Harriet Hagerman Provides A Battle Cry For Conservatives - Amazing Speech

WOW!!! Someone really hates America.
Hardly. Open borders, vaccine mandates, censoring speech, weaponizing the FBI, and other stuff is anti-American, dontcha think?

Actually no. This country was born with open borders and politics and the corruption it brings has been with us from the start. We should be trying to fix what's wrong, not blow it up.
Actually no. This country was born with open borders and politics and the corruption it brings has been with us from the start. We should be trying to fix what's wrong, not blow it up.
This country had stringent immigration rules. Designed to let people come here to assimilate over a period of years. Then the Progs took over and went nuts. Pushing diversity with a massive socialist agenda and now we are in decline.
This country had stringent immigration rules. Designed to let people come here to assimilate over a period of years. Then the Progs took over and went nuts. Pushing diversity with a massive socialist agenda and now we are in decline.
You don't appear to know US history very well. The 1882 Act was the first in American history to place broad restrictions on certain immigrant groups.
Harriet Hagerman
It's Hageman.

Former President Donald J. Trump is leading an all-out war against Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming because of her perceived lack of loyalty: After voting to impeach him, she became the voice of Republican opposition to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

But his choice to replace her, Harriet Hageman, was not always a loyal soldier herself. She was part of the final Republican resistance to his ascent in 2016, backing doomed procedural measures at the party’s national convention aimed at stripping him of the presidential nomination he had clinched two months earlier.

Ms. Hageman worked with fellow supporters of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in a failed effort to force a vote on the convention floor between Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz, regardless of the results of the primaries and caucuses held across America. Calling Mr. Trump “the weakest candidate,” Ms. Hageman attributed his rise to Democrats who she claimed had voted in Republican primaries.

Because they hate Democrats THAT much.
Many do.

For me, I hate authoritarian statists. Both parties are full of them. The establishment is nothing but.

Somebody needs to offer us a non-insider better than Trump.

I propose Austin Petersen.

He's a Republican now so you might not like him.
Many do.

For me, I hate authoritarian statists. Both parties are full of them. The establishment is nothing but.

Somebody needs to offer us a non-insider better than Trump.

I propose Austin Petersen.

He's a Republican now so you might not like him.
I won't vote for a D or an R merely because someone tells me they're the only two options. But neither will I reject a candidate simply because they are affiliated with a major party. If either one nominates a good candidate, I'll vote for them. It's not parties I oppose. It's partisanship, particularly as expressed in the "two-party system", the "culture wars" or the rest of the tribal insanity.
Actually both groups are patriots. The Left wants to push America into the future, the Right wants to push America into the past.
This is exactly why conservatives are so fed up. Exactly why Democrats are losing. You simply assume that your preferences are "the future", and the preferences of others are "the past".
Who cares, maybe she'll climb under a rock and die if we are all lucky.

She'd welcome that as her natural state. I have a sneaking suspicion that Liz plans to reemerge as a democrat one of these days. She was just ripping into McCarthy yesterday saying that he's unfit to be speaker!
Actually both groups are patriots. The Left wants to push America into the future, the Right wants to push America into the past.
Flag burners and criminals are not patriots.
People that hate the Founding Fathers aren't patriots.
People that hate the US military are not patriots.
People that hate the US Constitution are not patriots.
The only "future" leftists want is communism.
This is exactly why conservatives are so fed up. Exactly why Democrats are losing. You simply assume that your preferences are "the future", and the preferences of others are "the past".
Not an assumption on my part. The Right wants to undo the changes the Left have won (e.g., gay marriage) and go back to the days of Leave it to Beaver.
Flag burners and criminals are not patriots.
People that hate the Founding Fathers aren't patriots.
People that hate the US military are not patriots.
People that hate the US Constitution are not patriots.
The only "future" leftists want is communism.
I don't want communism and I don't hear many Leftists saying that. I'm thinking you don't speak for the Left.
The term "battle cry" only inflames the left. Conservatives are fully aware of the issues and they don't need a "battle cry", all they need is an honest election.
Not an assumption on my part. The Right wants to undo the changes the Left have won (e.g., gay marriage) and go back to the days of Leave it to Beaver.
It is an assumption. And a really arrogant one. You're not "the future", and your political opponents aren't "the past". Some people just don't want the same future as you. Yet you feel justified in forcing them to follow you. THAT's what America is rejecting.

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