Hard Headed PC Republicans

I suggest that after an election,the responsibility for governance falls to the elected. A little forethought might go a long way toward getting elected. What signs of responsible, effective and beneficial governance have the Tea Party faction shown? Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

Petulance is poor do estimated policy. Intractability is a hinderence in a deliberative process as provided in our constitution. The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting.

Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

This nothing but a myopic fantasy. SPENDING is the MAIN issue causing our "financial standing" to plummet, Chins is warning us about OUR deficit spending and the fallacious creation of 85 BILLION dollars a month out of thin air.

The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting

Says who, the mainstream Republicans we despise?

WE will not tolerate "Liberal Lite".

Compromise with who?
He brought the Repubs in in the very beginning of the Health Care debacle...he was not interested in their ideas.

His words to them were I won.
In your opinion, is running against Obama in 2016 without a set of practical politically palatable solutions in hand a smart political strategy? As I said, your passions run deep, but not wide. Santorum, Bachmann, Keyes, and Perry couldn't survive the primary races. The last Conservative with the bona fixes to satisfy the Tea Party was Barry Goldwater, not even Ronald Reagan who expanded the deficit, cut and ran from Beirut and spent half his administration compromising with Tip O'Neill!

And how was President Goldwater's administration?

Running against Obama in 2016? You coinfused or sumptin?

The conservatives did not survive the primaries but Republicans are beginning to see or at least they should that moderate/liberal/politically correct Republicans are a losing proposition....and due to Obama the Conservative message is becoming much more appealing.

Yes, you are right about Goldwater being a True Conservative and just imagine how much better off America would be today if people had not let LBJ frighten them into voting for him....I think the Kennedys would have outed LBJ as the assassin or the one who organized the assasination of JFK but for the fact they realized the great harm it would do to the democratic party.

All the idol worship of Reagan came mainly from moderate republicans....I never had any use for him...I will never forget him saying after all the Marines were killed in Beirut..."I wish there was something we could do about that"....and of course he did nothing--in his younger days he would have done better....he was way toooo old by the time he got in.....as will be hillary if she manages to pull it off.
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


I presented the numbers....you have presented nothing but your sorry ass opinion....now scroll up look at the first post and click that link...and then you will see some truthful statistics....which btw you are completely able to deal with or even comprehend....but keep posting your opinions...I am sure you enjoy seeing them in print.....geeze what a idiot.

The TeaPs failure last Tuesday in the Texas primaries, the failure of TeaP candidates to raise the $$$ flowing to the mainstream candidates, and so forth show you are full of crap, sawbriars.

You white nationalists will be hunted down by the millenials (14 -34) in the future if you don't stop the race hate. They simply will not permit it in the American future.

Making threats are against the rules dumbass.
Jake I am going to give you fair warning like I gave Unkotare before I put him on ignore.....upgrade your posts or join him.
Jake I am going to give you fair warning like I gave Unkotare before I put him on ignore.....upgrade your posts or join him.

How nice of you to give a "warning" before you tuck tail and crawl away. So dignified... :eusa_whistle:

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