Hard Headed PC Republicans


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
The True Conservatives are making some progress....but it remains to be seen if the mainstream Republican Party can come to understand what is needed to defeat the democrats in the next Presidential Election.

Their great stumbling block is their enthrallment with political correctness........which makes them easy prey for the liberal media talking heads as well as democratic propaganda in general.

Do the Republicans have the stomach for victory?....or more explicitly can they wrap their heads around the truth aka...........they must become a 'revolutionary' party?

Will they be able to realize they must get rid of their standard operating procedure, get rid of the stupidity that Americans have been programmed into by the liberal media?

Will anyone be able to wake them up to the fact that their old 'mantra' of smaller government and lower taxes is a sure prescription for defeat? Can they be made to understand why?

I see little evidence of it on this board.....now this board may or may not be represenative of the general electorate....but I think it at least does give some clue as to how people in general think.....unfortunately it is not encouraging.

There is still enough time for an 'awakening' amongst the pc republicans....and again...make no mistake ....it is the politically correct republicans that have presided over all the recent Presidential defeats.

If they want to win there are two basic things they need to be able to understand........why they lost with Dole, McCain and Romney. Once they truly understand that then they should know who their true electorate is....I mean by that who has the ability to enable a Republican Victory next time. So....the formula for victory is actually very simple....understand why you lost and then you will understand what is needed to win.

Here is a clue......a very big clue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOP Does Not Have a Hispanic Problem | American Renaissance
They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.
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Are you suggesting that inorder for a Republican win, they have to 'bring the bad ass'?

Hard core Social Conservatives can't make it through the primary process, let alone a general election. If the GOP nominates someone devoid of political correctness like Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann, they will most certainly go down in flames. What I the Conservative base fails to understand is their peculiar brand of hard nosed, kick 'em in the neck politics appeals only among themselves. And they are a distinctly vocal minority. Their politics runs deep, but not wide. The torch they carry throws off heat, but no light.

So I say go ahead. Bring the bad ass. Show us how fervent you are. Show us your policies on immigration, the environment, education and civil rights.

And we'll show you the door. And then for a generation or more, the hard core Social Conservatives will be sitting along side the ditch, picking the thorns from between their toes and wondering how it all went so wrong.
The True Conservatives are making some progress....but it remains to be seen if the mainstream Republican Party can come to understand what is needed to defeat the democrats in the next Presidential Election.

Their great stumbling block is their enthrallment with political correctness........which makes them easy prey for the liberal media talking heads as well as democratic propaganda in general.

Do the Republicans have the stomach for victory?....or more explicitly can they wrap their heads around the truth aka...........they must become a 'revolutionary' party?

Will they be able to realize they must get rid of their standard operating procedure, get rid of the stupidity that Americans have been programmed into by the liberal media?

Will anyone be able to wake them up to the fact that their old 'mantra' of smaller government and lower taxes is a sure prescription for defeat? Can they be made to understand why?

I see little evidence of it on this board.....now this board may or may not be represenative of the general electorate....but I think it at least does give some clue as to how people in general think.....unfortunately it is not encouraging.

There is still enough time for an 'awakening' amongst the pc republicans....and again...make no mistake ....it is the politically correct republicans that have presided over all the recent Presidential defeats.

If they want to win there are two basic things they need to be able to understand........why they lost with Dole, McCain and Romney. Once they truly understand that then they should know who their true electorate is....I mean by that who has the ability to enable a Republican Victory next time. So....the formula for victory is actually very simple....understand why you lost and then you will understand what is needed to win.

Here is a clue......a very big clue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOP Does Not Have a Hispanic Problem | American Renaissance

The gop shouldn't be for using tax money to allow all a chance at higher education, affordable healthcare, we need to shut down planned parenthood mammograms, housing.? We shouldn't be for everyone having a fair chance to vote?

the difference is the dems more or less will support failing public schools, without a charter option, they require the fed govt to determine what hc must be covered, including contraceptives. The gop's is still running a fantasy about fanny and Freddie, and our moves to disenfranchise lower income voters is shameful.
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Are you suggesting that inorder for a Republican win, they have to 'bring the bad ass'?

Hard core Social Conservatives can't make it through the primary process, let alone a general election. If the GOP nominates someone devoid of political correctness like Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann, they will most certainly go down in flames. What I the Conservative base fails to understand is their peculiar brand of hard nosed, kick 'em in the neck politics appeals only among themselves. And they are a distinctly vocal minority. Their politics runs deep, but not wide. The torch they carry throws off heat, but no light.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what idiocy....but this is the sort of
So I say go ahead. Bring the bad ass. Show us how fervent you are. Show us your policies on immigration, the environment, education and civil rights.

And we'll show you the door. And then for a generation or more, the hard core Social Conservatives will be sitting along side the ditch, picking the thorns from between their toes and wondering how it all went so wrong.

misinformation the pc republicans must reject if they ever want to win a Presidential Election........I spelled out why the above post and all the other posts like are bullshite in my opening statement....people like the above do not understand the numbers...it is all about the numbers....who has enough to win....the bottom line it is not hispanics, blacks or any other minority.....got dat chump?
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They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

Nonsense....what a Republican Victory will be about is for the Party to understand who it's true base is.....the only group that if treated right(offered some reason to vote republican)has the numbers and the willingness to vote republican.

That of course is the White Vote.....now color me waycist if you want....irregardless I am spelling out exactly how the Republicans can win.....I got over being demonized, labeled a waycist long ago....that is exactly what the mainstream republicans must do if they ever want to get America back on track.
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They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

Democrats never compromise so why should Republicans?

Yes and there really is no reason to compromise....the Negroes are going to vote overwhelmingly for the democrats...likewise the Mexicans....and in truth the Republican Party does not even need them....that is what is must be understood....there is no logical reason to compromise.....the Republican Party must have the courage to stand up....as Ted Cruz said the other day....to actually stand for something.....no more of the wishywashy, politically correct, being nice to minority bullshite....get real...it is time to get America back on track....playing nicey nice...will not get the job done...........period....case closed.
Are you suggesting that inorder for a Republican win, they have to 'bring the bad ass'?

Hard core Social Conservatives can't make it through the primary process, let alone a general election. If the GOP nominates someone devoid of political correctness like Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann, they will most certainly go down in flames. What I the Conservative base fails to understand is their peculiar brand of hard nosed, kick 'em in the neck politics appeals only among themselves. And they are a distinctly vocal minority. Their politics runs deep, but not wide. The torch they carry throws off heat, but no light.

So I say go ahead. Bring the bad ass. Show us how fervent you are. Show us your policies on immigration, the environment, education and civil rights.

And we'll show you the door. And then for a generation or more, the hard core Social Conservatives will be sitting along side the ditch, picking the thorns from between their toes and wondering how it all went so wrong.

misinformation the pc republicans must reject if they ever want to win a Presidential Election........I spelled out why the above post and all the other posts like are bullshite in my opening statement....people like the above do not understand the numbers...it is all about the numbers....who has enough to win....the bottom line it is not hispanics, blacks or any other minority.....got dat chump?
You claim to understand numbers, but willfully ignore and berate minorities. This begs the question: what numbers are you looking at?

The demographics of this nation are changing and the hard core Conservatives are no noticing, or ignoring that fact. A party that appeals only to angry whites cannot win a national election, especially if the majority of the nation is made of the voters you ignore or disdain.
Are you suggesting that inorder for a Republican win, they have to 'bring the bad ass'?

Hard core Social Conservatives can't make it through the primary process, let alone a general election. If the GOP nominates someone devoid of political correctness like Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann, they will most certainly go down in flames. What I the Conservative base fails to understand is their peculiar brand of hard nosed, kick 'em in the neck politics appeals only among themselves. And they are a distinctly vocal minority. Their politics runs deep, but not wide. The torch they carry throws off heat, but no light.

So I say go ahead. Bring the bad ass. Show us how fervent you are. Show us your policies on immigration, the environment, education and civil rights.

And we'll show you the door. And then for a generation or more, the hard core Social Conservatives will be sitting along side the ditch, picking the thorns from between their toes and wondering how it all went so wrong.

misinformation the pc republicans must reject if they ever want to win a Presidential Election........I spelled out why the above post and all the other posts like are bullshite in my opening statement....people like the above do not understand the numbers...it is all about the numbers....who has enough to win....the bottom line it is not hispanics, blacks or any other minority.....got dat chump?
You claim to understand numbers, but willfully ignore and berate minorities. This begs the question: what numbers are you looking at?

The demographics of this nation are changing and the hard core Conservatives are no noticing, or ignoring that fact. A party that appeals only to angry whites cannot win a national election, especially if the majority of the nation is made of the voters you ignore or disdain.

Why do people come on a thread and start making comments when they do not even read the original op....I posted the numbers and the logic the Republican need to win...scrolll up actually read my post and my link and then your comments ...if you still care to make any...will at least hopefully take into account what has been pointed out previously.....geeeezzzzzzzzzzzz where do these morons come from?
They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

Nonsense....what a Republican Victory will be about is for the Party to understand who it's true base is.....the only group that if treated right(offered some reason to vote republican)has the numbers and the willingness to vote republican.

That of course is the White Vote.....now color me waycist if you want....irregardless I am spelling out exactly how the Republicans can win.....I got over being demonized, labeled a waycist long ago....that is exactly what the mainstream republicans must do if they ever want to get America back on track.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.
They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

Nonsense....what a Republican Victory will be about is for the Party to understand who it's true base is.....the only group that if treated right(offered some reason to vote republican)has the numbers and the willingness to vote republican.

That of course is the White Vote.....now color me waycist if you want....irregardless I am spelling out exactly how the Republicans can win.....I got over being demonized, labeled a waycist long ago....that is exactly what the mainstream republicans must do if they ever want to get America back on track.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
Nonsense....what a Republican Victory will be about is for the Party to understand who it's true base is.....the only group that if treated right(offered some reason to vote republican)has the numbers and the willingness to vote republican.

That of course is the White Vote.....now color me waycist if you want....irregardless I am spelling out exactly how the Republicans can win.....I got over being demonized, labeled a waycist long ago....that is exactly what the mainstream republicans must do if they ever want to get America back on track.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
Yeah, don't listen to the people who win, listen to people like Palin and Cain, who lose. Good work.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
Yeah, don't listen to the people who win, listen to people like Palin and Cain, who lose. Good work.

Palin has won elections dumbass!
The True Conservatives are making some progress....but it remains to be seen if the mainstream Republican Party can come to understand what is needed to defeat the democrats in the next Presidential Election.

Their great stumbling block is their enthrallment with political correctness........which makes them easy prey for the liberal media talking heads as well as democratic propaganda in general.

Do the Republicans have the stomach for victory?....or more explicitly can they wrap their heads around the truth aka...........they must become a 'revolutionary' party?

Will they be able to realize they must get rid of their standard operating procedure, get rid of the stupidity that Americans have been programmed into by the liberal media?

Will anyone be able to wake them up to the fact that their old 'mantra' of smaller government and lower taxes is a sure prescription for defeat? Can they be made to understand why?

I see little evidence of it on this board.....now this board may or may not be represenative of the general electorate....but I think it at least does give some clue as to how people in general think.....unfortunately it is not encouraging.

There is still enough time for an 'awakening' amongst the pc republicans....and again...make no mistake ....it is the politically correct republicans that have presided over all the recent Presidential defeats.

If they want to win there are two basic things they need to be able to understand........why they lost with Dole, McCain and Romney. Once they truly understand that then they should know who their true electorate is....I mean by that who has the ability to enable a Republican Victory next time. So....the formula for victory is actually very simple....understand why you lost and then you will understand what is needed to win.

Here is a clue......a very big clue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOP Does Not Have a Hispanic Problem | American Renaissance

The gop shouldn't be for using tax money to allow all a chance at higher education, affordable healthcare, we need to shut down planned parenthood mammograms, housing.? We shouldn't be for everyone having a fair chance to vote?

the difference is the dems more or less will support failing public schools, without a charter option, they require the fed govt to determine what hc must be covered, including contraceptives. The gop's is still running a fantasy about fanny and Freddie, and our moves to disenfranchise lower income voters is shameful.

The public school is such a mess...and it will take a huge effort if it is ever to be fixed...the
best option for now is either homeschooling or private schools. As of now anytime you get a chance to vote to decrease funding for the so called public schools do so...they get way tooooo much money already for what they do and they are always crying for more ...pathetic.

Of course all the liberal money wasting liberal programs that do not woik should be shutdown. I have no problem with everyone voting....I do have a problem with millions of white folk staying home because there is no worthwhile candidate to vote for aka romney and his ilk. Whilst Ted Cruz is not all that I want ...he seems to be the best one up so far.

I do not think anyone should be dis-franchised...not even sure if what you say in regards to that is accurate.....look here pal.....that is not even needed....the Repubilicans have the largest base of possible voters.....and it will be the largest base for many years.....so there is no need to keep the negroes or legal mexicans from voting.....we do not need them...now that irks the hell out of minorities and liberals when I explain that....but it is a factual truth..........if enough white folk turn out to vote the minorities are dead in the water.

Do not fret all these dirty little details tooooo much....just get behind the most conservative candidate on the ticket in whatever election is coming up....get out and vote and get your White friends to get out and vote...do that and all these problems will go away. America can be restored. All the bullshite enacted by obama can then be done away with....it really is that simple folks.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
Yeah, don't listen to the people who win, listen to people like Palin and Cain, who lose. Good work.

Do not try and blam palin for the p.c. John McCains loss.....lay the blame where it belongs chump.

Cain? What election did he lose? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he never made it to the stage....aka he was not on the ticket. duh!
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


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