Hamlin MIA.

You would have to be brain dead and/or Vaxxed not to raise questions .

Once again it underlines how Gullible most people are .

Yeah, that's him.

I'd recognize him anywhere.


Let's start a poll for how long it will take, post-season, for Hamlin to run into a "relapse", and have some vague complications which eventually kill him.

My official prediction, right here.

Okay so when I saw this on Twitter I thought, wow that's crazy. Then I saw the pics of him in full hoodie and sunglasses. Huh?

If he's that unwell, he should stay out of public. Everyone would understand.

So yeah. This is a big hmmmm

Anybody know how long Hamlin was allegedly in the hospital?

Peters pointed out that the process of coming back from a major cardiac event is a long one, oftentimes.

I can attest to this. I used to work in a hospital unit which was called "Cardiac Stepdown", the "step" being between coronary care and discharge, where a patient is on a cardiac monitor and often has a lot of physical therapy, depending on how severe the damage. Our usual stay on this unit was at least two weeks.

Peters also pointed out that CPR very frequently breaks ribs, and that man was obviously not worried about the painful healing of broken ribs, with the way he was flapping his arms.

Again, right-wingers are morons...

Yes, his family, doctors, teammates (including Anti-vaxer and avid conspiracy theorist Cole Beasley) are all covering up to protect the very vaccine that Trump rushed to the market and demanded full credit for....again, y'all are morons...
Guys, think logically... How long can they hide a dead star NFL player?
and on top of that, he wasn't quite an NFL star -- most people didn't even know who he was before his heart attack....but now we are supposed to believe he is at the center of the largest conspiracy in recent history.....

By the way, the same folks pushing this conspiracy are the same folks who claimed Trump would be back in the White House last year and JFK Jr was going to be his VP
how long could they pull the shit the last 3 years?

Easily, because it's a "public health scare" and the vast majority of the public still believes in it. People are getting sick with SOMETHING ya know...

But back to Hamlin, do you really think they are going to keep a dead Hamlin hidden forever? Why would they need to fake a death, when nearly everyone would believe he died from his heart stopping from a hard hit?

He's not a public official, he's not really anybody "important" per se, so there is no reason why they would fake a death when nearly everybody would take the word of the NFL/Doctors over random internet forum posters.

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