Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Sen. Harry Reid is the worst living human being on this planet today. I think it’s time that someone finally acknowledges it.

Now, I realize that’s quite a statement to make, given the fact that Robert Mugabe continues to draw breath. Not to mention Kim Jung Un. And yes, you could also make a case that Vlad Putin isn’t one of Earth’s nicer creatures. Still, bear with me for a minute as I lay out some of the evidence.

Reid has asserted that the stories of Americans who lost coverage, or had to pay more, or had to find new doctors under the Affordable Care Act are all lies. Even for Harry Reid, that’s absolutely preposterous. No one has lost coverage, had to pay more or find new doctors under Obamacare? Really?

Harry, it’s been amazingly well documented, even by your allies in the media.

Anyway, from the Senate floor, Reid called all of the ads that are being run, lies. Every one of the ads that AFP had run, were lies? Obviously then, not just the Koch brothers you despise, but all of the people in those ads, were liars?

Later that day however, he returned to the floor, and said: “I can’t say that every one of the Koch brothers’ ads are a lie, but I’ll say this … the vast, vast majority of them are.”

For the unaware, both Reid and Romney are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (as am I), whose members are commonly referred to as “Mormons” or “LDS.”

Harry Reid is a man who claims to be pro-life, yet in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012 he received 100 percent ratings from the radical abortion activist group, NARAL Pro-Choice America. Now, his rating with NARAL has fluctuated over the years, but that’s at least six years of perfect scores with this fanatical abortion organization.

Now, if you really are pro-life, shouldn’t you always get a zero percent rating from an organization like NARAL? His NARAL rating last year was still a healthy 70 percent. For context, Sen. Dean Heller, also of Nevada and Republican, received a zero percent rating from NARAL.

Also Reid’s last three Planned Parenthood Action Center ratings have been 83, 89 and most recently, 88 percent. Really Harry? You’re pro-life? How is that possible? How can you be pro-life but vote with the interests of those groups so often? And that’s just one issue of concern, there are many.

Harry Reid is the Worst Living Human Being on The Planet
It’s not that HealthCare.gov is a nightmare. Instead, it’s the fault of incompetent Americans.

That’s the jist of what Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D–Nev.) said today, when asked by a reporter about the Obama administration’s decision, which was reported on last night, that people could claim they had tried to sign up before the March 31st deadline and still enroll in Obamacare in April.

Reid Says Americans are too stupid to use the Obamacare website
Harry Reid is just a politician. He's a bribe-taking scumbag in bed with the Vegas mob from way back if the stories are to be believed, but he's still just a politician. There are a lot of people who are far more evil than the likes of Harry Reid.

That said, I wouldn't piss on him if his heart was on fire.
No, you are.

Another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. Their party is made up of people just like Harry Reid - pathological liars who illegally funnel campaign funds and who get filthy rich while laughing at minimum wage useful idiots like Kidrocks here.

Keep voting Dumbocrat stupid. They are filthy rich while you wallow in filthy poverty... :eusa_whistle:

Q. Is Rotwiner
a. OCD
b. A Partisan Hack
c. Odd, and desperate for attention
d. a & b
e. a, b & c

A. e

And still another Dumbocrat who can't deal with reality. All I did was post facts about Harry Reid - and in your mind that makes me a "partisan hack" or "desperate for attention"?

The fact that you attack someone for posting FACTS about one of your party's leaders is proof that the only "partisan hack" here is little Cum Catcher who can't deal with reality.... :eusa_whistle:
Jesus christ you're a drama queen. In every post you react like a bitch who just got a glass of wine thrown in their face.
It's not just Reid. It's Reid, Pelosi and Kerry and the thing they all have in common is BOTOX
Q. Is Rotwiner
a. OCD
b. A Partisan Hack
c. Odd, and desperate for attention
d. a & b
e. a, b & c

A. e

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...You actually got through Alinsky's 12 rules for Radicals....Congrats on learning how to read!:eusa_clap:

* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Reid also bristled at what he labeled “negative, unwanted attention” on his granddaughter. “At this point, I only wish that my granddaughter be spared from further attacks, harassing visits and phone calls, and other kinds of unwanted attention.”

Read more: Reid to Reimburse Campaign $31K Paid to Kin for Gifts | RealClearPolitics
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maybe he should have thought of the consequences to her before he did it, ya think?
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.
Citizens United still a good idea?

All Citizens United did was move the contributions above board and put corporations on the same legal footing as unions and non-profit special interests when it comes to bribing, I mean making campaign contributions, to politicians.
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Harry Reid funneled $17k to his daughter's business? Well, that's certainly worse than lying the country into a torture war.

Republicans have seriously mangled belief systems.

And Obuma's drones in Yemen killing civilians? And his supporting Al Qaeda rebels in Syria, beheading Christians, and innocent citizens? And, his and her thigness Hillary being under indictment in Egypt for helping the muslim Brotherhood, murder hundreds, perhaps thousands of Christian Copts, and freedom wanting students.And.... I have more, want me to continue, moron?
Do you want to talk indictments?
Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

Do you really want to get into this, bud? I can draw a straight line from Operation Ajax to the Russian invasion of Crimea. Do you really want to get into this?

Your assertion that "Harry Reid is the worst person alive today" is utterly retarded when compared to what Obama and Bush have done (and Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, Carter, Ford, Kennedy, Nixon, etc. etc.)


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