Harris wants to abolish private insurance

The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.
Is she in favor of putting elected officials like herself and staff on the same plan?....is she ready to give up her gold plated government plan?....is she ready to give up her doctor?.....because Obama wasn't....he just lied to us....and folks!...she is lying too....
I don’t believe anybody that supports Trump can call anyone else a liar. But I am curious, what did Obama lie about?
This is getting to the point that any person who lives somewhat of a normal life with wife & kids is going to abandon the Liberals. People want the needs of America taken care of before anything else. Kamala Harris is not your common low IQ like most of her minority pals in congress. She is more the HRC type. There is nothing she won't do to get what she wants. When it comes time for Dem primaries her opponents are going to have a lot of ammo to use against her. The 2020 election is going to depend a lot on the DOJ/ FBI being restored to Apolitical. If this all out bulldozer attempt of the left to take power is not stopped the Liberals will win. This is all factored on the rule of law. We see everyday another outrage being discovered that should have legal action taken against it. If these matters are prosicuted the who Liberal Left network will fall. That will only happen when Dem politicians will break with the Exteme Left and vote for
the concerns of their voters. Dems are starting to see they are going to have to break out of party lines. The politicians like Schumer and Pelosi went hard left to keep from being pushed out by the Leftist radicals. The everyday political stuff on the news is smoke and mirrors. The Big Money is pulling the strings and will continue to do so until we get honest DOJ & courts. We do need a reset. Things have gone to far out of control. How we get there is the big question.
This is why Republicans have mental problems in my opinion.

They complain about the government taking your money but they want to spend money on insurance companies that do absolutely nothing for you.

Before Obama's fiasco, it was up to the individual to decide if he wanted to pay for insurance or not. And a smart insurance plan certainly does a lot for you.
Like what?

You know that part of Obamacare was insurance companies had to pay like 80% of whatever money they take in on the patients. Before that there wasn’t a limit so you would have insurance companies take 80% of the money and pay the 20% for the patients. Republicans were OK with that? Why I don’t know.

It’s weird how Republicans scream bloody murder about charity. Even though most people getting charity are Republicans.

And yet they fight to give free money to insurance companies that don’t do anything except make appointments.

I don’t get it.
This is getting to the point that any person who lives somewhat of a normal life with wife & kids is going to abandon the Liberals. People want the needs of America taken care of before anything else. Kamala Harris is not your common low IQ like most of her minority pals in congress. She is more the HRC type. There is nothing she won't do to get what she wants. When it comes time for Dem primaries her opponents are going to have a lot of ammo to use against her. The 2020 election is going to depend a lot on the DOJ/ FBI being restored to Apolitical. If this all out bulldozer attempt of the left to take power is not stopped the Liberals will win. This is all factored on the rule of law. We see everyday another outrage being discovered that should have legal action taken against it. If these matters are prosicuted the who Liberal Left network will fall. That will only happen when Dem politicians will break with the Exteme Left and vote for
the concerns of their voters. Dems are starting to see they are going to have to break out of party lines. The politicians like Schumer and Pelosi went hard left to keep from being pushed out by the Leftist radicals. The everyday political stuff on the news is smoke and mirrors. The Big Money is pulling the strings and will continue to do so until we get honest DOJ & courts. We do need a reset. Things have gone to far out of control. How we get there is the big question.
Wow nice rant. What does that have to do with healthcare? And do tell us what it is that healthcare companies do for us. I really want to know.
I surprised Harris (leftist wannabe overlord) didn't come right out and say shes for open borders, freebies for all, gang members welcome, and she'll make America a sanctuary haven. Not to mention, disarm American's and ban hunting.

I encourage her to lay her true aspirations out on the table, she'll go far.
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco
Ocare is dying a quick death, good riddance. Also, to help expedite the death process in this atrocious law, the penalty doesn't apply anymore.
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco

Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.
Last edited:
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco

Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.

Time to build the wall. Poor immigrants deserve decent healthcare, not what we have.
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco

Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.

Time to build the wall. Poor immigrants deserve decent healthcare, not what we have.

It's the best thing for them. Keep them away from our inferior healthcare system
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco

Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.

Time to build the wall. Poor immigrants deserve decent healthcare, not what we have.

It's the best thing for them. Keep them away from our inferior healthcare system

And we all know Trump is Hitler. What kind of person would want others to live under the thumb of Hitler? Build the wall and save these poor immigrants.
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

I agree cut out the middleman which is the BLOATED US government! Let people buy insurance across state lines and rates will drop like a rock!
I have to admit that when Republicans defend healthcare insurance companies it’s just hilarious to me.
Those companies don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals.

Insurance companies are basically charities.

With the American people just shoveling money to people that do absolutely nothing but organize your doctors appointments and deny payments.

Maybe because so many Republicans don’t have healthcare, they don’t understand what the health care does or doesn’t do.

It’s like college. They always talk about college as where you go to have sex and party and get drunk. And so they question why should we pay for college when you’re not learning anything?

Republicans are already convinced that healthcare companies are sometimes somehow providing you healthcare. They’re not. They are skimming policies to be able to pay for private jets and give CEOs hundreds of millions of dollars. But it’s the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals that actually provide the service.

I say cut out the middleman.

We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco
Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.
Time to build the wall. Poor immigrants deserve decent healthcare, not what we have.
It's the best thing for them. Keep them away from our inferior healthcare system
And we all know Trump is Hitler. What kind of person would want others to live under the thumb of Hitler? Build the wall and save these poor immigrants.

Well he may be Hitler but hes not as bad as these Latin American leaders, they're REALLY mean
We have the greatest healthcare system on the planet, the envy of the world. Sick people all over the world come here instead of these imaginary Socialist Healthcare Havens.

I say we let Rderp and Psychopath Pelosi do it what they did to Detroit and are doing to San Francisco
Ah yes, a dum dum.

who actually believes and puts in writing:

Sick people all over the world come here to talk to insurance companies.

Well, I know it's difficult to believe, and Republicans will call it another wild liberal theory, but when people come here, they come to see doctors or go to hospitals. They don't came here for the insurance companies. Because healthcare and insurance companies have no other connection beyond money.

I tried to post this but was blocked from further posts on this thread:

A terrible law that requires healthcare companies to use at least 80% of the money they take in on the patients and not as a CEO bonus.

A rotten law that helps people with kids in college letting them extend their insurance to cover those kids.

A terrible law that denies insurance companies to not cover people who had a pre existing condition.

A deplorable law that raises the amount of money spent on severe illness.

Yea, I can see how Republicans think this is a disgrace. Without all those rotten laws, GOP Insurance companies would be able to SKIM so very much more.

And was blocked. I know the truth hurts. Republicans hate the truth. But their lives could be so much better with more truth. And that's the truth.
Time to build the wall. Poor immigrants deserve decent healthcare, not what we have.
It's the best thing for them. Keep them away from our inferior healthcare system
And we all know Trump is Hitler. What kind of person would want others to live under the thumb of Hitler? Build the wall and save these poor immigrants.

Well he may be Hitler but hes not as bad as these Latin American leaders, they're REALLY mean

Ok that was really horrible because I really am old enough to have met holocaust survivors with the tattoos on their arms ... but I admit I laughed. LOL
This is why Republicans have mental problems in my opinion.

They complain about the government taking your money but they want to spend money on insurance companies that do absolutely nothing for you.

Before Obama's fiasco, it was up to the individual to decide if he wanted to pay for insurance or not. And a smart insurance plan certainly does a lot for you.
Like what?

You know that part of Obamacare was insurance companies had to pay like 80% of whatever money they take in on the patients. Before that there wasn’t a limit so you would have insurance companies take 80% of the money and pay the 20% for the patients. Republicans were OK with that? Why I don’t know.

It’s weird how Republicans scream bloody murder about charity. Even though most people getting charity are Republicans.

And yet they fight to give free money to insurance companies that don’t do anything except make appointments.

I don’t get it.

When I find out I need a heart transplant and my insurance company pays hundreds of thousands of dollars I don't, they do a lot for me. When I discover I have cancer and my insurance company pays hundreds of thousands of dollars I don't, they do a lot for me. When my child needs a bone marrow transplant and my insurance company pays hundreds of thousands of dollars I don't, they do a lot for me.

IOW, when health insurance is used the way it's intended to be used and we don't insist that every medical expense had to be paid by someone else, it does a lot for us. I'm not surprised you don't get it because your Republican obsession blinds you to everything beyond the simplest of playground antagonism. You are incapable of seeing a subject in any way deeper than "Dey be da bad".

Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure you can't help it.
This is getting to the point that any person who lives somewhat of a normal life with wife & kids is going to abandon the Liberals. People want the needs of America taken care of before anything else. Kamala Harris is not your common low IQ like most of her minority pals in congress. She is more the HRC type. There is nothing she won't do to get what she wants. When it comes time for Dem primaries her opponents are going to have a lot of ammo to use against her. The 2020 election is going to depend a lot on the DOJ/ FBI being restored to Apolitical. If this all out bulldozer attempt of the left to take power is not stopped the Liberals will win. This is all factored on the rule of law. We see everyday another outrage being discovered that should have legal action taken against it. If these matters are prosicuted the who Liberal Left network will fall. That will only happen when Dem politicians will break with the Exteme Left and vote for
the concerns of their voters. Dems are starting to see they are going to have to break out of party lines. The politicians like Schumer and Pelosi went hard left to keep from being pushed out by the Leftist radicals. The everyday political stuff on the news is smoke and mirrors. The Big Money is pulling the strings and will continue to do so until we get honest DOJ & courts. We do need a reset. Things have gone to far out of control. How we get there is the big question.
Wow nice rant. What does that have to do with healthcare? And do tell us what it is that healthcare companies do for us. I really want to know.

Health Care companies or health insurance companies? Big difference.
She didn’t say that .

She said it on her town hall.

This is what she said :

“The idea is that everyone gets access to medical care, and you don’t have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require,” she said Sunday in a CNN Town Hall. “Let’s eliminate all of that, let’s move on.”

Of course the righty MO is to cherry pick a word or two out of context to fit their agenda .

She said it (eliminate private health insurance) alright - not those exact words, but alternative words, with the same implications.

If a situation develops in which Harris is a viable contender, then those companies will need to scramble to diversify... quickly.

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