Hard Headed PC Republicans

You see them on here constantly.....in fact that is mostly what you see.....of course everyone is entitled to an opinion but a message board should be about discourse...sure present your opinion but try and offer some evidence that it might be of value and be willing to logically defend it...to come on here as too many do and just say will this is my 'humble opinion' adds nothing to the discourse or the value of this board.

Bottom Line ......and this has been said before but it cannot be repeated toooo often....opinions are like assholes....everyone has one. geeeeez now that is my 'humble oinion'. .......bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


I presented the numbers....you have presented nothing but your sorry ass opinion....now scroll up look at the first post and click that link...and then you will see some truthful statistics....which btw you are completely able to deal with or even comprehend....but keep posting your opinions...I am sure you enjoy seeing them in print.....geeze what a idiot.
They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

Democrats never compromise so why should Republicans?
That's utter nonsense. Thanks for nothin'.

and another.............useless personal opinion.....do you really think anyone gives a damn about your opinion? Try and use some logice, tray and use some actual facts or truth. You offer nothing and remain one of the most useless types on here.
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


I presented the numbers....you have presented nothing but your sorry ass opinion....now scroll up look at the first post and click that link...and then you will see some truthful statistics....which btw you are completely able to deal with or even comprehend....but keep posting your opinions...I am sure you enjoy seeing them in print.....geeze what a idiot.

Jake just makes shit up as he goes there is no reason to listen to a single thing he says.

I too think it is hilarious that these Lefty's are SO concerned that we may NEVER win another election....if only we were more like them!!!!!!!!
Nonsense....what a Republican Victory will be about is for the Party to understand who it's true base is.....the only group that if treated right(offered some reason to vote republican)has the numbers and the willingness to vote republican.

That of course is the White Vote.....now color me waycist if you want....irregardless I am spelling out exactly how the Republicans can win.....I got over being demonized, labeled a waycist long ago....that is exactly what the mainstream republicans must do if they ever want to get America back on track.
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
If the beliefs of hard core Conservatives were palatable to the majority of the voters, you might have a shot. As it is, ask President Santorum how that Social Conservative agenda is working out. Perhaps President Bachmann has some views on how to win on wedge issues.
They do not understand that Politics is the Art of Compromise, and that this is a Liberal country with many Conservative people. Until they do all else is lost.

yeah its so liberql that you need the courts to enforce your liberal policies and the peopke love obamacare (thats sarcasm)
This person, and those who "think" like she does, are why you lose.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the Republicans are supposed to listen to a democrat to understand how to win? oh yeh right.....now unfortunately that is exactly what the pc republicans have been doing.....tuning in to the like msnbc listening to the morons on there and actually letting them shape their political beliefs....what stupidity!!!
If the beliefs of hard core Conservatives were palatable to the majority of the voters, you might have a shot. As it is, ask President Santorum how that Social Conservative agenda is working out. Perhaps President Bachmann has some views on how to win on wedge issues.

Look here Chump>>>>>>>>>Now...the election was awhile back but I think even someone with a poor memory(is that you?) should remember that Santorum was not the one running against your obama....hmmmmm nor do I remember that fantastic woman ....lady Bachmann running against Obama......I think I remember we either had a choice of obamanation or a politically correct cult member......now perhaps my memory is not that good....perhaps you are right.....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Where do these morons come from? Oh my bad....I forgot the democratic party or on the other hand he might just be a coinfused politically correct republican...not much difference. heh heh
The Republicans will lose as long as they let the democrats tell them what to do.
The GOP needs to stick to their issues and quit running from their beliefs and principles.
If they intend to win office ... They need to stop letting the Democrats set the agenda ... And run the discussion.

Why talk about compromising when you can talk about what you believe in and what you won't compromise?
Only a Democrat could argue with that ... Because only a Democrat lacks the beliefs and principles worth standing up for.

The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.
The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.

Okay ... Tell us where you are willing to compromise.

Winning recipe for politics today = Social Moderate, Fiscal Conservative.

Stop talking about abortion and gays. They are silly distractions.
Winning recipe for politics today = Social Moderate, Fiscal Conservative.

Stop talking about abortion and gays. They are silly distractions.

Well.........................ok I will be nice. You are half right.....fawgett about abortion and homersexuals...I agree with you there.

Unfortunately, you are wrong about moderate candidates winning......the following article explains it much, much better than I can and in fact is the best thing I have read regarding the possibilities of a moderate candidate being victorious. I highly recommend this article to anyone who thinks moderate candidates are the answer.

Running as a Moderate: A Losing Proposition for Republicans | FrontPage Magazine
The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.

Okay ... Tell us where you are willing to compromise.

I'd raise the retirement age for pensions and Social Security to 68 or 64 for reduced benefits. This would result in stability and solvency in the Social Security fund.

I would spend more on border security where threats to the lives and livelihoods of people owning property on American soil are getting catastrophic. In return, I would ask for a path to citizenship.

I would permit state environmental regulation to supersede federal enforcement, but insist that the right to appeal still exists between the American people and their representatives in Washington.
The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.

This thread is not about how to run a government.....of course the congress must wheal and deal to get legislation passed or negated.....this thread is about what the Republican Party needs to do to regain the Presidency....and I see no reason to compromise there.....whatsoever.

Many have been misled and will continue to be misled mainly because the mainstream republicans for the most part still do not understand why they lost with dole,mcain and romney.....and thus they have no clue as to what is needed to win.
The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.

This thread is not about how to run a government.....of course the congress must wheal and deal to get legislation passed or negated.....this thread is about what the Republican Party needs to do to regain the Presidency....and I see no reason to compromise there.....whatsoever.

Many have been misled and will continue to be misled mainly because the mainstream republicans for the most part still do not understand why they lost with dole,mcain and romney.....and thus they have no clue as to what is needed to win.
I suggest that after an election,the responsibility for governance falls to the elected. A little forethought might go a long way toward getting elected. What signs of responsible, effective and beneficial governance have the Tea Party faction shown? Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

Petulance is poor do estimated policy. Intractability is a hinderence in a deliberative process as provided in our constitution. The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting.
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


I presented the numbers....you have presented nothing but your sorry ass opinion....now scroll up look at the first post and click that link...and then you will see some truthful statistics....which btw you are completely able to deal with or even comprehend....but keep posting your opinions...I am sure you enjoy seeing them in print.....geeze what a idiot.

The TeaPs failure last Tuesday in the Texas primaries, the failure of TeaP candidates to raise the $$$ flowing to the mainstream candidates, and so forth show you are full of crap, sawbriars.

You white nationalists will be hunted down by the millenials (14 -34) in the future if you don't stop the race hate. They simply will not permit it in the American future.
The numbers clearly show that the far right hard conservatives, like TeaPs and social cons, don't have the numbers to win on their own.

So they want the mainstream to support their people.


I presented the numbers....you have presented nothing but your sorry ass opinion....now scroll up look at the first post and click that link...and then you will see some truthful statistics....which btw you are completely able to deal with or even comprehend....but keep posting your opinions...I am sure you enjoy seeing them in print.....geeze what a idiot.

Jake just makes shit up as he goes there is no reason to listen to a single thing he says.

I too think it is hilarious that these Lefty's are SO concerned that we may NEVER win another election....if only we were more like them!!!!!!!!

There you go projecting again, sweet cheeks, and you are right the far right can never win an election without the middle. And the middle despises the far right.
The modern Conservative sees compromise as anathema. Yet they believe in the constitution which was wrought from compromise. The Republicans Tea Party base sees no need for statesmanship. Rather they rely on brinksmanship (remember how we careened from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis until our credit rating was eroded and our government shut down?)

Governance requires compromise, not intractable, bitter, divisive partisanship.

This thread is not about how to run a government.....of course the congress must wheal and deal to get legislation passed or negated.....this thread is about what the Republican Party needs to do to regain the Presidency....and I see no reason to compromise there.....whatsoever.

Many have been misled and will continue to be misled mainly because the mainstream republicans for the most part still do not understand why they lost with dole,mcain and romney.....and thus they have no clue as to what is needed to win.
I suggest that after an election,the responsibility for governance falls to the elected. A little forethought might go a long way toward getting elected. What signs of responsible, effective and beneficial governance have the Tea Party faction shown? Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

Petulance is poor do estimated policy. Intractability is a hinderence in a deliberative process as provided in our constitution. The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting.

Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

This nothing but a myopic fantasy. SPENDING is the MAIN issue causing our "financial standing" to plummet, Chins is warning us about OUR deficit spending and the fallacious creation of 85 BILLION dollars a month out of thin air.

The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting

Says who, the mainstream Republicans we despise?

WE will not tolerate "Liberal Lite".

Compromise with who?
He brought the Repubs in in the very beginning of the Health Care debacle...he was not interested in their ideas.

His words to them were I won.
Are you suggesting that inorder for a Republican win, they have to 'bring the bad ass'?

Hard core Social Conservatives can't make it through the primary process, let alone a general election. If the GOP nominates someone devoid of political correctness like Rick Santorum or Michelle Bachmann, they will most certainly go down in flames. What I the Conservative base fails to understand is their peculiar brand of hard nosed, kick 'em in the neck politics appeals only among themselves. And they are a distinctly vocal minority. Their politics runs deep, but not wide. The torch they carry throws off heat, but no light.

So I say go ahead. Bring the bad ass. Show us how fervent you are. Show us your policies on immigration, the environment, education and civil rights.

And we'll show you the door. And then for a generation or more, the hard core Social Conservatives will be sitting along side the ditch, picking the thorns from between their toes and wondering how it all went so wrong.

Same was said about the dems in the early 90's when they were landslided in the house and then went on to lose the senate. Unfortunately, they both come back.
This thread is not about how to run a government.....of course the congress must wheal and deal to get legislation passed or negated.....this thread is about what the Republican Party needs to do to regain the Presidency....and I see no reason to compromise there.....whatsoever.

Many have been misled and will continue to be misled mainly because the mainstream republicans for the most part still do not understand why they lost with dole,mcain and romney.....and thus they have no clue as to what is needed to win.
I suggest that after an election,the responsibility for governance falls to the elected. A little forethought might go a long way toward getting elected. What signs of responsible, effective and beneficial governance have the Tea Party faction shown? Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

Petulance is poor do estimated policy. Intractability is a hinderence in a deliberative process as provided in our constitution. The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting.

Our credit rating was lowered, our multinational standing in finance was eroded and our government was shut down all in a fit of pique, not responsible statesmanship.

This nothing but a myopic fantasy. SPENDING is the MAIN issue causing our "financial standing" to plummet, Chins is warning us about OUR deficit spending and the fallacious creation of 85 BILLION dollars a month out of thin air.

The real reason running a Tea Party Conservative from the GOP is the nation can't trust you and the majority of voters find the politics revolting

Says who, the mainstream Republicans we despise?

WE will not tolerate "Liberal Lite".

Compromise with who?
He brought the Repubs in in the very beginning of the Health Care debacle...he was not interested in their ideas.

His words to them were I won.
In your opinion, is running against Obama in 2016 without a set of practical politically palatable solutions in hand a smart political strategy? As I said, your passions run deep, but not wide. Santorum, Bachmann, Keyes, and Perry couldn't survive the primary races. The last Conservative with the bona fixes to satisfy the Tea Party was Barry Goldwater, not even Ronald Reagan who expanded the deficit, cut and ran from Beirut and spent half his administration compromising with Tip O'Neill!

And how was President Goldwater's administration?

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