Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The Israel Defense Forces have uncovered so far more than 30 tunnels meticulously dug over years by Hamas as a means to infiltrate under the border from Gaza and launch attacks on Israel.

Now, the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv has reported one brazen and chilling way Hamas had been planning to use its tunnels before Israel began uncovering some of them this week and dismantling them.

Quoting unnamed Israeli security sources, Ma’ariv reported that the plan was to send 200 terrorists through each tunnel simultaneously – using dozens of tunnels – to six Israeli communities in southern Israel for a shocking attack on the Jewish high holiday of Rosh Hashanah which this year begins on September 24.

Once there, the Hamas gunman planned to kill or kidnap as many Israelis as possible and bring the latter back to Gaza with them, again via the tunnels



Security Sources Say Hamas Planned a Massive ?Terror Tunnels? Attack for September 24 | Video | TheBlaze.com
My uncle in Haifa told me about this two weeks ago. He didn't mention however that several tunnels were to be used.

Death to Hamas.
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

Go look up the definition of terrorist before spreading lies.

Israel started this operation to get rid of tunnels that Hamas clearly uses to infiltrate Israel to kill Israelis and to stop rockets fired into Israel.
That's not terrorism.

Terrorism is the use of violence in order to cause terror, without any regard for non combatants, in order to achieve a religious, political or ideological goal.
In other words, Hamas.
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

LOL @ "civilians" the isialmo Nazi pigs tie bombs to the stinking asses of their whorish daughters
and call them "CIVILIANS"
There were tunnels out from the Wharsaw ghetto as well. There were attacks on civilians from people who escaped those ghettos as well. It just depends on your viewpoint as to whether someone is a terrorist or a freedom fighter.
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.

All this time Roudy had the inside scoop who knew? Do tell what is coming next?
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.


Way to paraphrase Himmler
Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.
Hamas spokesman, two days ago: Israel doesn't respect Muslim holidays.
Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.

I find it hypocritical that you whine about seeing Palestinians as "cancer" while you call, full-mouthed and shamelessly to "destroy Israel".
This is true, but why are the little pro-Pals seem somewhat upset..or is it just me? :lol:
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.

Konrad Lorenz, a Nazi doctor and part of the Nazi eugenics policy, noted,

‘Just as in cancer the best treatment is to eradicate the parasitic growth as quickly as possible, the eugenic defense against the dysgenic social effects of afflicted subpopulations is of necessity limited to equally drastic measures …. When these inferior elements are not effectively eliminated from a [healthy] population, then—just as when the cells of a malignant tumor are allowed to proliferate throughout the human body—they destroy the host body as well as themselves.

As is becoming more and more common with the Zionists, their close mirroring of Nazi policies are appearing much more commonly, destroying their claim not to be engaging in ethnic cleansing, pretty much exactly as the Nazis did.
Terrorism is the use of violence in order to cause terror, without any regard for non combatants, in order to achieve a religious, political or ideological goal.
In other words, Hamas.

I think Israel is doing exactly that.
Here now you can't miss it.

I didn't miss it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute uploaded the video.
They claim to bridge the language gap but the facts are a little different.
If you go their site, MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, it's all Zionist bullshit.

This bunch have posted many videos before.

Yemeni girl?s video plea against child marriage goes viral | GulfNews.com'
The girl says in the video that she had first fled to her uncle’s house but he was not there, which led her to head to a police station. She said she now wants to live with her uncle, but that her parents had threatened to kill her if she had tried to seek refuge with him.
“What kind of people threaten their children like that?” she questioned. “Go ahead and marry me off. I’ll kill myself,” she said.

The poor girl, this is terrible, well it would be if it wasn't bullshit.

"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online
"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO

I think I'd need to see the linked video from a non bullshit website.

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