Hannity is for/against the NSA


A guy in ariZONA
Aug 15, 2009
This man makes me sick. Enjoy his flip flop. Again.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=t27ie4qFlXM#t=3s]Hannity Then and Now on NSA Surveillance - YouTube[/ame]
No Zona you're completely wrong. For/Against the NSA??? Say what?

This is what Hannity is for:

yeah its hannity, if you expect the truth out of that man, then you are a moron and should be ignored anyways.
I'm still waiting on him to go through with that water boarding :eusa_whistle:
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

Well since Fox News is the largest of the members of the MSM everyone ends up hearing about it eventually
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

Well since Fox News is the largest of the members of the MSM everyone ends up hearing about it eventually

Now how is that possible according to so many of the left on here FOX is falling in the ratings and is only watched by far right wingers?
Why would a single voice on the radio and an hour show on Fox "make you sick" unless the tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and "news hounds" (we watch Fox so you don't have to) tell you to be sick? Liberals so so willing to be manipulated that it makes me sick. Anyway you can be for the NSA but be against NSA's fishing expeditions. Simple as that.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

Well since Fox News is the largest of the members of the MSM everyone ends up hearing about it eventually

Now how is that possible according to so many of the left on here FOX is falling in the ratings and is only watched by far right wingers?

I don't know why any lefties here would claim that Fox News is falling in the ratings. They're watched by more people than any of their competitors.

I do question why the righties on here think that the media is so biased. Their version of MSNBC is ruling the ratings after all.
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Well since Fox News is the largest of the members of the MSM everyone ends up hearing about it eventually

Now how is that possible according to so many of the left on here FOX is falling in the ratings and is only watched by far right wingers?

I don't know why any lefties here would claim that Fox News is falling in the ratings. They're watched by more people than any of their competitors.

I do question why the righties on here think that the media is so biased. Their version of MSNBC is ruling the ratings after all.

I don't try and explain liberal thinking on FOX and if they were really the conservative version of MSNBC they would have ratings similar to MSNBC.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.
Now how is that possible according to so many of the left on here FOX is falling in the ratings and is only watched by far right wingers?

I don't know why any lefties here would claim that Fox News is falling in the ratings. They're watched by more people than any of their competitors.

I do question why the righties on here think that the media is so biased. Their version of MSNBC is ruling the ratings after all.

I don't try and explain liberal thinking on FOX and if they were really the conservative version of MSNBC they would have ratings similar to MSNBC.

Sorry that logic's no good bud. Fox News has FAR FAR FAR more money to spend than MSNBC for their ratings. Why? Well they had a decade long head start on MSNBC (on when MSNBC turned embarrassingly liberal); and conservatives have proven they're far more interested in partisan hackery than liberals are. Just look at the success of conservative radio vs. the failure of their counterpart.

That's why Fox has better ratings.
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Sean Hannity is a political hack, plain and simple.
I thought you libs didn't watch FOX? I always find it funny as hell that the people who claim they don't watch or listen to someone seem to know everything they say and do.

And why do you try this same crap every single time someone on fox looks like a hypocrite. Address his hypocrisy or get out of this thread, maybe? Be a good little righty and defend this douche.


Why don't you be a good little lefty and defend all these douches who have flip flopped?

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Mike Riggs|Jun. 10, 2013 5:13 pm


When the pollsters at Pew asked Democrats in January 2006 how they felt about the NSA's surveillance programs, 37 percent labeled the programs "acceptable," while 61 percent said they were unacceptable. Today, those numbers are exactly the opposite: 64 percent of Democrats now think the NSA's surveillance programs are acceptable, while only 34 percent say they're not.

Republicans polled much the same way (in reverse, obviously). Back in 2006, 75 percent of Republicans supported the NSA "scrutiniz[ing] phone calls and emails of suspected terrorists." Today, only 52 percent of Republicans say such actions are acceptable.

More at link and this link will take you directly to the Pew Poll.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President - Hit & Run : Reason.com

What a jump in points! 37% to 64%. My what flip floppers liberals are!

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Sooooo... are republicans suddenly upset with NSA data-diving now that a democrat is President?

Does that not count as hypocrisy also for some reason?
Maybe that's the problem with the left. They were all playing video games during "civics 101". Hannity ain't your enemy lefties. He has no power. The freaking president has all the power and he flip flopped so many times about national security issues since he was a senator that it's embarrassing. The 1st Amendment ain't your problem lefties and you better quit relying on left wing blogs to do your thinking and look at the issues and the people who have the power over life and death before we all go down the drain
Why would a single voice on the radio and an hour show on Fox "make you sick" unless the tax exempt propaganda sources like Media Matters and "news hounds" (we watch Fox so you don't have to) tell you to be sick? Liberals so so willing to be manipulated that it makes me sick. Anyway you can be for the NSA but be against NSA's fishing expeditions. Simple as that.

Finally, a voice of reason in this thread. I was about to give up.

You are right. It's one thing to be all for using whatever methods we can to catch criminals and terrorists. It's a different thing to spy on all people just to see who is who. I wonder if they were looking for criminals or just enemies of the state.

The left can't understand being for something as long as it's used the way it was intended. For instance, I am all for having police officers to serve and protect the country and being hard on crime, using legal means and spying on them, but I am totally against crooked police officers who harass the public because they are on a power trip. The latter is comparable to what the NSA is doing right now. And regardless of whether or not it happened in the past, we need to call them on it and not excuse things because of claims that Billy did it, too.

I'm sure Rachel Madcow says something daily that I'd disagree with, but even if somehow I found out what she said, I won't rant and rave and get all worked up over it. She's just another idiot talking head. I think you are exactly right that some leftie sight put this out there just so all liberals could waste hours in their lives being sick over something this stupid. Yup, some people are sick and it's not because of the opinion held by someone they never met and someone who has no control over the destination of this country.

Meanwhile, they don't get upset about things that actually matter, like what our elected leaders are up to.

I'll save my outrage for the things that actually matter, like how the current administration is fucking up this country big time.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Sooooo... are republicans suddenly upset with NSA data-diving now that a democrat is President?

Does that not count as hypocrisy also for some reason?

Oh for certain there are republicans that have flipped on this issue.

And those truly serious conservatives out there who were against the Patriot Act from the get go are looking at those republicans who have now woken up are having a great time going "I told you so".

I said in another thread that I wish when it came to major issues that we face that so many people need to get a serious smack upside the head to put partisanship and party lines aside and search for answers.

Oh well. Sometimes I dream.

Pew: Democrats Suddenly Cool With NSA Data-Diving Now That a Democrat Is President

Sooooo... are republicans suddenly upset with NSA data-diving now that a democrat is President?

Does that not count as hypocrisy also for some reason?

Oh for certain there are republicans that have flipped on this issue.

And those truly serious conservatives out there who were against the Patriot Act from the get go are looking at those republicans who have now woken up are having a great time going "I told you so".

I said in another thread that I wish when it came to major issues that we face that so many people need to get a serious smack upside the head to put partisanship and party lines aside and search for answers.

Oh well. Sometimes I dream.

Yup this shit is unacceptable. Hypocrisy is too rampant in both parties. Democrats need to step up and be outraged about this. This is their chance now that they have the Presidency and the senate.

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