Harris: Tim Walz and I are both gun owners.

On every agenda that Progs start and get a foot in the door, the agenda expands and expands and expands. That is where the troubles come into play. The Great Society in theory should be over now. Everyone should have everything they want or need.

There's some truth to what you say. But let's not blame social programs for what's wrong with America. What's been happening since the late 70's?

CEO pay went up 1322% and our pay only 18%
Union membership went from 35% of our work force to 5%
Cuts to social programs
Government stopped going after illegal employers. This has robbed the middle class of billions of dollars a year.
Breaking unions was a big step of shifting the money from us to them
Tax breaks to the rich

ALL these things add them up and the rich/corporations/Republicans have really done a number on jobs. And they'll have the balls to say Clinton signed NAFTA. Yea after it was already a done deal. Also keep in mind back then it was us liberals who were let down when he signed it. My how things change. Why did things change? Because we see the results of NAFTA. Hate to say I told you so. But it's too late now to go back. Fuck that.
Guns for me, but not for thee......And there will be "guardrails" about what type you can own if the Marxist dems have their way.
Guns are amongst the easiest things to buy in this country, I do not get the constant fear mongering when there's nothing to fear.

I'm not even a citizen and I own two!
Guns are amongst the easiest things to buy in this country, I do not get the constant fear mongering when there's nothing to fear.

I'm not even a citizen and I own two!
And?....You should be thankful people like myself are looking out for you as I doubt you are aware of the long history of the constant struggle against the leftists to keep our gun rights.

I take it that you are a registered alien here on a non-immigrant visa?
Non citizens aren't allowed to own firearms
Negative....It depends on his immigrant status.....A person with a non-immigrant visa (like a work visa) can legally own a gun.....Think foreign college professors, doctors, and other professionals.

I believe that extends to H1B and H2Bs too but I'm not sure.

Edit: Generally, H1B and H2B immigrants can't own guns but there are exceptions.....The odd one is if a state allows such a person to buy a hunting license, then they can own a gun.
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And?....You should be thankful people like myself are looking out for you as I doubt you are aware of the long history of the constant struggle against the leftists to keep our gun rights.
A bogeyman, guns are easy to get and have been easy to get for a very long time.
I take it that you are a registered alien here on a non-immigrant visa?
I am an immigrant, immigrant visa.
Negative....It depends on his immigrant status.....A person with a non-immigrant visa (like a work visa) can legally own a gun.....Think foreign college professors, doctors, and other professionals.

I believe that extends to H1B and H2Bs too but I'm not sure.

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