Hanoi Jane to Critics of Her Reagan Role: ‘Get a Life’


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Hanoi Jane to Critics of Her Reagan Role: ‘Get a Life’

April 12, 2013
By Mark Tapson

The Hollywood trade magazine The Hollywood Reporter (THR) reports that conservative opposition is slowly building toward a possible boycott of the movie The Butler, still six months away from appearing in theaters. That’s because lifelong leftist activist Jane Fonda is slated to portray Ronald Reagan’s wife Nancy in the flick. “I figured it would tweak the right,” shrugs Fonda. “Who cares?”

The drama is the true story of Eugene Allen, White House butler to every president from 1952 to 1986. Jane Fonda – famously photographed straddling a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun in North Vietnam forty years ago – as the wife of patriotic icon Reagan is a choice that hardly seems coincidental; more likely casting “Hanoi Jane” was a direct and purposeful insult to the conservative American audience, whom many Hollywood elites openly despise.


Fonda claims that she actually had a portion of the script changed because it made Nancy Reagan look too mean – if true, this says less about Fonda’s respect for Nancy than the writer’s mean-spirited bias (The Butler’s writer Danny Strong was also responsible for HBO’s Game Change and its demeaning caricature of Sarah Palin). “I might not have always agreed with Nancy Reagan, but I admire her, and I’d never try to insert my views when playing her,” says Fonda. We’ll see come October when the film hits theaters.

Hanoi Jane to Critics of Her Reagan Role: ?Get a Life? | FrontPage Magazine


A real dick move, purposely intended to offend conservatives.

One of my earliest political protests was against Jane Fonda and her asshole commie husband, Tom Hayden, when they spoke at Yale University about their "Campaign for Economic Democracy". One of our group embarrassed Hayden during the Q&A when he asked him, "Can you tell us the difference between inflation and rising prices?" Hayden totally fumbled. In front of a roomful of Yalies. Totally blew his credibility.

Afterwards, as Fonda was walking down the street, we began singing God Bless America. As I predicted, she started to join in. As soon as she did, we began chanting, "TELL IT TO HANOI!"

She shut her gob. :lol:

So fuck Hanoi Jane and fuck the producers, director, and actors in The Butler. Up the ass.
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