Hands Up, Cop Still Shoots (video)

I read several links and saw nothing pertaining to Galindo being an illegal alien.
Maybe he was I don't know..but he still was a human being who just happened to be armed and inebriated but didn't have to die.
Are you black?
Cops should be held to some of the standards our troops are. They don't shrink under fire.

There's a lot more at stake than just a battle.
F%%K these nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F%%k these criminals that HARM innocent people!! I WANT them dead..some are career criminals with a violent past
if they are dead, they can't hurt anyone else.....
the cops 99% of the time don't shoot if there is no reason to shoot

Like with the death penalty, we know lots of innocent are killed.
bad analogy
like I said, 99% the cops are shooting for a reason--there is a threat

The only reason they wait less than 2 seconds to shoot after giving warning like with this case is because they say they fear for their life, and if they wait any longer than that they might be hurt. Can you imagine a soldier EVER saying he fears for his life. How is it a bad analogy?
have you been in the military? I have
have you ever read books on wars? I've been reading about wars for over 35 years
the soldiers/sailors/Marines DO fear for their lives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you think they are robots? they are very scared
in fact I read one time where the soldier or Marine said he was in so much combat, so much hell, he thought he might kill his own men from a learned/automatic need to kill and stay alive
they killed many civilians in Somalia
ever hear of My Lai My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia
in German towns in WW2, if the people didn't put up white flags and/or fire came from the town--the soldiers would fire indiscriminately

Newsflash, cops are not fighting an actual war.

Saying you were scared for your life and being scared in battle are different. I said cops say that because they are or to cover themselves, but soldiers obviously don't go around saying that as an excuse.
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DAYUM... Is there no end to the line of ignorant blood thirsty bahs- turds who refuse to read my post entailing why the cops came to Galindo's home? Why do you so readily assume Mr.Galindo was a criminal who hsd commited s crime. Is it because Tank...the racist op...led you down that path?

Yes, I assumed the PoS was a criminal. And, turns out my assumption is correct. According to the PoS's "wife", he wanted to turn over his gun before ... a court date for a gun-related crime. Besides, it's also a crime to call 911 for a non-emergency. Surrendering a gun isn't an emergency. I also assume that he has an extensive criminal background. My assumptions are very reliable.

It's also criminally stupid, if that's a thing, to be in a foreign country, holding a gun, in front of cops who have guns pointed at you.

Maybe he's "innocent", but he still put the cops in a position to get himself shot.
holding his family hostage

Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.

holding his family hostage

Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.
holding his family hostage

Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

I agree, but having said that that's how it worked maybe. Who knows? A shadow in the wrong place, an impulse to get even? All speculation. Also there is only ONE view of it; the forensics peeps will have their work to do.

holding his family hostage

Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this

holding his family hostage

Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.
Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

Cops shouldn't have to risk their lives to deal with people's crazy family members.
Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

Cops shouldn't have to risk their lives to deal with people's crazy family members.

They knew what the job was before they hired out. If they aren't able to do it they need another job.
What led up to this confrontation?

He was drunk, illegal alien, spoke no English, wanted for "gun crimes", holding his family hostage, and did not want to be deported

In other words, he had it coming anyway

I laugh at idiots who do stupid stuff then bitch when it goes against what they thought it would.


No; not "had it coming" but it was a nasty situation into which he put himself. Seems he bagan to lower his arms just prior to being shot; not much; maybe he was in a cramped spot or something.

Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

Cops shouldn't have to risk their lives to deal with people's crazy family members.

They knew what the job was before they hired out. If they aren't able to do it they need another job.

They survived. They move on to the next one. Can't move on to the next job if you're dead.

Hmmm: just looked AGAIN..that's about 30 with some almost frame by frame. Arms were indeed outstretched immediately prior to the shooting but his left arm lowered a second or so before that. Dunno; in real time it looked anything but clear.

MY OPINION: wait for the experts before rushing to steal a new TV.

Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

Cops shouldn't have to risk their lives to deal with people's crazy family members.

They knew what the job was before they hired out. If they aren't able to do it they need another job.

They survived. They move on to the next one. Can't move on to the next job if you're dead.


Nobody made them take the job. Nobody hid the responsibilities of the job from them.
Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable

They knew what the job was before they hired out. If they aren't able to do it they need another job.

A cop's job is to stop criminals, with bullets, if necessary. Cops are not mental health professionals.

You might want to double check that job description at the police station. I'm pretty sure their job description is not the same as what you listed.

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