lying about how much he is worth.
Nope. He hasn’t been found “guilty” of anything. A moron judge made a civil case determination (albeit outside the bounds of the actual law). Your ignorance is on dull display, sillybozo.
We know he broke the law with Stormy.
Nobody knows any such thing.
It's quite obvious he mishandled classified documents,
Neither obvious nor even remotely established. Potato can’t say the same.
lied to the FBI, didn't give back what he was told to give back. Hell, we know he told an Australian businessman our nuclear secrets. He then told 40 other people. And we know Trump told the Russian's Israel's secrets.
Not a word of truth escapes your keyboard. Once again.
How can you vote for this absolute moron?
I never voted for Potato. You did.
You must be a loser who wants the economy to fall apart because him getting back in would be anarchy.
No. Again, didn’t vote for the scumbag demented Potato.
Nobody “knows” any such thing. Some morons (tools like you) believe it — albeit for no coherent reason. The reality is that your claim is still completely false.

No. It’s not.

Nobody “knows” any such thing. He’s charged with more than 4 crimes, too, by the way. You dope.

Reasonable and honest people recognize that these aren’t criminal prosecutions. They are absolutely all political persecutions. And morons like you lap that shit right up.

Nope. He hasn’t been found “guilty” of anything. A moron judge made a civil case determination (albeit outside the bounds of the actual law). Your ignorance is on dull display, sillybozo.

Nobody knows any such thing.

Neither obvious nor even remotely established. Potato can’t say the same.

Not a word of truth escapes your keyboard. Once again.

I never voted for Potato. You did.

No. Again, didn’t vote for the scumbag demented Potato.
Sorry dummy but Trump committed crimes. He didn't break political rules. He broke laws. Lock him up, lock him up. Remember? You seem to think Trump is and should be above the law. And he probably would be if he would have just went away. He wants to be president again? After breaking all those laws? Fuck you!

You can't charge a sitting president. It's the only reason he wasn't charged sooner. And Trump probably thought if Bush got away with lying us into Iraq, he could get away with profiting from the white House, trying to steal the election.

Boy, Bush must be Trump's idol because Trump wants to break all the laws Bush broke. Lying, cheating and stealing an election. Working with hacked machines or hacking into machines as Sidney got caught doing.

Bush even worked with Roger Stone to steal 2000. So did Trump. Roger coordinated between Don and Oathkeepers.

You are scum.
It wouldn't matter. Everyone still knows he colluded with Russia.
False. Nobody “knows” any such thing. Clueless morons, like you, believe it only because you’re a hack who doesn’t care about the complete lack actual evidence.

But I won’t reply, again, to the balance of your post since I already replied to your cut and past job, here, in another thread. [[edit. It might have been in this very thread.]] You lazy moron.
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Sorry dummy

I’m sorry you’re a dumby, too.
but Trump committed crimes.

No. He didn’t.
He didn't break political rules.
I never said he did.
He broke laws
Nonsense. Being accused isn’t the same as being guilty, you mindless moron.
You are scum.

You bathe in jizz. You gargle jizz. You dine on jizz. And you are jizz.

But you’re also a liar and a pathetically poor propagandist.
I’m sorry you’re a dumby, too.

No. He didn’t.

I never said he did.

Nonsense. Being accused isn’t the same as being guilty, you mindless moron.


You bathe in jizz. You gargle jizz. You dine on jizz. And you are jizz.

But you’re also a liar and a pathetically poor propagandist.
Listen up stupid. Trump started breaking rules/laws right from the very start of his presidency. Of course he has done so much wrong you forget what he did. Right off the bat he obstructed justice. And House Republican Paul Ryan made excuses for him. "he's new to this and didn't know any better that he can't d that"

4 years later, 4 criminal cases later, how many civil suits and how many of his lawyers and CIO's and foundations found guilty of a lot.

You must be one dumb son of a bitch.
Listen up stupid. Trump started breaking rules/laws right from the very start of his presidency. Of course he has done so much wrong you forget what he did. Right off the bat he obstructed justice. And House Republican Paul Ryan made excuses for him. "he's new to this and didn't know any better that he can't d that"

4 years later, 4 criminal cases later, how many civil suits and how many of his lawyers and CIO's and foundations found guilty of a lot.

You must be one dumb son of a bitch.
No. You’re the retard So, sit down, sit up straight and try to listen.

Repeating your mindless and utterly unsupported beliefs does not amount to any kind of support for your idiotic claims.

So, gfy.

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