HARDBALLS: Chris Matthews Nailed By Sexual Harassment Scandal

That's right Matthews had to pay a woman off.
More women will come forward and Chrissy The Clown be be given the boot.

He had to pay them off: means he must have done it.
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So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
It wasn't "a joke" you asshole!
It was REPEATED demeaning sexualised 'jokes' made in the presence of other employees.
These 'jokes' cost Chrissy and or MSNBC 40K!
Would YOU be OK with one of your female relatives having to be insulted and demeaned by Chrissy Matthews?
How ironic the the Bastion Of Women's Rights AKA MSNBC should have so many misogynist PIGS at their network.
Joe Scarborough is next. 100% guaranteed!
What a fail thread, by Steve McRacist, Mathews isn't even Black.
Thread fail?
Matthews is a fucking loud mouth PIG!
The wonderful irony is he's about to crawl under a rock for the rest of his life.
He'll join all the other PIGS from the LIB establishment media.
Want to know who the next MSNBC PIG to lose their career is?
That would be Joe Scarborough.
Will Mika do the daily 'Trump-Hate' show by herself?
Or will she have a 300 pound female negro lesbian Trump Hater co-host?
Let's see how long that show will last.
Not to mention O'Reilly, eh?
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
It wasn't "a joke" you asshole!
It was REPEATED demeaning sexualised 'jokes' made in the presence of other employees.
These 'jokes' cost Chrissy and or MSNBC 40K!
Would YOU be OK with one of your female relatives having to be insulted and demeaned by Chrissy Matthews?
How ironic the the Bastion Of Women's Rights AKA MSNBC should have so many misogynist PIGS at their network.
Joe Scarborough is next. 100% guaranteed!

O'Reilly paid out $13 million.
Sex jokes! OH those delicate female ears. A gentleman always carries smelling salts for the feminine faints.
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
It wasn't "a joke" you asshole!
It was REPEATED demeaning sexualised 'jokes' made in the presence of other employees.
These 'jokes' cost Chrissy and or MSNBC 40K!
Would YOU be OK with one of your female relatives having to be insulted and demeaned by Chrissy Matthews?
How ironic the the Bastion Of Women's Rights AKA MSNBC should have so many misogynist PIGS at their network.
Joe Scarborough is next. 100% guaranteed!

O'Reilly paid out $13 million.
Should Chris follow his lead and resign?
I used to watch Chris Matthews show regularly back when I was in college. But over the years he has become unbearable.

He needs to go and MSNBC needs to be answerable for what they've done. Networks shouldn't be paying anyone off. They need to fire the perverts.
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
It wasn't "a joke" you asshole!
It was REPEATED demeaning sexualised 'jokes' made in the presence of other employees.
These 'jokes' cost Chrissy and or MSNBC 40K!
Would YOU be OK with one of your female relatives having to be insulted and demeaned by Chrissy Matthews?
How ironic the the Bastion Of Women's Rights AKA MSNBC should have so many misogynist PIGS at their network.
Joe Scarborough is next. 100% guaranteed!

O'Reilly paid out $13 million.
Should Chris follow his lead and resign?
Matthews will either jump or be pushed by the end of the week.
The little prick has it coming! He's been preaching HATE every night on his show for years.
I used to watch Chris Matthews show regularly back when I was in college. But over the years he has become unbearable.

He needs to go and MSNBC needs to be answerable for what they've done. Networks shouldn't be paying anyone off. They need to fire the perverts.
No balls Chris Matthews is vital to progressives...
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.

Yep. We have all kinds of tv shows that sexualize kids having them wear skimpy outfits and make-up...

And then we have people being accused of sexual assault for making a joke that someone might get offended by. So instead of just saying, "Hey I am a bit offended, please don't do it anymore," it's sexual assault and someone's career should be ruined.
It wasn't "a joke" you asshole!
It was REPEATED demeaning sexualised 'jokes' made in the presence of other employees.
These 'jokes' cost Chrissy and or MSNBC 40K!
Would YOU be OK with one of your female relatives having to be insulted and demeaned by Chrissy Matthews?
How ironic the the Bastion Of Women's Rights AKA MSNBC should have so many misogynist PIGS at their network.
Joe Scarborough is next. 100% guaranteed!

O'Reilly paid out $13 million.
Should Chris follow his lead and resign?
Matthews will either jump or be pushed by the end of the week.
The little prick has it coming! He's been preaching HATE every night on his show for years.
You hypocrites.
Outside of the blogs, the only slightly significant source reporting this is Breitbart News. I'll wait to if it catches amongst the various other news sources.

It's because it's 20 years old, it doesn't involve any kind of assault, and it doesn't even contain a causation between the complaint and the employee's leaving anyway. Bait for Gullible's Travels.
Give me a fucking break. You just lost all integrity.

Not at all. I've got it right here. Wanna touch it?
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.
So you're OK with some LIB asshole making repeated sexullaly inaoppropriate jokes to your wife and or daughter in front of other employees.
Thanks for making that clear.
Chrissy was given the old 'LIB 'slap on the wrist' punishment and the woman received 40K.

It's bad behavior of a non-physical type. Tune into ShowTime or HBO for 24/7 CONSTANT EXAMPLES of this.

I do not know that wives, daughters, husbands were exposed to this. DO YOU??? It shouldn't be tossed on the heap with running naked in Congress, having office doors that lock from a button in your desk, or ACTUAL RAPE..
So now we're down to sexual assault being "making jokes about your producer?" Seems to demean the seriousness of the term "sexual assault" a bit --- no ?? Salem, Mass 1700s.. We're there.
So you're OK with some LIB asshole making repeated sexullaly inaoppropriate jokes to your wife and or daughter in front of other employees.
Thanks for making that clear.
Chrissy was given the old 'LIB 'slap on the wrist' punishment and the woman received 40K.

It's bad behavior of a non-physical type. Tune into ShowTime or HBO for 24/7 CONSTANT EXAMPLES of this.

I do not know that wives, daughters, husbands were exposed to this. DO YOU??? It shouldn't be tossed on the heap with running naked in Congress, having office doors that lock from a button in your desk, or ACTUAL RAPE..
Well the people who agreed they heard Chrissy REPEATEDLY make very misogynistic jokes and sexual innuendos towards this female producer WERE either females or males.
Back in the nineties when Chrissy was doing this to this woman men were able to get away with shit they could NEVER get away with today.
The FACT is Crissy and or MSNBC paid the female 40K in a sexual abuse settlement back then speaks volumes to the seriousness of the abuses and about the character of this POS!
Anyway, as I have already posted there ARE other women who are now going to come forward and the LIB POS will crawl under a rock where he belongs.
NBC silent on whether MSNBC's Chris Matthews could face other sexual harassment accusations
Here's some names you will be familiar with:
Joe Scarbourough
Lawrence O'Donnell
You all will seeing/hearing these names a LOT in the coming weeks.

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