HARDBALLS: Chris Matthews Nailed By Sexual Harassment Scandal

Outside of the blogs, the only slightly significant source reporting this is Breitbart News. I'll wait to see if it catches amongst the various other news sources.
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So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it that anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.

Certainly when promiscuity becomes a hit TV show like the Bachelor/ette (or I call them "10 roses/12 whores" -- it's all perfectly consensual and not at all promoting promiscuity and trivializing sexual "contact". Or the more blatant stuff that is NON consentual with laugh tracks attached. Spare me the fucking hypocrisy of that.
Outside of the blogs, the only slightly significant source reporting this is Breitbart News. I'll wait to if it catches amongst the various other news sources.

It's because it's 20 years old, it doesn't involve any kind of assault, and it doesn't even contain a causation between the complaint and the employee's leaving anyway. Bait for Gullible's Travels.
Jim Hoft runs a fake website called "Gateway Pundit" to ensnare gullible idiots like McRacist. Sensationalist headlines, fake news, and bogus stories that get him sued. McRacist usually goes to that well and posts threads as if they're legitimate stories.

And all you do is whine about the source and never disprove the facts in the article.

Pogo, is this true or false? No essay, a simple true or false is all that is necessary.

IT’S AN INDUSTRY: Thanks to Lisa Bloom We Now Know Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Dem Donors to Say Trump Abused Them
December 15, 2017 by Jim Hoft

It’s an industry.
Thanks to Lisa Bloom, spawn of Gloria Allred, we now know that Trump accusers are paid $750,000 by top Democrat donors to accuse the billionaire president of sexual abuse.

With Democrats it’s all about power by any means necessary.

IT'S AN INDUSTRY: Thanks to Lisa Bloom We Now Know Trump Accusers are Paid $750,000 by Dem Donors to Say Trump Abused Them
No balls Christopher Matthews is a sorry sack of shit...
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...

Or may e a foot fetish. Well, he should do the popular thing and resign. This is awesome.
This one here...fuck him. Never a bigger asshole inside Washington Beltway.
Outside of the blogs, the only slightly significant source reporting this is Breitbart News. I'll wait to if it catches amongst the various other news sources.

It's because it's 20 years old, it doesn't involve any kind of assault, and it doesn't even contain a causation between the complaint and the employee's leaving anyway. Bait for Gullible's Travels.
Give me a fucking break. You just lost all integrity.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the accuser is lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.

Donald Trump is a 'lying sack of shit': he lies to the American public almost every day; he has a history of belittling women and assaulting them (by his own words this is true); he has married 3 times and cheated on each wife; he has been sued for his fake university; he has declared bankruptcy 4 times; he humiliates the US daily by his vulgarity and his tweets. If anyone is a lying sack of shit it is your hero: fast assed old lech Trump.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.

Donald Trump is a 'lying sack of shit': he lies to the American public almost every day; he has a history of belittling women and assaulting them (by his own words this is true); he has married 3 times and cheated on each wife; he has been sued for his fake university; he has declared bankruptcy 4 times; he humiliates the US daily by his vulgarity and his tweets. If anyone is a lying sack of shit it is your hero: fast assed old lech Trump.
Oh please...you are an indoctrinated puppet.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.

Donald Trump is a 'lying sack of shit': he lies to the American public almost every day; he has a history of belittling women and assaulting them (by his own words this is true); he has married 3 times and cheated on each wife; he has been sued for his fake university; he has declared bankruptcy 4 times; he humiliates the US daily by his vulgarity and his tweets. If anyone is a lying sack of shit it is your hero: fast assed old lech Trump.
Oh please...you are an indoctrinated puppet.
Seriously? You are a hypocrite. All the world sees you Trumpettes as obsessive, Trump flunkies. He has the lowest rating of any president ever at this point in his term and it is going down. You will support him no matter what, even against other Republicans and rightwing media sources. It's a mental disorder.
I bet he has a spitting fetish...

Full coverage

NBC paid off producer who accused Chris Matthews of harassment, report says
Fox News - ‎1 hour ago‎
Chris Matthews, pictured here in April, has hosted MSNBC's 'Hardball with Chris Matthews' since 1997. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst). NBC paid thousands of dollars to an assistant producer on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews" nearly two decades ago ...

NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment
The Hill - ‎45 minutes ago‎
A former MSNBC employee who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment in 1999 was given a separation payment by the network, according to a Daily Caller report. Two sources told the Caller that a woman who was then an assistant producer on ...
NBC Made Payment To Staffer After Sexual Harassment Claim Against Chris Matthews
The Daily Caller - ‎1 hour ago‎
An MSNBC spokesman confirmed Saturday the company made a separation-related payment to one of Chris Matthews employees after the woman complained about sexual harassment. Two sources familiar with the situation told The Daily Caller that Matthews paid ...

Report: NBC Paid Off Chris Matthews Accuser Over Sexual Harassment Claims
Breitbart News - ‎14 minutes ago‎
The television network NBC paid off a woman who accused host Chris Matthews of sexual harassment back in 1999, the Daily Caller has revealed. According to internal sources, the network paid $40,000 to an assistant producer working on Matthews' nightly ...
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.

Donald Trump is a 'lying sack of shit': he lies to the American public almost every day; he has a history of belittling women and assaulting them (by his own words this is true); he has married 3 times and cheated on each wife; he has been sued for his fake university; he has declared bankruptcy 4 times; he humiliates the US daily by his vulgarity and his tweets. If anyone is a lying sack of shit it is your hero: fast assed old lech Trump.
Oh please...you are an indoctrinated puppet.
Seriously? You are a hypocrite. All the world sees you Trumpettes as obsessive, Trump flunkies. He has the lowest rating of any president ever at this point in his term and it is going down. You will support him no matter what, even against other Republicans and rightwing media sources. It's a mental disorder.
Sure...I’m a flunky but you watch MSNBC and defend Chris Matthews...o.k., speaks volumes about you. You voted Hillary huh? Most establishment bought and paid for candidate ever! What a buffoon.
What hypocrites you people are. If a Republican is accused, your first and only response is that the woman/women are lying. When a Democrat is accused, you automatically agree with the accusations and cheer. Monumental hypocrites is what you are.
Explore other information sources. Matthews is a lying sack of shit and has been since he worked for Tip O’Neil.

Donald Trump is a 'lying sack of shit': he lies to the American public almost every day; he has a history of belittling women and assaulting them (by his own words this is true); he has married 3 times and cheated on each wife; he has been sued for his fake university; he has declared bankruptcy 4 times; he humiliates the US daily by his vulgarity and his tweets. If anyone is a lying sack of shit it is your hero: fast assed old lech Trump.
Oh please...you are an indoctrinated puppet.
Seriously? You are a hypocrite. All the world sees you Trumpettes as obsessive, Trump flunkies. He has the lowest rating of any president ever at this point in his term and it is going down. You will support him no matter what, even against other Republicans and rightwing media sources. It's a mental disorder.
Sure...I’m a flunky but you watch MSNBC and defend Chris Matthews...o.k., speaks volumes about you. You voted Hillary huh? Most establishment bought and paid for candidate ever! What a buffoon.
I don't watch MSNBC. I have never watched it. I don't even get it on my TV. I have not lived in the US for over 14 years and didn't watch it or him before I left. I don't watch and have never watched Chris Matthews,and I am not defending him here.

I am telling you people what utter hypocrites you are because when a liberal or Democrat is accused of sexual misconduct you cheer and automatically condemn him. But when a Republican is accused, you automatically don't believe it and condemn the accusers. Total hypocrisy.

Never did I say a word about Mathews one way or the other. You just got pushed out of shape because I called you on your hypocrisy. You didn't even read my posts.

And before you say, as rightwingers do say, that since I don't live in the US I don't have a right to have an opinion, know that over 9 million American citizens live and work outside the US. We vote and are still US citizens and have every single right you have, including the right to an opinion.
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The thing about the drooling, leg tingling Matthews is that he thinks he is smart and educated simply because Swamp entities gave him awards. Kind of like when the Wizard of OZ gives the Scarecrow a diploma. :p


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