Harambe the Gorilla - What the REAL Problem is....

Where do zoos get their animals?

Zoos breed their animals or acquire them from other zoos. Babies are great crowd-pleasers, but when the babies grow up, they don’t attract the same number of people, so zoos often sell them off in order to make room for younger animals. The unwanted adult animals are sometimes sold to “game” farms where hunters pay to kill them; some are killed for their meat and/or hides. Other “surplus” animals may be sold to smaller, more poorly run zoos or, worse, to laboratories for experiments.
^ bullshit like this would be frowned upon everytime if it was more out in the open knowledge
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just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it

How about sitting over a nice impala carcass and discussing the merits of hyenas vs buzzards?
just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it

How about sitting over a nice impala carcass and discussing the merits of hyenas vs buzzards?
that made me lol, i dunno why it just got.me
Can you imagine spending your entire life in a small space that isn’t big enough to do anything you enjoy doing, like playing with friends, exploring, or traveling? Instead of living freely with your family in your home, you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place, often alone or with other people you don’t know, while hundreds of loud people crowd around you and stare. Does that sound like fun? Of course not! But that’s what life is like for animals in zoos.

Here are five reasons why you should never visit zoos.

1. Captivity Often Makes Animals Crazy
In the wild, elephants walk up to 30 miles each day, bears are active for up to 18 hours a day exploring their home ranges for up to hundreds of miles, and tigers and lions love running and climbing and will roam many miles to hunt. But when these animals (or any wild animal) are imprisoned in cages or small enclosures at zoos, they don’t get to do the things that are natural and important to them. Instead, animals in zoos are kept in cramped spaces with virtually no privacy and have very few opportunities to exercise or keep their minds active.

Living without these important things often causes “zoochosis,” a condition in which animals act strangely and even hurt themselves out of boredom and frustration. </3

The signs of zoochosis are easy to spot. Bears and big cats, like lions and tigers, will pace back and forth. Monkeys and birds injure themselves. Giraffes twist their necks and bend their heads back and forth, and elephants bob their heads and sway side to side. This isn’t natural behavior that would be seen in the wild.

2. Zoos Care About One Thing The Most (And It’s Not The Animals)!
Because people love seeing baby animals at zoos, lots of zoos breed animals to make more babies, and, as a result, make lots of money. When babies grow up, though, they aren’t as popular. Not a single U.S. zoo has a policy of providing the animals born at its facility with lifetime care, so zoos often trade, loan, or sell adult animals who aren’t making them as much money as when they were younger. Can you even imagine someone getting rid of you just because you weren’t a baby anymore?

These sad, unwanted animals may end up in roadside zoos or traveling circuses. Others are simply bought to be killed. For example, when baby animals who were displayed in the Minnesota Zoo’s farm exhibit grew up and didn’t attract as many visitors, the zoo took them to livestock auctions, where many ended up being sent to slaughter.

3. Zoos Rarely Help Animals
Many zoos claim that the reason why they exist and continue to breed animals is to help protect endangered species, but that’s not true. In fact, most animals in zoos aren’t endangered, and those who are will likely never be released into natural habitats.

Zoos and wildlife parks almost always favor big, “popular” animals while ignoring smaller animals who need protection. Plus, keeping animals in cages does nothing to help their species in the wild. If zoos really wanted to save animals from extinction, they would be helping protect animals’ natural habitats, not keeping them in prisons.

4. Zoos Aren’t Educational
Possibly the biggest lie that zoos tell people is that by visiting them, people will learn about wild animals. But the only thing that zoos teach people is that it’s OK to keep animals in captivity—bored, cramped, lonely, and very far from home.

Most visitors spend only a few minutes at each display and learn very little about the animals they’re seeing. Signs outside displays barely cover more than an animal’s species, diet, and natural range. Animals’ “normal” behavior isn’t discussed often in zoos because they don’t get to live “normal” lives there. For example, birds’ wings may be clipped so that they can’t fly, aquatic animals often go without adequate water, and many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are kept alone or, at most, in pairs.

5. Zoos Are Dangerous for Animals
When you really think about it, zoos are basically just prisons that leave animals with no ways to defend themselves or escape dangerous situations. Animals in zoos all over the U.S. have been poisoned, been starved, been denied veterinary care, and even been burned in fires.

Other animals have died after eating trash that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have even been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their pens.

During natural disasters like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, animals in zoos are often left without any help or ways to escape. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, most of the 10,000 aquatic animals at Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans died after the power failed and employees were forced to leave.

YOU Can Help!
Zoos will be forced to stop breeding and imprisoning animals if people stop buying tickets to them, so the most important way to help animals is simply to avoid going to zoos and ask everyone you know to do the same.

With today’s information on the Internet, educational TV programs, and film documentaries about animals, why should animals suffer so that we can look at them for a couple of minutes? The answer is simple: They shouldn’t!


5 Secrets Zoos Don't Want You to Know | Save Animals | PETA Kids
Too many people have a complete lack of connection the Reality of the Animal World, whether it's wildlife or domestic animals. And, implied in that, is a lack of RESPECT for those animals.

Tigers are not cuddly giant cats - they are apex predators who have evolved to beautifully fit that role and deserve all that respect that entails.

Gorillas, are not humans in fur suits, they are powerful, 400 pount highly intelligent members of another species who may or may not LIKE us (a competing species) and who have their own needs and desires which may or may not include the human species.

All of these animals deserve respect, and that can't happen if people refuse to recognize that they are what they are, and have a right to be what they are and should not be expected to act like humans. Why do so many dogs end up euthanized for "aggression"? Because they are dogs trying their best to exist in a human world and if we refuse to recognize that and help them as dogs instead of expect human behavior, they'll continue to be euthanized.

Excellent article:
The Shooting of Harambe the Gorilla is Part of a Larger Problem

Teaching our kids about nature is important to my wife and me. So, we spend a lot of time at zoos. It doesn’t take long to notice that most people aren’t there to learn anything. Most people who walk through the gates just think they’re going to an amusement park with animals. The result is that zoos are often unpleasant. There is little silence, little room for contemplation, almost no space for serious observation.

Kids run wild. Many, many times we’ve seen entire exhibits descended upon by groups of unruly, poorly supervised children who have little interest in what’s before them. Given this environment, it’s not surprising that a kid at one of the busiest zoos in the nation slipped into an enclosure.

You can criticize the parents. Had they been watching the boy, he wouldn’t have crawled in, he wouldn’t have fallen, and the Cincinnati zoo would have a living male gorilla named Harambe instead of a dead one.

But, if you criticize the parents, you’ve also got to criticize the general cultural ethos that tells people children require less supervision than they actually do. Especially, in the presence of wild animals. That kid’s parents were just doing what I have seen a million other parents do at the zoo: assume that everything is perfectly safe.

Second, the assumption of perfect safety is built on another assumption clearly on display at the zoo. Spend time at any zoo, or even at any local park, and you will see that people assume that the world is made for them, that the whole world exists only as an entertainment, a big show which owes them a happy ending.

When zoo officials shot Harambe, they failed to supply the requisite happy ending. That’s why the women in the picture above are crying. Their tears aren’t so much about the loss of the gorilla as they are about being reminded of how the world actually is.

Looking at animals in a zoo, ought to move us to contemplation, ought to help us to realize our place in creation, ought to bring us into deeper contact with reality. These two stories, the bison in the trunk and the shooting of Harambe, show us how far we are as a society from those ideals.

Many people are so protected from the realities of life that they cannot understand that bad things happen, that not every tragedy can be avoided. They cannot imagine that their own well-intentioned actions could be the cause of such tragedies. They know neither themselves nor the world.
Animals are not people. They should not be anthropomorphized. They should be treated with respect. But I do not believe that means it isn't appropriate for them to be kept....depending on the animal. As for Harambe, they had no choice but to kill him. He could have killed that child within seconds.

The problem is the parents didn't control their child. But the response was a correct, if sad, one under the circumstances.
just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.
Can you imagine spending your entire life in a small space that isn’t big enough to do anything you enjoy doing, like playing with friends, exploring, or traveling? Instead of living freely with your family in your home, you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place, often alone or with other people you don’t know, while hundreds of loud people crowd around you and stare. Does that sound like fun? Of course not! But that’s what life is like for animals in zoos.

Here are five reasons why you should never visit zoos.

1. Captivity Often Makes Animals Crazy
In the wild, elephants walk up to 30 miles each day, bears are active for up to 18 hours a day exploring their home ranges for up to hundreds of miles, and tigers and lions love running and climbing and will roam many miles to hunt. But when these animals (or any wild animal) are imprisoned in cages or small enclosures at zoos, they don’t get to do the things that are natural and important to them. Instead, animals in zoos are kept in cramped spaces with virtually no privacy and have very few opportunities to exercise or keep their minds active.

Living without these important things often causes “zoochosis,” a condition in which animals act strangely and even hurt themselves out of boredom and frustration. </3

The signs of zoochosis are easy to spot. Bears and big cats, like lions and tigers, will pace back and forth. Monkeys and birds injure themselves. Giraffes twist their necks and bend their heads back and forth, and elephants bob their heads and sway side to side. This isn’t natural behavior that would be seen in the wild.

2. Zoos Care About One Thing The Most (And It’s Not The Animals)!
Because people love seeing baby animals at zoos, lots of zoos breed animals to make more babies, and, as a result, make lots of money. When babies grow up, though, they aren’t as popular. Not a single U.S. zoo has a policy of providing the animals born at its facility with lifetime care, so zoos often trade, loan, or sell adult animals who aren’t making them as much money as when they were younger. Can you even imagine someone getting rid of you just because you weren’t a baby anymore?

These sad, unwanted animals may end up in roadside zoos or traveling circuses. Others are simply bought to be killed. For example, when baby animals who were displayed in the Minnesota Zoo’s farm exhibit grew up and didn’t attract as many visitors, the zoo took them to livestock auctions, where many ended up being sent to slaughter.

3. Zoos Rarely Help Animals
Many zoos claim that the reason why they exist and continue to breed animals is to help protect endangered species, but that’s not true. In fact, most animals in zoos aren’t endangered, and those who are will likely never be released into natural habitats.

Zoos and wildlife parks almost always favor big, “popular” animals while ignoring smaller animals who need protection. Plus, keeping animals in cages does nothing to help their species in the wild. If zoos really wanted to save animals from extinction, they would be helping protect animals’ natural habitats, not keeping them in prisons.

4. Zoos Aren’t Educational
Possibly the biggest lie that zoos tell people is that by visiting them, people will learn about wild animals. But the only thing that zoos teach people is that it’s OK to keep animals in captivity—bored, cramped, lonely, and very far from home.

Most visitors spend only a few minutes at each display and learn very little about the animals they’re seeing. Signs outside displays barely cover more than an animal’s species, diet, and natural range. Animals’ “normal” behavior isn’t discussed often in zoos because they don’t get to live “normal” lives there. For example, birds’ wings may be clipped so that they can’t fly, aquatic animals often go without adequate water, and many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are kept alone or, at most, in pairs.

5. Zoos Are Dangerous for Animals
When you really think about it, zoos are basically just prisons that leave animals with no ways to defend themselves or escape dangerous situations. Animals in zoos all over the U.S. have been poisoned, been starved, been denied veterinary care, and even been burned in fires.

Other animals have died after eating trash that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have even been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their pens.

During natural disasters like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, animals in zoos are often left without any help or ways to escape. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, most of the 10,000 aquatic animals at Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans died after the power failed and employees were forced to leave.

YOU Can Help!
Zoos will be forced to stop breeding and imprisoning animals if people stop buying tickets to them, so the most important way to help animals is simply to avoid going to zoos and ask everyone you know to do the same.

With today’s information on the Internet, educational TV programs, and film documentaries about animals, why should animals suffer so that we can look at them for a couple of minutes? The answer is simple: They shouldn’t!


5 Secrets Zoos Don't Want You to Know | Save Animals | PETA Kids
girl if i could afford it id live at the riu yucatan all day every day mamosas yes may i have another
just a guess..... but if an animal was more sentient than their current status..

and was cognizant that theyve no doctors, no guaranteed food or water.... and will likely die a horrible death of being chewed up while still alive, have their babies eaten also


staying at an all inclusive resort with guaranteed food, sex, water, attention, love, doctors....and a little less space?

man....id betchya wed have so many animals in agreement that we'd still have zoos

Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Nope. Youre looking at it through your human eyes. Animals love freedom. They understand death is a part of life. Whales are extremely sentient animals and you dont see them flocking to Seaworld.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation

Well, I think they are always going to be happier in their natural environment.
lol dont tell me what an animal understands until you and i, and they, can sit at a coffee table and talk about it
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Its not akin to slavery, you diminish slavery by even saying that shit.

In the appropriate acting zoos, they are given safety, luxuries, medical, a miniaturized but safer & way more micro-perfected habitat

and arent doing forced labor or living in a barn

its more like tell people here...... have this mansion, food, drinks, water, fuck take the lambo and relax, no work just chill out and enjoy life....no death defying hunt necessary homey.....we will take care of everything

than slavery
Most animals dont speak english. You can see by their actions they are sentient and know to keep away from people.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Its not akin to slavery, you diminish slavery by even saying that shit.

In the appropriate acting zoos, they are given safety, luxuries, medical, a miniaturized but safer & way more micro-perfected habitat

and arent doing forced labor or living in a barn

its more like tell people here have this mansion, food, drinks, water, fuck take the lambo and relax, no work just chill out and enjoy life....no death defying hunt necessary homey.....we will take care of everything

than slavery
Of course its akin to the argument made for slavery.

They are subhuman
They would have a better life with us civilized people
We provide them food and shelter. Medical attention when needed. etc
Its for their own good.
yea the gazelles like to keep away from lions as well

why even run if they understand and accept their fate

see, we cannot pick their brains for these specific answers.....we can only speculate
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Its not akin to slavery, you diminish slavery by even saying that shit.

In the appropriate acting zoos, they are given safety, luxuries, medical, a miniaturized but safer & way more micro-perfected habitat

and arent doing forced labor or living in a barn

its more like tell people here have this mansion, food, drinks, water, fuck take the lambo and relax, no work just chill out and enjoy life....no death defying hunt necessary homey.....we will take care of everything

than slavery
Of course its akin to the argument made for slavery.

They are subhuman
They would have a better life with us civilized people
We provide them food and shelter. Medical attention when needed. etc
Its for their own good.
lol nah man slaves had to WORK, and werent given an actual better life, theres no argument to be made for that, wtf

whereas, animals.....they are in reality given the better life, well, in certain zoos and - when compared to how they stay alive only day to day in the wild..... and the only way to get their opinion is....magic

the struggle is real for a starving and dehydrated pack if lions in africa bro...the struggle is real, theyre short on hustle and could sometimes use a helping hand from their better evolved brothers

when we are not hungry for meat or treasure ourselves, lol
Of course they do. Its part of life. If they didnt recognize the slow two footed predators called humans were dangerous then you would have a point. They dont accept their fate until there is nothing else they can do to keep living. You dont see them making up gods and weird stuff like humans.

We can do more than speculate. We can observe their actions and understand their language.

i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Its not akin to slavery, you diminish slavery by even saying that shit.

In the appropriate acting zoos, they are given safety, luxuries, medical, a miniaturized but safer & way more micro-perfected habitat

and arent doing forced labor or living in a barn

its more like tell people here have this mansion, food, drinks, water, fuck take the lambo and relax, no work just chill out and enjoy life....no death defying hunt necessary homey.....we will take care of everything

than slavery
Of course its akin to the argument made for slavery.

They are subhuman
They would have a better life with us civilized people
We provide them food and shelter. Medical attention when needed. etc
Its for their own good.
lol nah man slaves had to WORK, and werent given an actual better life, theres no argument to be made for that, wtf

whereas, animals.....they are in reality given the better life, well, in certain zoos and - when compared to how they stay alive only day to day in the wild..... and the only way to get their opinion is....magic

the struggle is real for a starving and dehydrated pack if lions in africa bro...the struggle is real, theyre short on hustle and could sometimes use a helping hand from their better evolved brothers

when we are not hungry for meat orntreasure ourselves, lol
The whales at Sea world have to work. So do the animals at the zoo.
i want one to tell me, at a coffee table, that theyd rather be chewed alive or die young of a disease rather than stay at a resort with all their play things, food, safety and friends provided for

wake me when youve done that survey - anything short is exactly speculation
Why would they tell you they want to die? I think the question would actually be would you rather be free or in a prison. Sounds to me like you are one of those guys that say slavery was the best thing for Black people.
Its not akin to slavery, you diminish slavery by even saying that shit.

In the appropriate acting zoos, they are given safety, luxuries, medical, a miniaturized but safer & way more micro-perfected habitat

and arent doing forced labor or living in a barn

its more like tell people here have this mansion, food, drinks, water, fuck take the lambo and relax, no work just chill out and enjoy life....no death defying hunt necessary homey.....we will take care of everything

than slavery
Of course its akin to the argument made for slavery.

They are subhuman
They would have a better life with us civilized people
We provide them food and shelter. Medical attention when needed. etc
Its for their own good.
lol nah man slaves had to WORK, and werent given an actual better life, theres no argument to be made for that, wtf

whereas, animals.....they are in reality given the better life, well, in certain zoos and - when compared to how they stay alive only day to day in the wild..... and the only way to get their opinion is....magic

the struggle is real for a starving and dehydrated pack if lions in africa bro...the struggle is real, theyre short on hustle and could sometimes use a helping hand from their better evolved brothers

when we are not hungry for meat orntreasure ourselves, lol
The whales at Sea world have to work. So do the animals at the zoo.
i dont agree with captivity akin to sea world, so, no argument there.
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Too many people have a complete lack of connection the Reality of the Animal World, whether it's wildlife or domestic animals. And, implied in that, is a lack of RESPECT for those animals.

Tigers are not cuddly giant cats - they are apex predators who have evolved to beautifully fit that role and deserve all that respect that entails.

Gorillas, are not humans in fur suits, they are powerful, 400 pount highly intelligent members of another species who may or may not LIKE us (a competing species) and who have their own needs and desires which may or may not include the human species.

All of these animals deserve respect, and that can't happen if people refuse to recognize that they are what they are, and have a right to be what they are and should not be expected to act like humans. Why do so many dogs end up euthanized for "aggression"? Because they are dogs trying their best to exist in a human world and if we refuse to recognize that and help them as dogs instead of expect human behavior, they'll continue to be euthanized.

Excellent article:
The Shooting of Harambe the Gorilla is Part of a Larger Problem

Teaching our kids about nature is important to my wife and me. So, we spend a lot of time at zoos. It doesn’t take long to notice that most people aren’t there to learn anything. Most people who walk through the gates just think they’re going to an amusement park with animals. The result is that zoos are often unpleasant. There is little silence, little room for contemplation, almost no space for serious observation.

Kids run wild. Many, many times we’ve seen entire exhibits descended upon by groups of unruly, poorly supervised children who have little interest in what’s before them. Given this environment, it’s not surprising that a kid at one of the busiest zoos in the nation slipped into an enclosure.

You can criticize the parents. Had they been watching the boy, he wouldn’t have crawled in, he wouldn’t have fallen, and the Cincinnati zoo would have a living male gorilla named Harambe instead of a dead one.

But, if you criticize the parents, you’ve also got to criticize the general cultural ethos that tells people children require less supervision than they actually do. Especially, in the presence of wild animals. That kid’s parents were just doing what I have seen a million other parents do at the zoo: assume that everything is perfectly safe.

Second, the assumption of perfect safety is built on another assumption clearly on display at the zoo. Spend time at any zoo, or even at any local park, and you will see that people assume that the world is made for them, that the whole world exists only as an entertainment, a big show which owes them a happy ending.

When zoo officials shot Harambe, they failed to supply the requisite happy ending. That’s why the women in the picture above are crying. Their tears aren’t so much about the loss of the gorilla as they are about being reminded of how the world actually is.

Looking at animals in a zoo, ought to move us to contemplation, ought to help us to realize our place in creation, ought to bring us into deeper contact with reality. These two stories, the bison in the trunk and the shooting of Harambe, show us how far we are as a society from those ideals.

Many people are so protected from the realities of life that they cannot understand that bad things happen, that not every tragedy can be avoided. They cannot imagine that their own well-intentioned actions could be the cause of such tragedies. They know neither themselves nor the world.
Animals are not people. They should not be anthropomorphized. They should be treated with respect. But I do not believe that means it isn't appropriate for them to be kept....depending on the animal. As for Harambe, they had no choice but to kill him. He could have killed that child within seconds.

The problem is the parents didn't control their child. But the response was a correct, if sad, one under the circumstances.

Totally agree.
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Can you imagine spending your entire life in a small space that isn’t big enough to do anything you enjoy doing, like playing with friends, exploring, or traveling? Instead of living freely with your family in your home, you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place, often alone or with other people you don’t know, while hundreds of loud people crowd around you and stare. Does that sound like fun? Of course not! But that’s what life is like for animals in zoos.

Here are five reasons why you should never visit zoos.

1. Captivity Often Makes Animals Crazy
In the wild, elephants walk up to 30 miles each day, bears are active for up to 18 hours a day exploring their home ranges for up to hundreds of miles, and tigers and lions love running and climbing and will roam many miles to hunt. But when these animals (or any wild animal) are imprisoned in cages or small enclosures at zoos, they don’t get to do the things that are natural and important to them. Instead, animals in zoos are kept in cramped spaces with virtually no privacy and have very few opportunities to exercise or keep their minds active.

Living without these important things often causes “zoochosis,” a condition in which animals act strangely and even hurt themselves out of boredom and frustration. </3

The signs of zoochosis are easy to spot. Bears and big cats, like lions and tigers, will pace back and forth. Monkeys and birds injure themselves. Giraffes twist their necks and bend their heads back and forth, and elephants bob their heads and sway side to side. This isn’t natural behavior that would be seen in the wild.

2. Zoos Care About One Thing The Most (And It’s Not The Animals)!
Because people love seeing baby animals at zoos, lots of zoos breed animals to make more babies, and, as a result, make lots of money. When babies grow up, though, they aren’t as popular. Not a single U.S. zoo has a policy of providing the animals born at its facility with lifetime care, so zoos often trade, loan, or sell adult animals who aren’t making them as much money as when they were younger. Can you even imagine someone getting rid of you just because you weren’t a baby anymore?

These sad, unwanted animals may end up in roadside zoos or traveling circuses. Others are simply bought to be killed. For example, when baby animals who were displayed in the Minnesota Zoo’s farm exhibit grew up and didn’t attract as many visitors, the zoo took them to livestock auctions, where many ended up being sent to slaughter.

3. Zoos Rarely Help Animals
Many zoos claim that the reason why they exist and continue to breed animals is to help protect endangered species, but that’s not true. In fact, most animals in zoos aren’t endangered, and those who are will likely never be released into natural habitats.

Zoos and wildlife parks almost always favor big, “popular” animals while ignoring smaller animals who need protection. Plus, keeping animals in cages does nothing to help their species in the wild. If zoos really wanted to save animals from extinction, they would be helping protect animals’ natural habitats, not keeping them in prisons.

4. Zoos Aren’t Educational
Possibly the biggest lie that zoos tell people is that by visiting them, people will learn about wild animals. But the only thing that zoos teach people is that it’s OK to keep animals in captivity—bored, cramped, lonely, and very far from home.

Most visitors spend only a few minutes at each display and learn very little about the animals they’re seeing. Signs outside displays barely cover more than an animal’s species, diet, and natural range. Animals’ “normal” behavior isn’t discussed often in zoos because they don’t get to live “normal” lives there. For example, birds’ wings may be clipped so that they can’t fly, aquatic animals often go without adequate water, and many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are kept alone or, at most, in pairs.

5. Zoos Are Dangerous for Animals
When you really think about it, zoos are basically just prisons that leave animals with no ways to defend themselves or escape dangerous situations. Animals in zoos all over the U.S. have been poisoned, been starved, been denied veterinary care, and even been burned in fires.

Other animals have died after eating trash that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have even been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their pens.

During natural disasters like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, animals in zoos are often left without any help or ways to escape. For example, after Hurricane Katrina, most of the 10,000 aquatic animals at Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans died after the power failed and employees were forced to leave.

YOU Can Help!
Zoos will be forced to stop breeding and imprisoning animals if people stop buying tickets to them, so the most important way to help animals is simply to avoid going to zoos and ask everyone you know to do the same.

With today’s information on the Internet, educational TV programs, and film documentaries about animals, why should animals suffer so that we can look at them for a couple of minutes? The answer is simple: They shouldn’t!


5 Secrets Zoos Don't Want You to Know | Save Animals | PETA Kids

I have real issues with PETA....not the least of which they want to see the extinction of all domestic animals, and make it illegal to keep pets.

"they would be helping protect animals’ natural habitats, not keeping them in prisons" - that's a nice sentiment, but the truth is much of the natural habitat is not under our control, but that of other countries with competing priorities. By the time we're able to preserve or renew enough habitat to save a species, that species may already have been driven to extinction, or exist in numbers too small to be viable. The implication of such claims are that zoos do nothing to try to protect habitat in addition to maintaining animals, and that is false.

Many animals that are kept in Zoos are endangered: Endangered Species - Faunalytics and many aren't.

The claim that zoos rarely help animals I also dispute, and the California Condor project is just one example. Another is with Cheetahs - an animal endangered for multiple reasons - habitat loss, poaching and too small a gene pool.

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