Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Actually, a two-state solution is the only solution the Zionists have.

Ethnic Cleansing is not an option. Nor is reoccupying the Gaza. There are two million Palestinians in Gaza. They aren't going anywhere.

Israel is trying to do what Apartheid South Africa did, create "homelands" that separate the 5 million Palestinians in the occupied territories from the 6 million European Squatters. (and hope no one mentions the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Lebanon, Jordan, etc.)

The alternative to the two-state solution is ending Apartheid and giving everyone a vote. That would be the end of Israel as a Jewish state when that happens.

The Fundamental Lie of Zionism was "A Land without a people for a people without a land."

There were people on that land. They are still there.
May you rot in hell….
Left favoritism toward Islam is difficult to understand. Everything the left hates about Christian conservatives is far more true of Muslims.

It is actually pretty simple -

The Left doesn't see them as being large enough to "oppress" them as the Christians do.
So, they ally with Islam in a proxy war against the Right/Christians.
It is not much different than the USA proxy war against Russia.
If you read what JohnDB said, the Palestinians refused to pay for water and electricity. The Israelis were generous in giving them any water ant electricity at all.

Wow, that's kind of typical. Rip people off and think they should be grateful. And you wonder why the attack on Saturday happened.

You want to hear something worse? A very far-left progressive Jew I know went up to NY to participate in the pro-Palestinian rally.

Not really. The problem is, if you are Jewish person who is sincerely believes that the oppression Jews have suffered is wrong, it's really kind of hard to justify what the Zionists are doing to Palestine.

And the Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews Killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages
and that is the news.
Is it any wonder why the Monkey's confused?

- Roger Waters, Amused to Death.

The majority of Palestinians don't want a two-state solution. They want to reclaim all of historic Palestine, including pre-1967 Israel. Thus why you are seeing the now popular 'Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea' movement. They do not want to co-exist, they simply want the Jews kicked completely out of the region.
The left will NEVER be happy until the Islamic world controls every stinking inch of the region!
You are probably right.
So why is this my problem again?
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Wow, that's kind of typical. Rip people off and think they should be grateful. And you wonder why the attack on Saturday happened.
Excuse me. The Palestinians were not paying for utilities they received from Israel. Try doing that and see if you keep getting electricity and water.
Nothing but political posturing. Wishful thinking will not make it so.

Israel has been making the same mistake with Hamas for decades, in not finishing it before and always allowing it to rearm.

Let us all just cut the blame game as the investigation into this by Israel will not start until they do away with Hamas in the next few weeks or months.

Too many countries have allowed Muslims to move in after, aka the Million muslims from Syria which is creating more hatred towards Israel and Jews around the world, more attacks on them.

Universities all over the world MUST stop allowing the endless Apartheid weeks and other things which do not belong in Universities as they are places for learning and not to attack Jews, and only Jews.

Lots needs to be done around the world, including an end to the endless education of Jews being evil in both Christianity and Islam.

Just STOP, all of you, with the endless posturing and blaming game.

Wait, aren't you a diehard liberal? If so, have you figured out that the Democratic Party you support does not agree with you on this issue?
Not really. The problem is, if you are Jewish person who is sincerely believes that the oppression Jews have suffered is wrong, it's really kind of hard to justify what the Zionists are doing to Palestine.

The Palestinians have had plenty of time to move elsewhere in the Arab world. Instead they continued to entertain fantasies like this:

Wait, aren't you a diehard liberal? If so, have you figured out that the Democratic Party you support does not agree with you on this issue?
This was not addressed to me, but I will respond. I am not a die hard anything. I vote Democrat because I agree with the Democratic Party on economic and environmental issues. If I only voted for politicians who agreed with me on everything I would never vote.

The Democrat Party I really like died with President John Kennedy.

I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. My support for Israel has always been unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians. There are few of those.

From 1947 to the aftermath of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War the Democrat Party was more supportive of Israel than the GOP. From 1947 to 1967 most Republicans though Arab oil was more important than the safety and well being of the Children of Israel who lived in the Land of Israel.
Wait, aren't you a diehard liberal? If so, have you figured out that the Democratic Party you support does not agree with you on this issue?
Agree. What Jewish liberals won’t admit is that Trump had the entire region moving toward peace with Israel, and Biden came in an restores the money flow to Hamas while giving billions to Iran to fund a full-scale assault against innocent Jews.
This was not addressed to me, but I will respond. I am not a die hard anything. I vote Democrat because I agree with the Democratic Party on economic and environmental issues. If I only voted for politicians who agreed with me on everything I would never vote.

The Democrat Party I really like died with President John Kennedy.

I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. My support for Israel has always been unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians. There are few of those.

From 1947 to the aftermath of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War the Democrat Party was more supportive of Israel than the GOP. From 1947 to 1967 most Republicans though Arab oil was more important than the safety and well being of the Children of Israel who lived in the Land of Israel.
Well, one has to pick their battles.

To me, the survival and support of Israel is paramount to keeping somewhat of a cap on raging antisemitism. You‘ve seen the result of Biden’s enabling of terrorism against Israel - a full-scale massacre and torture of innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies.

It has released a torrent of antisemitism across the world not seen since the Holocaust. We have American leftists yelling “kill the Jews!” at rallies and police in Australia warning Jews to stay in their houses.
To me, the survival and support of Israel is paramount to keeping somewhat of a cap on raging antisemitism. You‘ve seen the result of Biden’s enabling of terrorism against Israel - a full-scale massacre and torture of innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies.
President Biden thought he could deal with Hamas. He was mistaken. This is no time to talk about that. This is the time for all who love Israel to bet behind the President in his efforts to help Israel fight Hamas, and possibly Hezbollah.
Wait, aren't you a diehard liberal? If so, have you figured out that the Democratic Party you support does not agree with you on this issue?
OH, please, the Democrats are as much in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby as the Republicans.

Well, one has to pick their battles.

To me, the survival and support of Israel is paramount to keeping somewhat of a cap on raging antisemitism. You‘ve seen the result of Biden’s enabling of terrorism against Israel - a full-scale massacre and torture of innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies.
Actually, the only people to blame for that is Bibi for empowering Hamas and refusing to negotiate in good faith with Fatah and the PA.

Agree. What Jewish liberals won’t admit is that Trump had the entire region moving toward peace with Israel, and Biden came in an restores the money flow to Hamas while giving billions to Iran to fund a full-scale assault against innocent Jews.
Well, that's an interpretation that is disconnected from reality.

A meaningless treaty signed with a monarch in a country that has never been at war with the Zionist Entity had little to do with peace.
This was not addressed to me, but I will respond. I am not a die hard anything. I vote Democrat because I agree with the Democratic Party on economic and environmental issues. If I only voted for politicians who agreed with me on everything I would never vote.

The Democrat Party I really like died with President John Kennedy.

I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. My support for Israel has always been unconditional. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinians. There are few of those.

Here's the problem. Democrats and liberals threw racists like you out in the 1960s, and we were better off for it.

From 1947 to the aftermath of Israel's victory in the 1967 Six Day War the Democrat Party was more supportive of Israel than the GOP. From 1947 to 1967 most Republicans though Arab oil was more important than the safety and well being of the Children of Israel who lived in the Land of Israel.

It's more complicated than that.

The problem is that Israel, at the end of the day, is a bunch of white Europeans oppressing folks of color.

When I was in college and a young conservative (because I hadn't the life experience to realize how full of shit the GOP is) there was this rather obnoxious Jewish Liberal I had to deal with on several Student Government committees. And one day, this clown was ranting about Apartheid and how he was down with the struggle. Of course, he was declaring this in front of the black kids.

To which I hit him with the Zinger, 'How is what the Afrikaaners are doing in South Africa any different from what the Israelis are doing in Palestine?"

Man, you should have seen that guy blubber and huff.

You see, Ike had it right. Don't pick sides. When the Zionists conspired with France and the UK to seize the Suez Canal, Ike had the good sense to snap them back.

Now, we've picked a side, and unfortunately, we've spent the last 40 years getting dragged into their conflicts. Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Iraq, and coming soon, Iran if the Zionist Lobby has its way.
OH, please, the Democrats are as much in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby as the Republicans.

I guess you don't really pay attention. Have you noticed that the vast majority of those on this forum that an anti-Israel are Democrats? Have you noticed that the Democratic Party has members in Congress that are blatantly anti-Israel. Do you think it is just by chance that they are Democrats? Virtually every single group you can find that is anti-Israel is left(Democrat) leaning. I'm not sure why this even has to be explained.

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