Happy Birthday Clint Eastwood!

Happy Birthdays Clint!

Yes, Happy Birthday Clint!
Eastwood has expressed disapproval of America's wars in Korea (1950–1953), Vietnam (1964–1975), Afghanistan (2001–2021), and Iraq (2003–2011), believing that the United States should not be overly militaristic or play the role of global policeman.[4][8][9]

Furthermore, Eastwood's 2014 movie American Sniper was met with strong critical praise, especially from many Republicans who called it a pro-War on Terror, pro-Republican, and patriotic film; Eastwood responded by saying that such notions represented a "stupid analysis" and that the movie had nothing to do with political parties.[10] Democrats in the media were labeling the film Republican propaganda, and saying that Eastwood was a warmonger. Eastwood responded to critics of American Sniper by saying his film was "the biggest anti-war statement any film can make", and that the film depicts "the fact of what [war] does to the family and the people who have to go back into civilian life like Chris Kyle did" and "what it (war) does to the people left behind."[11] Eastwood further explained his anti-war stance by saying "I was a child growing up during World War II. That was supposed to be the one to end all wars. And four years later, I was standing at the draft board being drafted during the Korean conflict, and then after that there was Vietnam, and it goes on and on forever . . . I just wonder . . . does this ever stop? And no, it doesn't. So each time we get in these conflicts, it deserves a lot of thought before we go wading in or wading out. Going in or coming out. It needs a better thought process, I think."


He has, however, approved of unemployment insurance, subsidies for homeowners saddled with unaffordable mortgages, environmental conservation, land preservation, alternative energy incentives, and gun control measures such as California's Brady Bill. A longtime, self-described "liberal on civil rights,"[23] Eastwood has stated that he has always been pro-choice on abortion.[24] He has endorsed the notion of allowing same-sex couples to marry,[25] "From a libertarian point of view, you would say, 'Yeah? So what?' You have to believe in total equality. People should be able to be what they want to be and do what they want – as long as they're not harming people."[18] and he contributed to groups supporting the Equal Rights Amendment for women.[26]
Clint Eastwood has always been a great actor, but I don't think he possesses the skills that the characters he plays possess. Eastwood is not Dirty Harry, and only an idiot would think he is.

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