Hamas announces a ceasefire!

No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook...
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.
A million times? Apparently it was talked about a million times amongst a bunch of retarded morons.
Yes, a million times, throughout history and on this board by bigots.

Sorry, I got you there.
No, you're just being very ordinary and repetitive. Very boring.

Oh I got you alright and EVERYBODY knows. ;)
You got nothing but a big ego combined with low IQ. :cool:

If it makes you feel better I'll allow you to keep thinking that way.......................I'm nice like that. ;)
If that was the case then why did he get arrested by them to stand trial and mocked by them and judged then crucified? You can NEVER answer this question, because it goes against Jewish teachings. You are in fact a Jew. ;)

There are no Jewish teachings regarding Jesus. The New Testament was written by Jews, stop making yourself look ignorant.
No, the NT was written by men who accepted Jesus Christ as the son of God and their savior.

Paul was indisputably a Jew who wrote more than half of the NT and unreservedly loyal to Judaism. You are very ignorant about your own faith.

all until Jesus died and rose again. Next time complete your sentences.
I can't talk to these anti-Christan bigots anymore. They are just making shit up...everyone, accoding to them is Jewish....except black people...blacks are just meant to be punching bags for the Jewry.

No one in this thread said or implied what you claim. Again, you are lying. You are a pathetic and demented bigot, and I mean that
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook...
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.
Yes, a million times, throughout history and on this board by bigots.

Sorry, I got you there.
No, you're just being very ordinary and repetitive. Very boring.

Oh I got you alright and EVERYBODY knows. ;)
You got nothing but a big ego combined with low IQ. :cool:

If it makes you feel better I'll allow you to keep thinking that way.......................I'm nice like that. ;)

Well, he was 100% correct.
Sorry, I got you there.
No, you're just being very ordinary and repetitive. Very boring.

Oh I got you alright and EVERYBODY knows. ;)
You got nothing but a big ego combined with low IQ. :cool:

If it makes you feel better I'll allow you to keep thinking that way.......................I'm nice like that. ;)

Well, he was 100% correct.

Coming from you that means as much as my poop stained toilet. Though you can kinda tell what I had for dinner. Corn.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook...
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.
What's his name? Ha ha ha.
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.
What's his name? Ha ha ha.

Oh thank you for reminding me, Burnt toast.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook...
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.

We're up to about 350 posts after your bigot boyfriend jumped in to inject his Jew hate, and you guys haven't been able to make a dent.
:lmao: Did I miss something? When did a hateful board bigot like you become the arbiter of who else is bigoted? Does the term "hypocrite" ring a bell?
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.

We're up to about 350 posts after your bigot boyfriend jumped in to inject his Jew hate, and you guys haven't been able to make a dent.

Apparently we brought down the house, because you can't debate the topic anymore. ;)
Now the canadian teaper is here. He must have heard that Jews were planning to attack nblacks and came rushng to help thge Jews

They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.

We're up to about 350 posts after your bigot boyfriend jumped in to inject his Jew hate, and you guys haven't been able to make a dent.

Apparently we brought down the house, because you can't debate the topic anymore. ;)
Topic? Pffft. You brought down your pantalones. Your Indian name from now on is Big Ego, Little IQ.
They don't need my help handling bigoted lightweights like you, Princess.
It's literally effortless dealing with these two nincompoops.

Doesn't take much effort to make up your own theory's and definitions does it? I mean after all you would know and what's his name.

We're up to about 350 posts after your bigot boyfriend jumped in to inject his Jew hate, and you guys haven't been able to make a dent.

Apparently we brought down the house, because you can't debate the topic anymore. ;)
Topic? Pffft. You brought down your pantalones. Your Indian name from now on is Big Ego, Little IQ.

Boy you sound pissed. ;)
Go back to my original post, retard, that's EXACTLY what I said. Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah of the Old Testament.

Yes, AND that goes against Jewish theology. Next time complete your sentences.

Every religion goes against another religion's theology, genius. Wow.

Yes. we aren't debating which one is correct, but I'm simply educating you on the differences between Jews and Christians. WOW! Lol.. :)

You need to be educated before educating. Wow.

I am always surprised by how little most people know of their own faith let alone the faith of others. I understand I have a bit of an advantage over some but even on some of the most basis points there is so much misinformation and too often corruption of theology and dogma.
I would have hoped that people who intent to speak about religion would have a higher understanding. Some sound like they have rarely is ever actually read their holy text let alone studied it. History is part of every school curriculum but study of religion in history or the history of the churches seem to be absent in the education of many.
Go back to my original post, retard, that's EXACTLY what I said. Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah of the Old Testament.

Yes, AND that goes against Jewish theology. Next time complete your sentences.

Every religion goes against another religion's theology, genius. Wow.

Yes. we aren't debating which one is correct, but I'm simply educating you on the differences between Jews and Christians. WOW! Lol.. :)

You need to be educated before educating. Wow.

I am always surprised by how little most people know of their own faith let alone the faith of others. I understand I have a bit of an advantage over some but even on some of the most basis points there is so much misinformation and too often corruption of theology and dogma.
I would have hoped that people who intent to speak about religion would have a higher understanding. Some sound like they have rarely is ever actually read their holy text let alone studied it. History is part of every school curriculum but study of religion in history or the history of the churches seem to be absent in the education of many.
:lol: Your understanding is based on Jewish hate and arrogance. Your attempt to redefine Christianity is as offensive as the racist Jews who beat black people.

Like I said...you are either part of the arrogant hate monger Jews or a Catholic.
Yes, AND that goes against Jewish theology. Next time complete your sentences.

Every religion goes against another religion's theology, genius. Wow.

Yes. we aren't debating which one is correct, but I'm simply educating you on the differences between Jews and Christians. WOW! Lol.. :)

You need to be educated before educating. Wow.

I am always surprised by how little most people know of their own faith let alone the faith of others. I understand I have a bit of an advantage over some but even on some of the most basis points there is so much misinformation and too often corruption of theology and dogma.
I would have hoped that people who intent to speak about religion would have a higher understanding. Some sound like they have rarely is ever actually read their holy text let alone studied it. History is part of every school curriculum but study of religion in history or the history of the churches seem to be absent in the education of many.
:lol: Your understanding is based on Jewish hate and arrogance. Your attempt to redefine Christianity is as offensive as the racist Jews who beat black people.

Like I said...you are either part of the arrogant hate monger Jews or a Catholic.

Hey dipshit, please tell me where Israel has their 'Statue of Liberty" with a plaque like ours does. And mainly tell me how Jewish those Sudanese are and where it says they are.
It is called the Torah. It says that srael is promised land...for ALL Jews...not just white racist Jews. ...Dipshit.

Reading comprehension issues I see. Answer the whole question. I increased the size of the part you still need to learn how to read for your ease.
Why don't you quit believing all the bullshit hate sites you are swallowing and go see for yourself, jerk. I say that because I just got back and saw plenty of happy Black people working, shopping, recreating and just living their lives right along side the white people.
You should educate yourself. Racist Jews beating black Ethiopians is only the tip of the iceberg. They are refusing black Jewish refugees...they would rather see these black Jews get killed by killer muslims.

Come to think of it, here is another prime example of your reading comprehension problem(s). If you going to cherry pick what you will answer to and not answer fully, then shut the fuck up.

So again NUTZ, why don't you grow a pair of nutz and go there and see for yourself. Hike the Golan heights. Walk the streets of Tel Aviv, Tiberius, and Jerusalem. Then come back and tell us what you saw WITH YOUR OWN EYES!!

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